
"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

author:Jiang Yu Fan

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"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Text: Jiang Yuxuan

Editor|Jiang Yuxuan


Cattails used to bring us joy, but for a long time in the past, people's attitudes towards cattails were indifferent and even repulsive. This is because cattails are considered a noxious weed that can have a serious impact on farmland.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

However, with the development of science and technology and the progress of society, people have begun to re-recognize and use the value of cattails, and turn it into an important industry.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Fragrant Grass

Have you ever seen a plant that looks like a sausage? This exotic plant can be found in many parts of China and is commonly referred to locally as "sausage grass".

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

It is a perennial deciduous plant belonging to the cattail family and can survive near ponds, farmland, and even other moist streams. Cattail grass has a high ornamental value, especially during its flowering period.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

The flowers that cattail grass produces are usually unisexual, i.e., dioecious. In hot environments, such as summer, the number of flowers on the plant increases significantly, and another interesting feature of cattail grass is that its stems can quickly elongate and evolve into spikes at maturity.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

The inflorescences are bright in color, mostly bright golden yellow. Despite its unique appearance, cattail grass is not a completely alien living organism. In fact, many scientific studies have confirmed that cattail grass has certain nutritional value and medicinal value.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Scientists have found that cattail seeds are rich in fatty acids and protein mass. This is of great significance for the health care of modern people. In addition, cattail grass is also a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine, which can be used to treat various diseases such as trauma, bleeding, inflammation and other symptoms after being made into a powder.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Due to the overexploitation of people and the impact of environmental factors, the production area of cattail grassland is gradually decreasing. To protect this precious species, we need to take action to change current behavioural patterns.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Cattail grass is not only a beautiful plant, but also contains great potential and value. By knowing and understanding these organisms, we can better examine the impact of our actions and lead to a more sustainable lifestyle. May everyone cherish this natural resource and add a touch of color to our common home.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

From weeds to precious herbs

Once considered a weed, cattails are actually a plant with a lot of value. The leaves of the cattail that grows on the edge of the pond can not only become a delicacy, but also rich in dietary fiber and a variety of nutrients; its pollen is known as "Pu Huang", which has a significant effect of blood circulation and blood stasis, hemostasis and analgesia, and is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

The young leaves of cattails are not only delicious, but also rich in protein, crude fiber, calcium, iron and phosphorus and other minerals, vitamins and carotene. Due to its high fibre content, cattail leaves are also often used to make a variety of hand-woven products, such as straw bags and straw chair cushions. Many people also consider fresh cattail leaves as an important culinary ingredient to add to the unique flavor of their food.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

The true treasure of cattails lies in the pollen produced by their flowers. Cattails bloom beautifully at certain times of the year, and this is the perfect time to collect cattail pollen.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

It is said that some areas in China have formed an industrial chain specializing in harvesting and selling cattail pollen, and the price of a pound of high-quality cattail pollen can reach tens of yuan, which shows its huge market potential.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

As a traditional Chinese medicine medicine, the use of cattail pollen has been widely concerned as early as ancient times. According to the "Shennong's Materia Medica", "Puhuang" has the effects of invigorating qi and replenishing deficiency, diuresis and swelling, clearing heat and detoxifying, and is often used to treat congestive pain.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Modern scientific research has shown that cattail pollen has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and other properties, which further confirms the ancient people's understanding of its pharmacological effects.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Cattail rods can be used to make cooking tools, such as pot lids, while cattail fleece can be used in the pharmaceutical industry to help promote blood clotting. At the same time, some studies have also found that cattails also have a certain value for the development of cash crops. For example, by optimizing interspecific relationships, scientists are expected to achieve effective development and utilization of cattail resources in the future.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Cattails are undoubtedly a precious gift from nature. As a seemingly ordinary pond plant, cattails have won the world's attention due to their diverse biological characteristics and potential socio-economic benefits.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

With the progress of society and the development of science and technology, I believe that in the future, we will have a deeper understanding of and make full use of the possibilities brought by cattails, and make greater contributions to the health and well-being of mankind.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Wild food

In this world, there are many natural food resources for human consumption. For example, we can find many delicious mushrooms from the forest, as well as a variety of fruit trees such as apple trees and orange trees. However, in the wild, we must learn how to identify and safely harvest these wild foods.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

We need to understand the safety and toxicity of each food. For example, mushrooms can be poisonous and can lead to serious health problems and even death if not handled correctly.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Additionally, some fruits and vegetables can also cause allergic reactions in some people, so make sure you are aware of your physical condition and know how to deal with possible problems before trying any new foods.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

For most berry fruits, their color is usually very pronounced, so they are easy to spot. However, there are some fruits that may seem unremarkable but are actually very good sources of nutrition.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Blueberries, for example, are rich in antioxidants and other important nutrients despite their small size. Similarly, a small nut called pecan, which squirrels like to eat, is an excellent snack option.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

In addition to berries and nuts, there are a few other wild items that can help us stay alive in the outdoors. For example, leaves and petals contain a lot of water, so they can be a great way to quench your thirst.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

In addition, there are many plant leaves that have certain anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and if you are injured during your travels, you can directly mash them and apply them to the wound to reduce pain and prevent infection.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?

Every challenge encountered during a wilderness adventure is an opportunity to bring us closer to the natural world. By exploring and Xi, we can better understand the world and have fun with it.

"Sausage grass" can be sold for 2-30,000 yuan per mu, why do some people still treat it as a pest?


Cattails are a very valuable plant, which not only plays an environmental role, but also has a wealth of practical and economic benefits. However, while we enjoy these benefits, we also need to be aware that overexploitation can have a negative impact on the ecological environment.

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