
The "strange phenomenon" of the property market: housing prices have fallen, but fewer and fewer people are buying houses?

author:Chunya Finance v
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  • In economics, there is a phenomenon called "price rigidity", which refers to the fact that in some cases, prices do not adjust immediately even if market demand changes.

    This concept may seem unrelated to the "oddity" of the housing market, where fewer people are buying homes while house prices are falling, but in fact, it provides a new perspective on the phenomenon.

    The "strange phenomenon" of the property market: housing prices have fallen, but fewer and fewer people are buying houses?

    First, we need to understand the time lag between falling home prices and the decline in the number of home buyers, the so-called "price stickiness".

    Price stickiness in economics refers to the fact that the reaction of price adjustment to market changes is not immediate, but has a certain delay.

    This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the real estate market. Even if house prices start to fall, it often takes time for homebuyers to perceive and react to this change.

    The reasons for this time lag can be summarized in several points.

    The "strange phenomenon" of the property market: housing prices have fallen, but fewer and fewer people are buying houses?

    First of all, buying a home is a major economic decision that involves a large amount of capital investment.

    As a result, potential home buyers often conduct lengthy inspections and comparisons to assess the various possible risks and rewards before making a purchase decision.

    When the market is trending downward, many homebuyers take a wait-and-see approach to determine if this is a short-term phenomenon or if there will be a further decline in house prices, in the hope of buying at a lower price.

    The "strange phenomenon" of the property market: housing prices have fallen, but fewer and fewer people are buying houses?

    In some cases, if the market has had price volatility or policy instability in the past, potential homebuyers may choose not to buy a home because of their distrust of the market, even if the current price price is falling.

    This credibility issue can lead homebuyers to be cautious even when home prices are falling.

    The third reason may be related to changes in the lifestyle of home buyers.

    With the development of society and the change of people's lifestyle, especially the pursuit of quality of life by the younger generation, buying a house is no longer everyone's first choice.

    The "strange phenomenon" of the property market: housing prices have fallen, but fewer and fewer people are buying houses?

    Young people may be more inclined to rent or choose a flexible way of living than to be tied down by a mortgage.

    Therefore, even if house prices fall, this change in lifestyle may lead to a decrease in the number of home buyers.

    Based on the above analysis, the phenomenon of falling house prices and fewer home buyers in the property market can be explained from multiple perspectives such as price rigidity, market credibility and lifestyle changes.

    This begs a seemingly unrelated question: in the current social and economic environment, how should the real estate market adjust its strategy to adapt to changes in consumer behavior and stabilize the market?

    The "strange phenomenon" of the property market: housing prices have fallen, but fewer and fewer people are buying houses?

    The answer may lie in the need for the real estate market to be more flexible in adjusting its pricing strategy, rebuilding its credibility, and may need to explore new business models to adapt to changes in consumer lifestyles in order to achieve market stability and long-term development.

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    Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!

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