
The parents bought a house with a lot of money, the mother-in-law wanted to sell to save the younger brother, and the wife let her husband say goodbye

author:Capital Observation Jun

My name is Dajun, I am forty-five this year, I have worked hard all my life, and finally bought a house of my own in the city. This house is not big, but for me, it is the rest of my life. My wife Xiaofang, her mother's family has a younger brother, who has been the baby of the family since he was a child, but recently, he lost money in stock trading and owed a lot of debts.

On this day, I was sitting in the living room drinking tea, and Xiaofang hurriedly ran in.

"Dajun, something happened to my mother's family, and my mother wants to sell our house and save my brother." She said in an anxious tone.

I almost squirted out a sip of tea and looked at her with wide eyes: "What did you say?" Selling a house? That's the work of our whole life! ”

Xiao Fang's eyes turned red, and she choked up: "I know, but that's my own brother, can we watch him die?" ”

I slapped the table in anger: "What are you talking about!" He did it to himself! We can help for a while, but we can't help for a lifetime! ”

Xiaofang looked at me with tears in her eyes, and I turned my head and stopped looking at her. At this time, the mother-in-law walked in.

"Dajun, I know it's hard for you to do this, but I really can't help it. Can you be considerate and help our family? The mother-in-law pleaded.

I gritted my teeth and said nothing. At this time, my mobile phone rang, and it was the phone number of the unit leader.

"Dajun, come to the unit, there is an urgent project for you to deal with." The leader said in a serious tone.

I hurriedly put on my coat and hurried away. Along the way, I was in turmoil. I know I can't stay out of it, but I really can't bear that house.

When I arrived at the unit, the leader told me that this project is very critical, and if it is done well, the bonus at the end of the year will be guaranteed. My eyes lit up, and I suddenly had an idea.

When I got home, I said to Xiaofang, "I have a way to help your brother without having to sell the house." At the end of the year, I have a bonus, we can lend him an emergency first, but he has to promise not to trade stocks in the future. ”

Xiao Fang looked at me with wide eyes and said excitedly, "Really? Are you really willing to help us? ”

I nodded, but I had mixed feelings. I know what this bonus means to me, but I also understand the importance of family and affection.

When my mother-in-law learned the news, she was very grateful. I sighed and thought to myself, I hope this solution will solve all problems.

As the days passed, I worked hard to get that bonus at the end of the year. However, at this moment, Xiaofang's younger brother suddenly disappeared.

Our family was in a panic, and my mother-in-law was in tears. While comforting my mother-in-law, I looked around for Xiaofang's younger brother. After a lot of twists and turns, I finally found him in a dilapidated rental house.

He was unkempt and haggard. When he saw me, he cried: "Brother-in-law, I'm sorry for you, I won't trade stocks anymore." ”

I looked at him, and I didn't feel good about it. I told him that as long as he was willing to turn his ways, our family would support him.

In this way, our family got through this turmoil. Although the house was not sold in the end, my bonus was also lost. However, watching Xiaofang and her brother regain their confidence, I feel that it is all worth it.

Life is always full of twists and turns, but as long as we work together, we will always get through it. I looked out the window, the sun was just right, and I prayed silently in my heart, hoping that our family would live a peaceful life from now on.

Life gradually returned to peace, and Xiaofang's younger brother also found a stable job and began to live a down-to-earth life. And I am still busy with the unit every day, working hard for the promise made at the end of that year.

On this day, when I came home from work, I found Xiaofang sitting on the sofa, looking at me with a serious expression.

"Dajun, there's something I want to discuss with you." She said slowly.

My heart tightened, not knowing what she was going to say. I asked as calmly as I could, "What's the matter?" You say. ”

Xiao Fang took a deep breath and said, "My parents' parents are also old, and their health is not very good. I thought, should we take them over and live with them? ”

I was stunned, I was a little caught off guard by the offer. I was silent for a while, and then said, "Xiaofang, you know I'm willing to help, but our house is so small, how can we accommodate so many people?" ”

A trace of anxiety flashed in Xiao Fang's eyes: "I know it's difficult, but they are our parents, we can't let them be alone in their hometown." ”

I sighed, Xiao Fang's words made my heart feel unpleasant. I thought about it for a moment and said, "Well, let's see if there's a suitable house first, and if so, we'll think about moving." ”

Xiao Fang listened to my words, and a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes: "Really? Would you like to consider moving? ”

I nodded, but there was an unspeakable pressure in my heart. I know that means I have to work harder to afford this home.

Over the next few days, we started looking at houses around the perimeter. And in the process, I unexpectedly found a set of cost-effective second-hand houses. Although not large in size, it was well laid out and large enough to accommodate us and my parents-in-law.

That night, I came home and excitedly talked to Xiaofang about the discovery.

"Xiaofang, I found a nice house, we can go and see it." I said with a smile.

Xiao Fang's eyes widened and she asked in disbelief, "Really?" That's great! Let's go check it out tomorrow. ”

The next day, we took our parents-in-law to see the house. They were also very happy with the house, especially the spacious balcony.

On the way back, my mother-in-law held my hand tightly and said gratefully, "Dajun, thank you, thank you for everything you have done for our family. ”

I smiled and shook my head, "Mom, this is what I should do." ”

And just like that, we started preparing for the move. Although it means that I have to advance my bonus at the end of the year, I feel that it is all worth it when I see the happy appearance of the family.

On the day of the move, the sun was shining. Our family worked together to move the furniture to our new home. Looking at this small family full of laughter, I secretly vowed in my heart that I must make this family happier.

Life is always challenging, but as long as we hold hands and support each other, we will always find a solution to the problem. I looked out the window, the sun shining on the balcony of my new home, and my heart was full of hope.

After moving into our new home, our lives gradually got back on track. When I came home from work every day and saw the smiling faces of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, the fatigue in my heart was also reduced a lot. Xiaofang's younger brother also became more sensible in the new environment and began to help the family do what he could.

One weekend, I was playing chess with my father-in-law in the living room when Xiaofang walked in with a hint of hesitation on her face.

"Dajun, I have a friend who works as a real estate agent, and she said that now she has a particularly cost-effective investment house, and if we buy it, the rent will be enough to pay off the loan, and even have a little surplus." She said cautiously.

I frowned and put down the chess pieces in my hand: "Investment housing? Is our current situation really suitable for buying another house? ”

Xiao Fang hurriedly explained: "I didn't say that I should buy it now, I just think this opportunity is rare, we can understand it first and consider the future." ”

I was silent for a moment, weighing the pros and cons in my mind. In the end, I said to Xiaofang, "Okay, let's go and see first, understand the situation, and then make a decision." ”

Xiaofang's friend was very enthusiastic, and she gave us a detailed introduction to the investment house. Indeed, as Xiaofang said, the return on investment of this house is quite good. But I also know that this means more debt.

On the way home, Xiaofang looked at me and asked softly, "What do you think?" Are we really going to buy another home? ”

I sighed, conflicted in my heart: "Xiaofang, I know that you are also for the good of our family, but I am also worried that our burden will be too heavy. ”

Xiao Fang held my hand and said firmly: "I know what you're worried about, but I'm not afraid of hard work, as long as we are together, we can always get through it." ”

I was moved by Xiao Fang's persistence and nodded: "Okay, since you are so confident, let's fight again." ”

In the next few months, we were busy preparing loans, viewing properties, and signing contracts. Finally, in the midst of the hustle and bustle, we became the owners of the investment property.

However, life is always full of surprises. Shortly after we bought the investment property, my unit suddenly announced that it was going to carry out large-scale layoffs. My job was on the line, and the financial pressure on my family was mounting.

That night, I had insomnia. I lay in bed, looking at the ceiling, my heart filled with anxiety. Xiao Fang seemed to sense my uneasiness, she leaned over and asked softly, "Dajun, are you worried about work?" ”

I nodded and said heavily, "yes, what are we going to do if I'm really unemployed?" ”

Xiao Fang hugged me tightly and said gently, "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will face it with you." ”

At that moment, I felt warmth that I had never felt before. I know that no matter how difficult the future holds, as long as we support each other, we can always find a way out.

In the following days, I was coping with the pressure of work while working with Xiaofang to find ways to increase my income. We are actively looking for tenants and are also considering whether we can do some part-time work to support our family.

At this time, Xiaofang's younger brother made an unexpected suggestion: "Sister, brother-in-law, I have a friend who is doing e-commerce, I think we can give it a try." ”

I looked at him suspiciously: "E-commerce? We don't have much experience, can we? ”

Xiao Fang's younger brother smiled: "It's okay, I can learn from him first, and then we can do it together." ”

Seeing Xiaofang's younger brother so positive, I was also infected. We sat down as a family and started discussing our plans for e-commerce. Although the future is uncertain, our hearts are full of hope.

In this way, we are looking for opportunities in the midst of difficulties and moving forward in the midst of challenges. I know that as long as we are united, one day, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and welcome a happy life that belongs to us.

The days went by like this, and our family was working hard for this family. Xiaofang's younger brother studied e-commerce, while Xiaofang and I were looking for tenants and thinking about part-time jobs.

One night, Xiaofang's younger brother ran home excitedly and said to us with a piece of paper: "Sister, brother-in-law, my friend taught me a method of e-commerce operation, I think we can try it." ”

I took the piece of paper, looked at it, and wondered, "Is this really possible?" We don't have much experience. ”

Xiaofang's younger brother said confidently: "I believe that it will be possible, as long as we follow this method, we will definitely reap the rewards." ”

Looking at Xiaofang's younger brother's confident appearance, I was also infected. I said, "Okay, let's try it then." ”

So, we began to follow Xiaofang's younger brother's method and started our e-commerce journey. Although it didn't go well at first, we didn't give up, but kept adjusting our strategy and improving our approach.

In this way, after a period of hard work, our e-commerce business finally improved. Although the income is not high, it can at least subsidize the family and relieve our financial pressure.

At this time, my work also took a turn for the better. After a round of layoffs, my job was saved. This made me breathe a sigh of relief, and it also gave us a certain amount of security in our family life.

However, life is always full of surprises. Just when we thought everything was going in a good direction, my father-in-law suddenly fell ill.

That night, the mother-in-law hurried home and said with a pale face: "Dajun, you go and see your father, he suddenly fainted." ”

I quickly followed my mother-in-law to the hospital, and the doctor told us that my father-in-law's condition was serious and needed surgery.

When I heard the news, my heart sank. I know that the cost of surgery is undoubtedly a heavy burden for our family.

I looked at Xiaofang and whispered, "Xiaofang, we have to find a way to raise money for Dad's surgery." ”

Xiao Fang held my hand and said firmly: "Dajun, don't worry, no matter how difficult it is, we will get through." ”

Over the next few days, we started borrowing money from everywhere and were also thinking about whether or not to sell the investment home. Although doing so would put more financial pressure on us, we were willing to make sacrifices for the sake of my father-in-law's illness.

With the help of friends and family, we were able to raise the cost of the surgery. My father-in-law's surgery was a success, and our hearts were finally relieved.

After this incident, we cherish each other more and understand better that as long as we are united, there is no difficulty that we cannot overcome.

Now, although our lives are still difficult, our hearts are full of hope. We know that as long as we work hard, one day, we will live the life we want.

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