
Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

author:Tavern brown
Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

Text: Stranded fish

Edit: Stranded fish

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own


He Yin, the Sichuan girl who was known as the "most beautiful Qiong girl" and was popular all over the country, suddenly disappeared from people's sight after 2000.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

Some people may still remember her wonderful performance in the TV series "Jianghu Enmity Record", "Grass by the Green River" and the movie "The Ghost Husband of the Three Alleys of Plum Blossoms", but her name gradually faded out of the public's memory.

And behind all this, there is something to do with one person - that is her ex-husband Huang Zhizhong.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

Bonded by drama

He Yin is one of the first batch of "Qiong Yao girls" in Chinese mainland, who became famous for her performance in the hit drama "Jianghu Enmity", and after that, she won the love and support of a large number of fans for her excellent appearance and excellent acting skills.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

She once said in an interview that the most memorable thing for her was the opportunity to star in the TV series "Grass by the Green River" and "Three Alleys of Plum Blossoms", which brought her acting career to a new peak.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

With her unique temperament and affectionate performance, He Yin has successfully interpreted a series of classic Qiong Yao-style roles and has become a goddess in the minds of countless audiences.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

Behind his successful career, He Yin's love story is equally compelling. She met her true love, Huang Zhizhong, while filming "Mainlander".

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

Huang Zhizhong was a young actor, two years younger than He Yin, and did not have much prestige in the entertainment industry at that time. However, his feelings for He Yin are very firm, and with his perseverance, he finally moved He Yin and began their romantic relationship.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

After the two met in the crew, they quickly fell in love, He Yin was attracted by Huang Zhizhong's enthusiasm and persistence, and Huang Zhizhong was overwhelmed by He Yin's beauty and talent.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

Although He Yin was under pressure from her family and society, she did not give up on this relationship. In 1998, they held a simple wedding in a small apartment in Beijing, and their lives began to enter a new chapter.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

At this time, He Yin still maintained a position of high exposure and professional success, but in life, she chose a low-key lifestyle and devoted more energy to the growth of her children and family affairs.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

He Yin's marriage caused quite a stir at the time, and many people expressed surprise and puzzlement at her choice, but He Yin firmly believed that her choice was correct.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

He Yin has always been concerned about Huang Zhizhong's development and provided him with various opportunities. In order for her husband to focus on his career development, she slowed down her acting work and fully supported the family finances.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

He Yin's efforts were not in vain, Huang Zhizhong's career gradually got on the right track, and his works were recognized and loved by more and more people. Especially in the TV series "Ming Dynasty 1566", his wonderful performance made him a first-line actor in China.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

Endure the pain of divorce for his son

The former Huang Zhizhong and He Yin were known as a model couple in the entertainment industry. However, the good times did not last long, and a few years after the birth of their son, a rift appeared in their marriage.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

The married life of the two was originally very happy, and they created a warm home together. In order to support her husband Huang Zhizhong's development on the road of acting, He Yin even took a back seat and took care of her family and son wholeheartedly.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

However, no matter how beautiful the relationship is, it can't withstand the cold violence in marriage, and He Yin chose to endure the pain of divorce for the sake of his son.

The fuse of the marriage change was the scandal between Huang Zhizhong and actor Ke Lan. At first, the two were just ordinary cooperation, and then the media began to chase after the wind out of nothing.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

This cast a shadow on the relationship between He Yin and Huang Zhizhong, and the atmosphere at home became depressed and indifferent. Her son's innocent smile gradually disappeared, He Yin couldn't bear to see him grow up in such an environment, and she chose to divorce to protect her son.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

After the divorce, He Yin did not complain and blame Huang Zhizhong. She still respects him and maintains his image in front of her son. She knows that emotional matters can't be forced, she has already worked hard to keep it, since Huang Zhizhong has made up her mind, let him go.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

He Yin also said that he hopes that he can go further and further in his acting career, and will raise his children with him.

However, what He Yin didn't expect was that soon after the breakup, Huang Zhizhong and Ke Lan revealed their relationship.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

The media took photos of the two secretly dating, and it seems that they are close. This is undoubtedly another blow to He Yin. However, she still gave blessings to the kind, saying that if the two truly love each other, she sincerely hopes that they will be happy.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

He Yin never held a grudge against Huang Zhizhong, and even when he was interviewed many years later, he still defended him. She said she didn't know if he was really cheating, and that was all in the past.

At this moment, she only hopes that the two will live in harmony and give the child a complete and harmonious home.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

When their son was 7 years old, He Yin and Huang Zhizhong announced the news of their divorce. This result not only made fans feel sorry, but also made He Yin suffer a huge mental blow. She begins to doubt her charm and loses the confidence to continue her search for true love.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

The growth of his son has become the driving force for He Yin to regain his strength. She realizes that she can't lose her fighting spirit because she has the responsibility of a single mother and must live for the sake of her children.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

With the encouragement of her friends, He Yin regained her vitality, but she was still wary of her feelings. She is afraid that she will never find the object of true love again, and she just wants to concentrate on raising her son. Just as she was about to give up on love, fate gave her a big surprise.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

The current husband treats his son as if it were his own

That is the actor Xu Yunfan, who met unexpectedly at a friend's party. Xu Yunfan is 9 years younger than He Yin and is a bachelor who grew up in a warm family.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

He has a cheerful personality and is very warm, and he is deeply loved by everyone. As soon as he saw He Yin, Xu Yunfan fell in love with her at first sight and took the initiative to pursue her.

However, He Yin didn't dare to accept it at first, because she was afraid that Xu Yunfan would not be able to accept the fact that she was already a veritable single mother.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

However, after Xu Yunfan learned about her concerns, he did not flinch at all, but showed his love for her more diligently. He would go out of his way to visit He Yin's son, take him to the park to play, teach him to draw, buy him snacks, and so on. Gradually, the son also fell in love with this gentle "Uncle Xu" very much.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

When He Yin found out that Xu Yunfan not only had the ability but also the heart to take on the role and responsibility of a stepfather, she finally let down her guard and accepted Xu Yunfan's confession. For this reason, she also deliberately asked her son's opinion in person, and received his approving response.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

At a warm ceremony in 2013, 46-year-old He Yin led Xu Yunfan, who was 9 years younger than her, and once again stepped into the palace of marriage. This time, she looks happier and happier than ever.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

The bits and pieces of married life further prove that He Yin's decision to remarry is correct. Xu Yunfan not only takes care of He Yin and her son as his own, but also supports her acting career very much.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

With his encouragement, He Yin participated in many well-known TV series, such as "Step by Step" and "Home Cooking", and his acting skills were once again widely praised. And the son has grown into a sunny and cheerful teenager in love and care, full of expectations for life.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

Today, He Yin and Xu Yunfan have gone through the seven-year itch, and their lives are still sweet and warm. 56-year-old He Yin was spoiled by her husband, who was 9 years younger, and became the eternal princess in his eyes. She also found long-lost happiness and stability in this marriage.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

He Yin's son Huang Boyuan

Netizens also sincerely rejoiced in He Yin's courage and determination to remarry. The fact that a 43-year-old middle-aged woman dares to pursue her own happiness is inspiring in today's society.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

As Ho Yin once said, as long as there is love in the heart, there is nothing more important than this. Netizens also sincerely wish He Yin and her family happiness forever!

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own


Now, He Yin has found a new home. She remarried and is very affectionate with her current husband. And Huang Zhizhong seems to be still fighting alone in the entertainment industry. Despite the breakdown of the relationship, He Yin still accepts and blesses his former lover with a tolerant and kind heart.

Actor He Yin: After divorcing Huang Zhizhong, she remarried happily, and her husband regarded her son as his own

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