
What does Gu Yu eat

author:Xiong Haha Entertainment

1 Eat cilantro:

What does Gu Yu eat

Structure: Coriander is a dicot plant that belongs to the Apiaceae family. It has an elongated stem and pinnate split leaves. The stems and leaves have tiny branches and leaves.

Growing environment: Coriander can grow in warm climates and prefers sunny environments. It can be planted in fertile soil and well-drained places, and is more suitable for planting in spring and autumn.

Physiological characteristics: Coriander has a warm and sweet taste, and is believed to have the effects of stomach digestion, diuretic and laxative, diaphoresis and diaphoresis in traditional Chinese medicine. It is also used to relieve problems such as colds and indigestion. In spring, eating coriander can dissipate cold, which is especially suitable for spring cold seasons.

Uses: Coriander is widely used in cooking as a common seasoned vegetable. It can be eaten raw or added as an ingredient to a variety of dishes, such as salads, soups, and stir-fries. Coriander is also commonly used to decorate dishes and add color and texture.

Culture: Coriander plays an important role in the cuisine of many Asian countries and has a certain cultural significance. It is often used in Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian cuisines and has become an essential ingredient in many classic dishes. Coriander is also regarded as one of the symbols of spring, as it grows luxuriantly in spring, bringing fresh flavors and pleasant experiences to people.

2 Toon:

What does Gu Yu eat

Structure: Toon is an arbor plant that belongs to the family Toonaceae. It has an erect stem and pinnate compound leaves with slender and tender leaves.

Growing Environment: Toon is suitable for growing in warm climates and prefers a sunny environment. It usually grows in fertile soil and is more suitable for picking and eating before and after the rains.

Physiological characteristics: The toon before and after the rain in the valley is mellow and refreshing, and the nutritional value is high, and it is sometimes described as "the toon is tender and silky before the rain". Toon is generally divided into purple toon buds and green toon buds, among which purple toon buds are of better quality.

Uses: Toon is often eaten and is considered one of the delicacies of spring. It can be added as a vegetable to a variety of dishes or made into condiments such as toon sauce. Toon is rich in nutrients and contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals that are believed to be beneficial for health.

Culture: In China, picking and eating toons is seen as a way to welcome spring, known as "eating chun". Toons before and after the rain are cherished, and their fresh taste and unique aroma have become one of the favorite ingredients.

3 Eat celery:

What does Gu Yu eat

Structure: Celery is a dicot that belongs to the Apiaceae family. It has long, brittle stems and pinnate split leaves.

Growing Environment: Celery grows in warm climates and fertile soil. It can be planted in sunny places and requires plenty of moisture.

Physiological characteristics: Celery has the effects of flattening the liver, lowering blood pressure, analgesia and sedation. In spring, when the liver qi is vigorous and the liver yang is prone to hyperactivity, celery can play a role in regulating liver function, lowering blood pressure, and relieving headaches and dizziness.

Uses: Celery is often eaten as a vegetable and can be eaten raw or cooked. It can be used to make dishes such as salads, soups, stir-fries, etc., and can also be used as a condiment or topping. Celery is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a healthy and nutritious vegetable.

Culture: Celery has a wide range of applications in many cuisines and is seen as one of the common vegetables. In spring, people often choose celery as an ingredient to regulate the balance of yin and yang in the body to adapt to climate changes and maintain health.

4 Yuya Rainy Tea:

What does Gu Yu eat

Structure: Guyu tea is a drink made from the young leaves of the tea tree. The tea tree belongs to the camelliaceae family and is an evergreen tree plant.

Growing environment: Tea plants are suitable for growing in warm and humid climates, and the higher altitude mountainous areas are usually the ideal growing environment for tea plants. Guyu is the season of tea picking, and the young leaves of the tea tree at this time are the most tender and fragrant.

Physiological characteristics: The tea leaves picked before the rain are delicate and fragrant, and have high quality. Drinking Guyu tea is considered to be a way to enjoy new tea. Tea is rich in tea polyphenols, caffeine and amino acids, which have the effects of refreshing the mind, eliminating fatigue and promoting metabolism.

Uses: Guyu tea is mainly used for drinking. It can be brewed into tea and is often enjoyed as a light drink. The taste of Guyu tea is fragrant, which helps to elevate the mood and relax the body and mind.

Culture: Guyu tea has a long history and cultural tradition. In Chinese folklore, there is a proverb that says, "Gu Yu Gu Yu, Tea Picking to Rain", emphasizing that the tea picked during the valley rain season is of the best quality. Guyu tea picking has become a Xi and ritual, and people regard it as one of the signs to welcome spring. Tea culture has a deep tradition in China, and drinking tea is seen as an activity for health, taste, and socialization.

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