
Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

author:Xiaoxin Sports Entertainment

In China's film and television industry, historical dramas have always occupied an important position. Since the broadcast of CCTV's latest masterpiece "Ask the Boundless", it has sparked extensive discussions because of its casting. Especially for the choice of Song Jia, the actor of Song Qingling, the audience and critics seem to have a lot of controversy.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

As a TV series focusing on historical figures, "Ask the Boundless" naturally attracts much attention for its shaping of character images. In this drama, the role of Song Qingling is played by the famous actor Song Jia.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

However, this casting decision has caused widespread doubts from the audience. Many people believe that Song Jia's appearance and temperament are far from the historical Song Qingling, which makes it difficult for the audience to see the shadow of that great woman in her performance.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

In historical dramas, casting is undoubtedly a crucial link. A suitable actor can bring a historical figure to life, while a bad actor can tarnish the whole show.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

In "Ask the Boundless", Song Jia's casting is a typical example. Although she is a powerful actor, when playing a historical figure like Song Qingling, her personal characteristics conflict with the character itself, which affects the overall look and feel of the series to a certain extent.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

In film and television, the balance between artistic innovation and historical authenticity has always been a difficult problem. On the one hand, creators need to give new life to their characters while maintaining historical authenticity.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

On the other hand, excessive artistic processing may lead to the loss of the original historical characteristics of the characters. The role of Song Qingling in "Asking the Boundless" is a little unbalanced in such a balance.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

The audience's expectations for historical dramas are often multifaceted. They not only want to see the true recreation of history, but also look forward to a deeper understanding of history through the series. The controversy over the casting of "Ask the Boundless" reflects the audience's high expectations for historical dramas and the importance they attach to the authenticity of the characters.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

The casting controversy of "Ask the Boundless" is not only a discussion of a character, but also a reflection on the creation of historical dramas. In the creation of historical dramas in the future, how to carry out artistic innovation on the basis of respecting history, and how to attract modern audiences while maintaining the authenticity of the characters will be the challenges that creators need to face.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

In general, the casting controversy of Song Qingling's role in "Ask the Boundless" is not only a discussion of Song Jia's personal acting skills, but also a deep reflection on the creation of historical dramas in the entire film and television industry. This is not only about the success of a character, but also about the importance and responsibility of historical drama as a cultural inheritance.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

In Chinese film and television works, the image of Song Qingling, a historical figure, has always attracted much attention. Over the years, different actors have interpreted the life and spirit of this great woman in their own unique ways. However, Song Jia's interpretation of Song Qingling in the CCTV drama "Ask the Boundless" has sparked widespread discussion, and many viewers believe that her performance is quite different from Song Qingling's image.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

Before discussing Soong Ching Ling's screen image, we first need to understand the way historical figures are presented in film and television works. The portrayal of historical figures requires consideration not only of their historical background and personal characteristics, but also of how to make these characters come alive in front of a modern audience. It is a process that requires both in-depth research and artistic innovation.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

Among the many actors who played Song Qingling, Li Ling's performance was considered by many audiences and critics to be the closest to historical reality. She played Song Qingling in many film and television works, and with her delicate acting skills and deep understanding of the role, she successfully created an image of Song Qingling that has both a sense of history and a full of human brilliance.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

In contrast, Song Jia's performance in "Asking the Boundless" seems a little insufficient. First of all, in terms of appearance, Song Jia's facial features and temperament are far from Song Qingling's gentleness and intellectuality.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

Secondly, in terms of performance, Song Jia's treatment is too modern and lacks the unique temperament that belongs to that era. In addition, when she expresses Soong Ching Ling's inner world, she also seems a little stiff, failing to fully show the complexity and depth of this historical figure.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

The controversy sparked by Song Jia's performance actually reflects a broader topic: how to reinterpret historical figures in a modern context. This is not only a challenge to the actors' acting skills, but also a test of the creativity of the screenwriter and director. They needed to be faithful to history while making these historical figures resonate with contemporary audiences.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

By comparing Li Ling and Song Jia's different interpretations of Song Qingling's role, we can see that the presentation of historical figures in film and television works is a complex and subtle process. It not only requires the actors to dig deep into the characters, but also requires the entire creative team to be in awe of history and respect for art.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

Future film and television productions, both in casting and acting, should pay more attention to this balance and depth, telling historical stories in a more realistic and vivid way.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

When discussing the interpretation of Soong Ching Ling's role, we not only see the performance styles and understandings of different actors, but also reflect the way historical figures are presented in modern film and television.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

This kind of presentation requires not only a deep historical understanding and superb performance skills of the actors, but also a reverence for history and respect for art by the entire creative team. Through such efforts, historical dramas can not only faithfully reproduce history, but also resonate with modern audiences, becoming a bridge between the past and the present.

Laugh off your big teeth! Can you play "Song Qingling" with a bitter face? CCTV's "Ask the Boundless" casting is really a failure!

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