
The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

author:Wanhua and cultural creativity
The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

Before we set off, Xiao Ming and I were full of confidence for this road trip, we discussed the route, prepared food and water, and got ready to go. However, the problems along the way made our relationship very cumbersome. First of all, the scenery along the way was not as beautiful as expected, and the weather was very hot, and the car was exhausted under the scorching sun. Secondly, we had an argument when we landed in an ancient town because of a disagreement over the itinerary. In the end, and even more exhausting, we almost got into a car accident because I wasn't skilled enough to drive. On this road trip, I not only spent a full 7,000 yuan on the journey, but also offended my colleagues, and I no longer dared to travel with others easily.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

Along the way, in addition to regretting, I reflected more on myself. Perhaps, I should have communicated my thoughts with Xiao Ming more honestly, instead of hiding them. Perhaps, I should be more aware of my own abilities and not take risks with a fluke mentality. Perhaps, I should have approached travel more rationally than on the spur of the moment.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

In the process, I realized that interpersonal interactions are not as simple as I imagined, and I need to be more mature in understanding and dealing with others, respecting each other, and understanding each other. In the same way, I am also aware of my own shortcomings, and I need to be more cautious in dealing with things, and I need to be more responsible and mature in my approach to myself and others. Maybe this trip was a bumpy experience on my way to growing up, but I believe that these ups and downs will make me more mature and know how to get along with others.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

The scenery on the road is gradually changing, and my inner growth is also quietly happening. I look forward to returning home to be more rational and mature with myself and everything around me.

As soon as I got home, I received a long letter of apology from Xiao Ming. In the letter, she said that she was also aware of some of her mistakes during the trip, and she also regretted that she had spoken ill of each other during the quarrel. I was impressed by her sincerity, after all, we are still colleagues and there will be many opportunities to work together in the future. So, I also calmly replied to a letter of apology, saying that I also want to reconcile as before, and hope that there will be no more estrangement between us.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

The experience of this road trip made us understand each other better and cherish our existing friendships even more. I hope that in the future, we can communicate and understand more, and no longer quarrel over some trivial matters.

However, just when I thought everything had settled down, a new contradiction suddenly appeared. It turned out that during the few days I was not at home, there were some accidents at home. This time, the conflict is between me and my parents.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

It turned out that my mom was hospitalized due to an accident injury, and my dad had been too busy with work to take care of her. It wasn't a big deal, and I was able to comfort my dad and help him with some of the chores. However, when I rushed home, I found that my father actually wanted to take my mother home to take care of me.

"She's in the hospital, so why do you have to take her home early?" I tried to see what my dad was thinking. "I really don't have time to take care of her at home, and the cost of the hospital is not small, and it is the same at home. Dad spoke firmly, obviously making arrangements.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

But I still can't accept it, after all, my mother will be more professionally cared for in the hospital. But I don't seem to understand my father's busy work, should I share more with the family?

"How can you be so impulsive? Why do you want to travel with a colleague? Don't you know that many things can't be done on a whim?"

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

I was a little puzzled, I just wanted to admit my mistake, but I got a reproach from my mother. However, I decided to stay calm and didn't want to make things worse.

However, another contradiction followed. That night, I was going to study Xi with my brother, but he suddenly said he didn't want to share a room with me. "Are you annoyed? I want to study hard Xi, and I don't want to be affected by you. He said unceremoniously.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

I was a little shocked that we had always Xi studied together since we were children, and we had never had a disagreement over such a small thing. Could it be that this road trip incident has changed my family's perception of me?

When I got home, I realized I needed to face my colleague, Xiao Ming. However, I noticed that Xiao Ming's attitude towards me in the company seemed to have changed subtly. She seemed a little closed off and no longer took the initiative to greet me as she used to, and our relationship became a little awkward. I began to wonder if I had offended her on this road trip.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

It was confirmed after a lunch. In the company's cafeteria, I overheard a group of colleagues talking about last week's road trip, and then their topic was related to me. I heard Xiao Ming say to another colleague: "Fortunately, I have decided that I will not travel with certain people next time, so that relatives and friends will not be affected for a lifetime because of conflicts!" Hearing this, I felt a ripple in my heart. I realized that the incident of this road trip did not end there, but continued to ferment in the office. It seems that I not only offended Xiao Ming, but also left a shadow in her heart.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

I felt very anxious and guilty. I wanted to find a chance to explain everything to Xiao Ming and settle this conflict, but I didn't know how to speak. After much hesitation, I decided to seek an opportunity to talk to Ming in person.

A week later, I met Xiao Ming at the door of the company. I quickly stepped forward, intending to begin my explanation. Just as I was opening my mouth, a strange man suddenly walked up to Xiao Ming and hugged her waist tightly. The man looked a little rude, and he said to Xiao Ming in a rough voice, "Wife, let's go have a big dinner tonight to celebrate!"

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

I froze, my eyes widened and I was dumbfounded. Xiao Ming is actually married, and this is the first time I have heard of it. Looking at her sweet smile, a trace of complicated emotions arose in my heart, all explanations came to naught, and I could only stand there stupidly.

After some conversation, I understood the question that Xiao Ming was going to ask me. It turned out that during the road trip, I had some things that I didn't respect her enough, and I also had some unfriendly attitudes when I got along with her, which made her doubt our friendship. She believes that these problems are not only temporary unpleasantness, but also a long-standing backlog of complaints derived from our long-lost gatherings. I did my best to explain my thoughts and actions, and I sincerely apologized to her.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

And just when I thought our problem might be solved, Xiao Ming's father died unexpectedly. When Xiao Ming was grief-stricken, I immediately fell into deep thought. I understand that in the face of life and death, disputes between friends seem so insignificant. I went to Xiao Ming's home as soon as possible and tried to comfort and support her. Her dad was very kind to me, and I understood very well what his departure meant to Xiao Ming, and it made me cherish our friendship even more.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

That day, we sat at Xiao Ming's house, although we were still nervous, but we had a different warmth in our hearts. Willingness to face and solve problems with each other is true friendship. No matter how difficult it is, I am determined to face it well. Since then, I have taken our friendship more seriously and tried my best to make up for and correct my shortcomings. I hope Xiao Ming can feel my sincerity and face the problems between us well.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

Soon, the road trip subsided into the trivialities of life. A month later, I found myself unexpectedly developing a more distant relationship with my colleague Xiao Ming, who no longer took the initiative to engage with me as much as she used to. I tried to communicate with her at work, but she was always perfunctory and deliberately avoided my topic. I was very distressed, and this awkward relationship made me very anxious. Perhaps, this unexpected road trip really cast a shadow on our relationship. I've started to think more about how I communicate with others, and maybe I need to understand their needs more than just pursue what I want.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

At the same time, the conflict at home also suddenly escalated. Some time ago, I went on a business trip for a week and came back to find that there was a rift in the relationship between my parents. The father became more and more introverted and irritable, while the mother always complained that he did not communicate enough and did not care enough about the family. The two of them started complaining about each other in front of me, which made me feel very embarrassed and confused. I tried to communicate with them and persuade them, but it didn't seem to work. I found that the adult world is not as simple as I imagined.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

All this made me think, what should I do in the face of contradictions and difficulties? Perhaps, I need to be more understanding and respectful of others, and not always impose my will on others. Family, friendship, and even the relationship between colleagues are not as simple as they seem. In the process, I have become more aware that I still have a lot to learn and Xi and grow. Hopefully, in the next journey of life, I will be able to become more understanding and mature.

The stupidest thing is that I offended people by spending 7,000 on a 3-day road trip with my colleagues, and I never traveled together again

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