
The path and countermeasures of promoting rural revitalization with cultural revitalization

author:Sanxiang Metropolis Daily

"Practice and Thinking of Promoting Rural Revitalization with Cultural Revitalization: A Case Study of Anhua County".

Editor's note: The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to "comprehensively promote rural revitalization". Rural revitalization should not only shape but also cast the soul, and material civilization and spiritual civilization need to be grasped together. Promoting rural revitalization with cultural revitalization is a task assigned by Comrade Yang Haodong, member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Social Sciences. He presided over a number of on-site symposiums on the provincial propaganda and cultural system to help Anhua rural revitalization in Anhua County, and proposed that Anhua should study and implement the spirit of the important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Xi Jinping on consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, strengthen confidence and determination, adapt measures to local conditions, implement precise policies, adhere to cultural revitalization to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside, build a model demonstration area, strive to compose a new era of "great changes in the mountains and townships", and promote the revitalization of Anhua countryside in the forefront of the province and even the country. The Provincial Federation of Social Sciences attaches great importance to it and includes it in the key think tank project in 2023, numbered ZK202306. The Yiyang Federation of Social Sciences organized the Rural Revitalization Task Force of Hunan Daily, which was formerly stationed in Daxi Village, Xianxi Town, Anhua County, and Hunan City College to set up a research group, went to the province and abroad to conduct field investigation and research, systematically summarized the "Anhua sample" and "Anhua experience" of promoting rural revitalization with cultural revitalization, analyzed the existing shortcomings and difficulties, and put forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that cultural self-confidence is the most basic, deepest and most enduring force in the development of a country and a nation. The essence of culture is "humanization" and "cultural people", the source of the 5,000-year civilization history of the Chinese nation is in the countryside, the main body is rural culture, and the carrier is millions of natural villages. Cultural revitalization is not only an important part of rural revitalization, but also an important way to achieve rural revitalization, occupies a key pivotal position in the five major revitalization of rural revitalization, and plays an important role in promoting industrial revitalization, talent revitalization, ecological revitalization, and organizational revitalization.

1. Anhua County explores the path of cultural revitalization to promote rural revitalization

Anhua County is a key county of provincial rural revitalization, since the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Hunan Daily, Hunan Radio and Television Station, Hunan Publishing Group, Hunan City College, Hunan Vocational College of Arts and Crafts and other 7 provincial propaganda and cultural units in May 2021 to help Anhua, dedicated to promoting the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization effective connection, based on the advantages of Anhua cultural tourism resources, adhere to the integrated development of "tea tourism, culture, sports and health", with cultural tourism, cultural and tourism integration, and comprehensively promote cultural and historical tourism. Red cultural tourism and rural ecological tourism will help enhance the influence of "Yishan Yishui, Yimei Yiyang", and actively explore a new path for cultural revitalization to lead rural revitalization. With the help of provincial and municipal task forces, cultural figures, and expert teams, we will continue to explore cultural connotations, and formulate and issue the "Three-year Action Plan for Cultural Revitalization and Rural Revitalization in Anhua County (2022-2024)". Focusing on the goal of "building a model for cultural revitalization and promoting rural revitalization", the overall work idea of "12345" has been initially formed, that is, around the theme of "five-color Anhua"; using the two integration and leading methods of "culture +" and "+ culture" to cultivate the two major engines of cultural product technology innovation and cultural system and mechanism innovation; Huxiang culture is an important birthplace, a global ecological health destination, and a badminton cultural innovation demonstration site", and a special class is established to vigorously promote the five key tasks of cultivating culture with culture, developing industry with culture, gathering talents with culture, promoting construction with culture, and strengthening the foundation with culture, and implement 68 sub-projects of 20 major projects, fully integrate the cultural theme of "five-color Anhua" into the overall situation of the five revitalization work of rural revitalization, and promote industrial development, rural customs and civilization, and the return of talents through cultural revitalization. Rural governance, building ecological and livable villages, and striving to create an "Anhua model" and "Anhua experience" for cultural revitalization to promote rural revitalization.

The results are the best footnote. Anhua County has been rated as the second batch of characteristic town creation units in the country, the first batch of national ecological civilization construction demonstration counties in the country, and the top 100 beautiful villages in the country. Anhua County's "New Way of Cultural Revitalization to Promote Rural Revitalization" was praised by the provincial government as a typical experience and practice of comprehensive supervision in 2022, and the "four lists" (list of people, list of things, list of problems, and list of projects) work method has become the highlight of the province's propaganda, ideological and cultural work.

Second, the shortcomings and difficulties of rural cultural revitalization

Through visits and field observations, the research team found that there are certain shortcomings and difficulties in the revitalization of rural culture. First, it is difficult for farmers to continue to increase their income, and young and middle-aged villagers basically go out to work, and less than 60% of the permanent population stays in the village, and most of them are elderly, women, and children, and their enthusiasm for cultural participation is not high. Second, there is a lack of capital investment and insufficient cultural venues and facilities. Third, the effective supply is insufficient, and the cultural attraction needs to be strengthened. The content provided by some public cultural service organizations does not meet the "appetite" of the common people, and there is a dilemma that there are few viewers who send dramas to the countryside and movies to the villages. Fourth, there is still a gap between the construction of rural customs and civilization and the requirements of rural revitalization, and there are still some villagers who are keen to play poker, mahjong and gambling.

3. Suggestions of the research group

It is necessary to adhere to the guidance of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, comprehensively strengthen the construction of rural culture, strive to give full play to the important role of culture in rural revitalization, promote industrial development, rural civilization and grassroots governance, and then promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. Rural culture is the root of the soul of China's 5,000-year-old civilization, and in the era of artificial intelligence and cloud computing, cultural revitalization must adhere to integrity and innovation, protect the root, protect the source, shape the soul, and grasp the correct thinking concept and method path. Specifically, it is necessary to build an ecologically livable, rich and happy new countryside from the aspects of continuing the cultural context, developing education, inheriting skills, compiling village chronicles, retaining nostalgia, holding events, formulating village rules and regulations, inheriting family customs and family mottos, advocating civilized new style, and building beautiful houses, so as to explore the "Hunan sample" of promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside with cultural revitalization.

To promote the revitalization of rural culture, it is necessary to strengthen the role and execution of grass-roots party organizations as a fighting fortress, pay attention to boosting the spirit of villagers, and revitalize the "rich pockets" through industry and "rich heads" through culture. Cultural revitalization should highlight the main role of farmers, gather the forces of all parties in society, take industrial development as the guarantee, take the four lists as the path, take the rural customs and civilization as the core, take cultural and tourism activities as the starting point, take the creation of civilization as the carrier, and retain nostalgia as the goal, and continue to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. In the process of cultural revitalization, it is necessary to maintain the continuity of rural culture, adhere to the spiritual core of rural culture, adhere to the integrity of rural culture, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional rural culture. At the practical level, the revitalization of rural culture should adhere to the cultural development strategy of "three-in-one" of peasant subjects, strengthening family standards, and promoting the development of village (community) organizations, and establish a grassroots governance system of autonomy, rule by virtue, and rule of law.

1. The countryside is the root of Chinese culture, rural culture is the "background color" of Chinese culture, and the revitalization of rural culture is the soul-casting project of rural revitalization. If the nation is to be rejuvenated, the countryside must be revitalized. We should be guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the position of Chinese culture, promote cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, and create a new glory of socialist culture.

Second, cultural inheritance is the foundation of "casting the soul", and the revitalization of rural culture cannot blindly "draw new" - completely reverse to modernity, nor to "restore the old" - completely return to tradition. The revitalization of rural culture should follow the principles of continuity, ethics, integrity and innovation, and take a road that is rooted in the countryside and transcends tradition, facing modernity and adhering to the authenticity of the countryside. According to the resource endowment, all localities take the road of differentiated development according to local conditions, so that the rural culture can form a prosperous scene of a hundred flowers blooming. It is suggested to increase the research, inheritance, protection, development and utilization of regional culture, highlight the local taste, and retain the pastoral nostalgia. Construct or renovate a number of cultural centers, museums, libraries, exhibition halls, exhibition halls, cultural auditoriums, cultural squares, and cultural sites, and use digital technology to empower the excellent traditional Chinese culture and integrate it into modern life.

Third, it is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership and top-level system design, strengthen guarantees, attach great importance to the role of spiritual culture in rural revitalization, and establish a multi-subject development model of "government-led, farmer-based, enterprise-assisted, and social co-creation".

Fourth, further promote the design of brand image, excavate and promote typical cases of rural cultural revitalization, and create a good atmosphere of public opinion. It is necessary to take the party's innovative theory as the forerunner and do propaganda work in a way that the masses like to see. Hold more "house meetings" and "courtyard dam meetings", and design/openly solicit a theme word, a brand logo, a set of slogans, a song, a live drama, a party, a number of events, a group of cultural and tourism festivals, and publish a blue book for the revitalization of rural culture.

5. Strengthen the construction of rural talent teams and stimulate the main consciousness of farmers. It is necessary to attach importance to and give full play to the important role of the "new village sages" as representatives of traditional rural culture and spiritual values in inheriting rural civilization. Through the tripartite joint cultivation model of "government + university + enterprise", the Huxiang Youth Rejuvenation Cultivation Program and the Rural Revitalization Forum for Common Prosperity were launched to cultivate new farmers and rural CEOs. Adhere to the people-centered, everyone's affairs are discussed, everyone's affairs are participated, and everyone's affairs are contributed. Deploy and carry out the "My Hometown, I Construction" activity, and guide professionals, economic experts, cultural celebrities, celebrities, retired cadres, teachers, doctors, technicians, retired soldiers and other capable people who have good conduct, ability, influence, prestige, and enthusiasm for hometown construction to "return to their hometowns and build their hometowns". A group of "Typical Makers of Rural Revitalization" and "The Most Beautiful New Villagers" were selected.

6. Establish a provincial cultural revitalization to promote rural revitalization demonstration counties, demonstration towns, demonstration villages (communities) selection and licensing system, hanging point contact system and exchange Xi system, create more cultural promotion of rural revitalization demonstration sites, and promote successful experience.

7. Based on the layout of "tea tourism, culture, sports and health", we will further build the regional public brand of "Xiaoxiang Colorful Tea", do a good job in the integration of Hunan's all-for-one tourism and tea tourism, give birth to new business formats, build Hunan into a famous tea tourism holy place in China, and help Hunan develop with high quality.

8. Adhere to green development, practice the "two mountains" concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and provide lasting vitality for the revitalization of rural culture.

9. Improve the level of public cultural services for "rural memory", retain nostalgia, expand the team of cultural protection and inheritance, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the peasant masses, and cultivate civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs.

10. Focus on the words "soil", "special", "production", "chain" and "integration" to retain the spiritual soul of rural development and nourish the heroic spirit of the Chinese nation. (This article is the phased result of the 2023 think tank project of the Provincial Federation of Social Sciences "Practice and Thinking on Promoting Rural Revitalization with Cultural Revitalization - Taking Anhua County as an Example" [Project No. ZK202306]. Group Members: Licheng Yuan, Jiang Xie, Fanghua Tang, Yonggan Guo, Zhicheng Yang, Lina Zou)

Source: Hunan Daily

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