
The eldest mother received the critical illness letter and reminded my mother that she must be optimistic about her husband, otherwise she will regret it for life

author:The master said that the thing q0M0

The truth that my aunt only understood after receiving the critical illness notice reminded my mother that she must take good care of her husband, otherwise she will regret it for the rest of her life.

After graduating from junior high school, the uncle learned to drive horses in the village with the master who drove the horse, because his family could not afford to buy a horse, and he needed to use the master's horses to practice, so the uncle had no salary for half a year, and he had to bring food to the master's house at the beginning of every month.

At that time, it happened to be popular to go out to work, and many young people in the village chose to go to coastal cities for development, hoping to make more money and then return to their hometown to start a business.

But the uncle said: It's okay to go out to work, but his mother has been suffering from leg pain and rheumatism for many years, and he is not at ease to leave him alone at home, so the uncle decided to stay in the village to learn a craft, and take care of his mother while earning money.

The uncle's name is Li Haitang, he is actually not my uncle, because we are all surnamed Li, and the four generations are all family, because the uncle's father died early, so his father asked my grandfather to help his wife and son more before leaving.

To tell the truth, their orphans and widows, the uncle can grow up to be his mother, but before he can enjoy the blessings, now his legs and feet are slowly unable to walk, and sometimes he can't sleep well when he gets up.

So the uncle is not reluctant to go out to work, he also wants to go out, after all, there is a lot of money outside, and he can come back to start a business after a few years.

But the uncle's family situation does not allow it, first because his father left early, and his mother brought him up alone, so he can't let his mother stay at home alone.

The second point is because you go out to work, sooner or later you have to come back, as long as you work hard at home to learn technology, sooner or later you will be able to get the desired results, the most important thing is to accompany your mother, in case there is a three-long and two-short accident or something, you can arrive as soon as possible.

Therefore, after the uncle began to follow the master to learn to drive the horse, he was very diligent, and he studied with the master during the day, to see how the master dealt with every situation, and at night he looked at the ceiling while pondering the horse's character.

A year later, the uncle successfully left the school, and now he can go out to pick up the job as long as he has a horse, but this is also a problem for the uncle to be confused, and he must have at least two horses to catch the job when he goes out to catch the horse, but the current uncle has nothing but strength.

When the uncle was very entangled, his mother called him into the room, took out an iron box, gave it to the uncle, and said to the uncle, you take the money to buy a horse first, and if you have a job, you can do it first, and if the rest of the money is not enough to buy a second one, you can tell me, I will borrow it from you.

As soon as the uncle heard that his mother was going to borrow money, he immediately interrupted his mother's speech, and the uncle said to his mother, "If I don't have money to buy a horse, I can go to the city to work, or go to the farm to find a job, but I can't ask you for this money, and I have spent enough money to learn to drive horses for more than a year."

The uncle's mother didn't speak again, maybe because of the uncle's stubborn character, she knew too well, but I didn't expect that a week later, when the uncle came home after dinner at my house, he was very excited to see two horses tied to the tree in his yard.

But after more than a minute of joy, the uncle stopped smiling, he ran to the room and asked his mother where the horse came from, and his mother told him not to care where the horse came from, and that he would take the initiative to return it to others when he earned the money in the future, and then went back to bed and lay down.

The uncle pondered for a moment, immediately ran to the room to get a hammer and nails, and cut more than ten bamboos, and spent one night to build a horse ring next to the yard, many people went out in the morning and passed by the uncle's house, and saw that the uncle was still knocking and beating, so they gave him a thumbs up, and the uncle replied with a smile.

The next day, my uncle asked my grandfather to help him make two sets of mattos, which were used to carry things on horseback, because my grandfather was a carpenter, and although he did not live on wood, he was more than enough to do this kind of work.

A week later, the uncle received the first job, which was to help Uncle Zhang's family in the village pull bricks, at that time Uncle Zhang's family wanted to build a new house, but his house was more than a kilometer away from the road in the village, if the building materials needed to build a house were all carried on the shoulders, I don't know when to get it, so I thought about taking care of an uncle's business and reducing the burden for myself.

Because it was his first business, the uncle cherished it very much, he not only overfulfilled the task every day, but also personally rubbed the horse's legs at night to check whether the horse was injured or not.

In this way, the uncle's first business was quickly completed, and in the following month, the uncle helped several families in the village to pull things, but he also found a problem, a problem that affected his own business.

Because the uncle's master has been making a living by driving horses in the village, but now he has also started to work in the village, isn't this just competing with the master for the master's job, so the uncle rested for a few days and went to several surrounding villages to go around a few times.

After coming back, the uncle found a lot of paper, wrote a lot of leaflets promoting his horse-drawn things, and posted them in several surrounding villages, of course, there was no one in these villages to drive horses, so the uncle came up with this method.

Unexpectedly, in less than half a month, the uncle's business got better, many people came to him, and then passed on ten, ten to hundred, more and more people knew the uncle, and sometimes when the uncle couldn't get away, he called the master to help.

Relying on the business of driving horses, the uncle finally met his bosom lover at the age of 23, because the uncle has a particularly filial heart, so in front of his lover, the uncle is still very attentive.

Uncle's lover is called Zhang Meiying, a woman in the village next door to us, the uncle gave him a brick, but because of traditional customs, the uncle still found someone to talk to the matchmaker, it took half a year, the uncle finally got married, and Zhang Meiying also became my aunt.

But I never expected that a month after the uncle got married, his mother passed away, the uncle was very sad, he didn't go out for a month, and the aunt has been by his side, worried that he can't bear it.

A year after getting married, the two of them had their own children, and the two of them were very excited, but at the same time the uncle was also a little anxious, because the traffic in the village has become more and more developed in recent years, and basically every household has a road, although there is no cement paving, but there is no problem with the car driving home.

For the sake of long-term development, the uncle went to sign up to learn to drive, but during the time he was learning to drive, he also had a little episode with his aunt.

At first, when I signed up to learn to drive, my aunt agreed with both hands, but after a month of studying, my uncle didn't have any money to go home this month, so my aunt began to be anxious, so she became very impulsive and angry with my uncle at every turn.

Coincidentally, during the time when the uncle was learning to drive, there were several families in the village to build new houses, and the aunt was a little envious after seeing it, and it happened that the uncle was idle in learning to drive, and she was thinking about when she and the uncle could build a new house.

Two months later, the uncle got his driver's license and still returned to the village to drive horses and do some odd business while looking for opportunities to run cars.

Later, the uncle found a logistics park in the county, although it recruited drivers, but did not want novices, but the uncle finally stayed, because he told the boss that he could not pay for two months, but hoped to give himself a chance to follow the car, and he could also help if he needed to load and unload the goods, and the boss agreed to the uncle as soon as he heard that it was very cost-effective.

Half a month later, the uncle came back with the car for the first time, the aunt asked him to do half a month, why didn't he get a penny back, the uncle told the situation 1510 to the aunt, the aunt didn't say a word, hugged the child and went back to her parents' house.

The uncle didn't chase it, but kept blaming himself and slapped himself, but the next day, the uncle immediately cheered up, because he knew that since he chose the driver's day, he had to work hard to do it well, although the process was hard and there was no money, but such a good opportunity must not be missed.

Finally, the emperor lived up to his wishes, and after a month and a half of the uncle followed the car, the boss began to pay the uncle, and said that as long as he worked hard, he would not be treated badly in the future, and it was also at this time that the uncle officially learned to drive, after all, the driving school learning period, and now there is still a certain difficulty in driving.

But the uncle didn't think too much, but the more difficulties, the more motivated he became, when he received the first salary, the uncle went to his father-in-law's house, when he put the salary in front of the aunt, the aunt smiled slightly, and came back with the child and the uncle in the evening.

A year later, Uncle became an official truck driver, because he worked diligently and often introduced business to the boss, so when it came to pay, Uncle still had to pay a little more than other drivers who worked together.

Although he has become an official driver, the uncle is basically out of town every month, and sometimes he is not at home for a month, which makes the eldest lady with children at home very worried.

But the uncle didn't expect that the aunt was not worried about his body, but every time the uncle came home, the aunt asked him when he could build a new house, if he could come back a few more times, and not keep running outside.

The uncle didn't reply, he didn't want to argue with the eldest mother, because he was very distressed about the eldest mother, and he understood the hard work of the eldest mother at home with the children, so every time he came back from the car, he always bought a lot of delicious food for the eldest mother and the child as soon as possible.

In this way, the uncle relied on the job of a truck driver, and he has been doing it for more than ten years, and he has earned a lot of money over the years, but his body is becoming more and more unbearable, because he has been outside, and the aunt has never followed, so sometimes the uncle has endured back pain.

Uncle child's college entrance examination this year, the results of the test are average, and finally went to a technical college, majoring in computer science, because of this incident, the aunt blamed the uncle, saying that he has been busy working outside these years and has never cared about the child's learning.

But the uncle never talked back to the aunt, for so many years, he also took the aunt's tantrum as a habit of life, every time the aunt lost her temper, the uncle bought delicious food to coax the aunt, until she was happy.

After their children went to college, the eldest mother did not go out to find a job, because the family house had not yet been built, and she had to stay at home, but now the child went to school for half a year, and the eldest mother became more and more idle.

She also wants to go to the city to look for a job, but she has not participated in any work since she got married, and has been working as a stay-at-home mother at home, and now she has no idea what she can do when she goes to find a job, and it is a question of whether she is needed or not.

So the aunt began to become anxious, and began to lose sleep at night, this day the uncle came back from the car and woke up the sleeping aunt, and the pent-up fire of the aunt these days finally broke out.

She told the uncle on the spot, but she didn't expect that when she finished speaking, the uncle directly told her whether you want to live or not, but I left, and after speaking, I took a few clothes and pants and left.

Later, my dad found the uncle, and after asking the reason, he learned that when the uncle came back from the car that day, the tire burst, but fortunately it was not the front tire, and he controlled the runaway vehicle with his rich experience and picked up a life.

My dad persuaded the uncle to let him go back, but the uncle said that it would be difficult to go back, and I admit that she has worked very hard at home to take care of the children over the years, so every time she gets angry, whether there is a reason or not, I have always let her, and this time I have to stay outside a little longer anyway.

Two months later, the eldest mother felt a little unwell, so she went to the hospital for an examination, and found that it was already an advanced stage of cancer, and received a critical illness notice from the hospital on the third day after the examination.

The next morning after receiving the notice, my mother came back from buying breakfast downstairs, and just walked to the door of the ward, she saw my aunt looking out of the window with tears in her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

A few minutes later, my mother turned her head and saw my mother coming back, so she asked my mother to sit on the edge of the bed, and my mother said: One of the biggest mistakes I made over the years is that I didn't cherish my children and his father, so I want to tell you that you must cherish your husband.

Later, the eldest mother told my mother about many interesting and happy things that have happened to them over the years, but I couldn't stop the tears when I said it, and my mother couldn't persuade her, but fortunately, the uncle finally arrived in time, and gave the eldest mother a hug as soon as she entered the ward, and the two of them hugged each other and cried.

At this time, my mother turned around and saw my dad, the two of them had the same heart, and laughed at the same time, it turned out that my dad contacted the uncle after the aunt was hospitalized, but no one answered, and then contacted through the uncle's boss.

Therefore, through the understanding of the eldest mother's experience, I think that the husband is the closest person to the wife, and there are several reasons.

A woman, she will have many relatives in her life, but as long as she is married, her husband is the closest person, because only her husband can accompany her for a lifetime, and only her husband is the one who understands her best, of course, your parents and brothers will definitely understand you, but your husband can understand you for a lifetime, feel sorry for you for a lifetime, and take care of you for a lifetime.

As a woman, you may not meet that confidant at the beginning, but as long as you meet, then he must love you and love you, and you can't protect your lover for a lifetime, and you will find out after a few months of life or two.

So in the end, I want to say, I wish all parents in the world can be healthy, all couples can be happy, and I wish all women can find a wishful husband and meet that lover who can accompany you for a lifetime, because only she is your dearest person.

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