
After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

author:Hearing the sound of the green tree

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After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar
After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Text| Hearing the sound of the green tree

Edit| Hearing the sound of the green tree

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

●—≺ Preface ≻—●

For most Malaysians, Myanmar is a familiar and unfamiliar country, a country that we are close to but know very little about.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

After learning about it firsthand, we realized that the real Myanmar was like this.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

●—≺ Peculiar food culture ≻—●

Until 2023, Myanmar's spending industry is still the primary industry, agriculture is the foundation of Myanmar's survival, and a large number of Myanmar people grow rice and wheat and feed on it.

When it comes to ingredients, Myanmar's diet is similar to that of other Southeast Asian countries, but their tastes are very different.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Burmese people cook heavily in oil, and many foods are fried, but Burmese people are not heavy on salt, they like sour and spicy food.

The more famous specialty food is sour shrimp, which is mashed into shrimp puree by Burmese and dried in a ventilated place to finally get some sour shrimp meat.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Many foreigners are not accustomed to this unique shrimp meat method, but the locals of Myanmar like it very much.

Due to its unique geographical location, Burmese people love to eat aquatic products, fish and shrimp are their most common meats, and they have a special fish and shrimp paste that is a great accompaniment to rice.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

But the Burmese never ate beef, and in the eyes of the Burmese, the cow was a noble creature that should not be slaughtered or even whipped.

Moreover, when the Burmese people were working in the fields, cattle were also an important production tool.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Due to the dual effects of custom and reality, beef cannot appear on the table of the Burmese people, and when they need meat, they often substitute pork and mutton.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

It is worth mentioning that the soup in Myanmar is very distinctive, and their soup color is not the familiar white and transparent color, but the bright color and strong fresh soup.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

These soups come in a variety of flavors, such as sour, sweet, and spicy, and are easy to carry and nutritionally balanced, making them very rare soups outside of Myanmar.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

In addition to the color, the most curious thing about Burmese soups is the ingredients, and the Burmese people add a lot of tea leaves to the soup, so in Myanmar, the soup also plays the role of tea.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

As a result, the soup is extremely important to the Burmese people, but many foreigners, especially Chinese tourists, are not used to this soup, so they have to find a place to eat that suits their tastes.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Luckily, Myanmar's capital, Yangon, is home to some Chinese, and there are also some Chinese restaurants where Chinese visiting Yangon can choose to dine.

The Burmese diet has become so peculiar, but even stranger than the diet is their customs.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

●—≺ Cultural practices ≻—●

Myanmar is located in the tropics, with high temperatures, abundant rainfall and large forests. For ordinary people living in Myanmar, sun protection and skin care are very important, and in order to maintain a healthy face, everyone will apply yellow powder - tenaka on their faces.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

This yellow powder, called Tenaka, originated from the famous yellow neem tree in Myanmar, has a very powerful effect, not only to prevent Burmese people from getting sunburned, but also to nourish the facial skin of Burmese people, and it is a natural and excellent cosmetic product.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Moreover, the Burmese people apply this yellow powder to their bodies, which can also prevent mosquito bites. Due to Myanmar's humid climate, women in Myanmar are particularly fond of this skincare product.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

In terms of ideology, Buddhist culture is deeply rooted in Myanmar, everyone has to receive a Buddhist education, even Burmese people who are not Buddhists will come to the temple from time to time to worship, and in Myanmar, monks are a very respected profession.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

When visiting temples, Burmese people are extremely religious, everyone has to take off their shoes, and in some important temples, Burmese people are even required to visit barefoot.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Because Buddhism is so prevalent, every child will have the experience of becoming a monk when he grows up, and if he or she grows up, it will be difficult for him to be accepted by Myanmar society when he grows up, and even finding a job is a problem.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Under the influence of this cultural atmosphere, Myanmar's famous buildings are also inseparable from Buddhism, whether it is the Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon or the Bagan Pagoda, both are famous Buddhist buildings.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Aside from the devotion to Buddhism, the living customs of Myanmar are relatively similar to those of several neighboring Southeast Asian countries.

For example, in Myanmar, you can't touch a child's head, and in the eyes of the Burmese people, this is not an act of intimacy, but a very disrespectful behavior.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Myanmar's culture and food have some surprises, but Myanmar's economy is just as good as the public thinks.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

●—≺ Poverty Status ≻—●

The only thing that is similar to the popular impression is that the current situation in Myanmar is extremely poor, and the overall level of development in Myanmar is similar to that of our rural areas in the eighties and nineties of the last century, except for Yangon. It is a well-known place of poverty in the world.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Myanmar is in the southwest of the mainland and has a large area of contact with Yunnan, so since ancient times, some Yunnan people have taken a fancy to the natural conditions of Myanmar and moved south to live in Myanmar.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Myanmar has a large land area, low population density, suitable for cultivation and habitation, according to common sense, there should be a better development, but the people living in Myanmar have always been in a very poor state.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Residents living in rural Myanmar, both men and women, are mostly thin and small, few have tall and toned bodies, and their skin is yellow and black, and only some ethnic minorities have fair complexions.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

People in the countryside of Myanmar are very fond of dogs, and almost every household has a dog, and dogs are very important companion dogs for them.

Cars are not widely used in Myanmar, and people in Myanmar rely on motorcycles to get around, much like other Southeast Asian countries.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Household appliances such as refrigerators and color TVs, which are commonplace in various countries, are rare in Myanmar, and only those with certain financial resources are eligible to buy them, and mobile phones are things that can only be used by wealthy people.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Not to mention washing machines, many Burmese people still wash their clothes by the river and have never enjoyed the convenience of modern life.

Especially in rural Myanmar, many Burmese people have only heard of the name of the Internet, but never know what it is.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

In this case, the price of goods in Myanmar is naturally not high, and tourists who visit Myanmar can buy a lot of things without spending a lot of money.

Taking the renminbi as an example, to enjoy a sumptuous lunch, tourists even only need ten yuan, if it costs a few dozen, you can buy an extremely luxurious meal.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

It should be noted that Myanmar's openness to the outside world is quite average, there are very few Burmese people who know English, and tourists can only communicate with people in English in some big cities such as Yangon and Mandalay.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

In some of Myanmar's smaller cities, Burmese is the only language that can be spoken, and if you don't know it, you won't be able to get around.

Therefore, foreigners who visit Myanmar will basically only choose a few cities such as Yangon, but apart from these large cities, the tourism value of other places is also limited.

After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

Friends with conditions, you can go to the capital of Myanmar to stroll, see the famous Buddhist temples and pagodas in Myanmar, feel the exotic food, the rest of the places are of limited value, tourists can lift the weight lightly.

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After returning from a trip to Myanmar, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not, and I will show you the real life in Myanmar

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