
died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

A slightly lagged message:

On November 1, Taiwanese director Chen Huiling died of ineffective treatment for cervical cancer.

Alyssa Jia, the official account of the works she directed during her lifetime, and the behind-the-scenes personnel who worked with her... They all came out to express their sorrows.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

On the 10th, Wu Jianhao, who had worked with her, also appeared, and posted on Weibo that his dance on the stage of Brother Phi was given to her.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

Behind this grief, it is not only the loss of a friend and partner, but more importantly, the loss of an excellent creator in the entire Chinese-speaking circle.

In this article, let's talk about director Chen Huiling.

When it comes to Chen Huiling, I have to talk about "Next Stop, Happiness" directed by her.

This TV series, which was launched in 2009, set a number of ratings records that year, and won the runner-up in the history of puppet ratings in one fell swoop.

Since she was a child, because she likes to watch TV, Chen Huiling has long been clear about her future career direction, and she must do TV-related work in the future.

He studied in the Department of Communication of Tamkang University in college, and later entered Taiwan Television, with clear goals, but he actually took a conventional path.

The turning point happened when she was working as an entertainment reporter.

At that time, Taiwan TV opened up a new character interview program, which needed someone to execute, which was a low-cost position, with low pay, and had to learn non-linear editing (using computers for digital production) that old editors were unwilling to learn.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

《Happiness Place》

But Chen Huiling accepted, and she was willing to challenge herself.

Therefore, her life path is getting wider and wider.

Because of her mastery of non-linear editing, as a newcomer, she was also assigned to cut the trailer, and later cut the feature film, post-production, and pre-production...

It stands to reason that the continuous increase in work tasks will make it painful for individuals, but Chen Huiling only feels excited.

She felt that it was recognized.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

《Happiness Place》

Although she has only worked for one year at TV, she regards this as her most important work experience.

During this period, she mastered various skills, and also paved the way for becoming a director in advance.

Strictly speaking, Chen Huiling's directing career began in 1999.

That year, Chen Huiling was introduced to Daai TV and faced a new challenge: becoming a documentary director.

Not only did she need to interview and co-ordinate, but there were only two people in the team at that time, including herself, so she had to take on the camera work.

The workload has increased exponentially, but she still finds it fresh and interesting.

She has the ability to think positively all the time that most people don't have.

It's not the so-called career ambition, it's just that she subconsciously has a desire to conquer in the face of the unknown, which makes her willing to try again and again.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

This momentum eventually contributed to her encounter with "Next Stop, Happiness".

The beginning of this drama is actually not promising.

In 2008, Taiwanese puppets were already able to smell the smell of decay, and in the casting, the male protagonist Wu Jianhao alone had also made Chen Huiling cry out.

She never thought he could act before, and what was even more fatal was that Wu Jianhao was not good at Chinese at that time, and he couldn't even understand the script.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

"SS Xiaoyan Night"

She cried when she came home on the first day of filming, and she felt that the drama she directed for the first time was over.

But Chen Huiling is wonderful, she cries, she collapses, but she will never give up.

With tears in his eyes, he stood up again and began to work on the problem.

When the two met again, the question she asked Wu Jianhao became: Is there anything we can help you with?

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

"SS Xiaoyan Night"

Her belief is that the only way to solve a problem is to do it.

In order to more accurately express the state of the male protagonist she wants, she will record Wu Jianhao's lines at home, and perform them in advance, almost teaching the other party to play Ren Guangxi.

Keep improving, we will produce high-quality products.

In 2009, as soon as "Next Stop, Happiness" was launched, it won the ratings championship for 12 consecutive weeks, and was called "the last surprise at the end of the year of 2009 Taiwanese idol dramas".

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

Just about the plot of this play, the man is terminally ill, the woman "runs with the ball", the two meet again six years later, the woman becomes the child's mother, and the male protagonist has amnesia due to surgery...

Just carry a label, it's all top-level dog blood.

But Chen Huiling polished these burrs finely, so that a stubborn stone glowed with the luster of beautiful jade.

The male director, Guangxi, has become a stage puppet ceiling in the eyes of many audiences.

is willful and arrogant on the outside, but has a strong self at the core.

He always knows what he wants, who he loves, and once the goal is set, he gives it his all.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

When dealing with feelings, it is also a matter of judgment.

When Ren Guangxi regained his memory and understood that the so-called six-year relationship was based on deception, what he said to his fiancée was:

Why are you

Help me choose what's good

What's bad

Why do you want me to live according to your will?

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

He has his own judgment and his own principles, so he also knows how to make decisive trade-offs in the face of feelings.

And having the thinking of a normal person is such a precious existence in a group of idol dramas that love for love.

The reason why Liang Mucheng and Ren Guangxi can be together is because they are beautiful people and firm people.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

And this kind of expression that emphasizes individual charm and attaches importance to personal initiative is, to a certain extent, also a projection of the director's own life.

Chen Huiling has always been a strong person.

Her cervical cancer was actually discovered as early as 2013.

This may be related to long-term high-intensity work. She said that she sometimes worked hundreds of days in a row, almost only 3 or 4 hours of sleep a day, coupled with perfectionism and doing everything herself, she was physically and mentally under high pressure.

Later, during the long and repeated treatment, she had a miscarriage, cut off her cherished long hair, and the vulnerability that she had been reluctant to show to outsiders had to be revealed.

But she didn't surrender easily, and still maintained the high sensitivity and sharp expression that a creator should have.

When the cancer recurred in 2018, she filmed the word-of-mouth work "Your Child Is Not Your Child".

Talking about the original intention of the creation of this drama, she said:

The whole social atmosphere is very unfriendly to teenagers

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

Speaking of the lack of responsibility of adults in the face of childhood:

We grew up like this

Do you still want to treat our children like this?

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

The feature film lines are more naked and direct.

Mom was crying.

Your grades have not been able to go up

Everyone thinks it's my fault

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

The child is screaming.

Do you love me

Have you ever thought about my feelings

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

Such an expression is sharp and goes straight to the hearts of the people.

As early as 2010's "That Year, the Rain Didn't Stop in the Country", she focused on the hidden places of natural and man-made disasters.

In the aftermath of the floods in Taiwan, when everyone was talking about reconstruction, Chen Huiling and her team noticed a corner that few people paid attention to:

Forty children who lost loved ones in the disaster.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

"That Year, the Rain Didn't Stop the Country" behind-the-scenes special

She felt that they were the most desperate people.

Not only do they have to face society alone from childhood, but even if they get a disaster relief pension, this money is nothing more than pushing them into the abyss of another humanity.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

This insight was extended by her to the last moment of her life.

This year, she dragged her sick body to a show. Facing the camera, she sincerely shared her dissatisfaction and anger with her mother in an almost self-dissecting way.

She said that after her illness, the last thing she needed was pity.

But the dearest mother, when she went home for dinner and took off her wig, the first thing she blurted out was a sentence, "If we Huiling weren't like this..."

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

To say that she is perceptive means that she is good at reflection and inquiry in every moment, honest about everything in life, and does not let one thing go through in a foolish way.

She is unwilling to admit defeat and will not admit defeat.

Until the last moment, she chose a more sincere and uncomfortable attitude towards life.

But if she doesn't choose so, she will feel sorry for this life.

She once shared her insights on life, she said that being strong is not innate, and being strong is to climb up from hell step by step.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

These words are cheering, but also talking about their own lives.

Yes, she is like a firework, trying her best to shine in this world.

But she is not as short as fireworks, the core of her life, more like a tree, with a slow, tenacious attitude, deeply rooted in this soil called "life".

After her death, her family said they would follow her wishes and carry out a tree burial.

I think this is probably the best way to commemorate her life form.

The roots are strong, the branches are graceful, a gust of wind comes, the leaves rattle, the dew on the grass shakes, and the birds chirp in the treetops.

You don't know which one is her, but we all know that she is there, already in this world.

This forms a wonderful linkage with the "parting words" given to her by Wu Kangren, who was once carried by her.

He said, "Have a nice trip and goodbye."

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

So this picture came to mind.

There was a traveler sitting under the tree, and now that the traveler was over, she stood up, patted the dirt, and decided to move on to the next part of the journey.

So goodbye is no longer goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, meeting in the end.

Chen Huiling, goodbye.

died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her
died young! Wu Jianhao's dance in Phi Ge was originally given to her

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