
The man ran a takeaway to save 300,000 yuan and was given to his brother-in-law by his wife, netizens: It's too scary to help my brother

author:Sweet Girl 1803

Description: A delivery boy in Henan Province struggled to save 300,000 yuan, but his wife used the money to buy his brother a luxury car without his consent. When her husband reproaches her, the wife not only refuses to admit her mistake, but also insists that "if you marry me, you will have to take care of my brother." Where does this kind of thinking come from? Before marriage, the bride price is high, and after marriage, the woman's younger brother has to buy a house, a car, and a daughter-in-law.

The man ran a takeaway to save 300,000 yuan and was given to his brother-in-law by his wife, netizens: It's too scary to help my brother


Marriage has always been regarded as a temple for two people to support and care for each other, but in recent years, a new concept has suddenly surfaced, that is, "helping the younger brother". The term derives from the family ideas and values of some people, who believe that marriage is not just a matter between two people, but also includes the care and support of other members of the wife's family. Recently, a delivery man in Henan suffered the terrible consequences of "helping his brother".

The man ran a takeaway to save 300,000 yuan and was given to his brother-in-law by his wife, netizens: It's too scary to help my brother

According to reports, the delivery worker has worked hard to save 300,000 yuan in the hope of improving their living conditions in the future. However, his wife used the money to buy her brother a luxury car without his consent. In the face of the facts, the husband blamed her, but the wife not only did not admit her mistake, but also said a startling statement: "If you marry me, you will have to take care of my brother."

This kind of thinking is simply incredible. Is marriage only to satisfy one person's selfish interests, and not a relationship in which two people support and respect each other? Giving a large bride price before marriage is expensive enough, so why should we provide financial support and various material requirements for the woman's family members after marriage? Marriage should not include "helping the younger brother," and such thinking will only make the family in a difficult situation.

The man ran a takeaway to save 300,000 yuan and was given to his brother-in-law by his wife, netizens: It's too scary to help my brother

The existence of this family concept is also worrying. If a person thinks only about his own interests and the interests of his family members in marriage, then marriage will become meaningless. Marriage should be a process of mutual respect, mutual understanding, and mutual support for two people, rather than one person sacrificing the interests of the other for their own selfish interests.

The man ran a takeaway to save 300,000 yuan and was given to his brother-in-law by his wife, netizens: It's too scary to help my brother

Therefore, when facing the "demon of helping brothers", we should keep a clear head and not blindly pursue the so-called "family responsibilities" and ignore the feelings and needs of the other party. Marriage should be based on equality and respect, not at the expense of the other in order to satisfy his or her own selfish desires.

The man ran a takeaway to save 300,000 yuan and was given to his brother-in-law by his wife, netizens: It's too scary to help my brother

Label: #家庭观念问题 #婚姻平等 #扶弟魔危害 #河南外卖员事件 #价值观冲突

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