
Spend a lot of money to invite foreign aid to play games? Mass sports events should not be "off-track".

author:Bright Net

At present, mass sports continue to heat up all over the country, and some mass sports events are even more popular on the whole network, which are widely praised and welcomed by the masses, and effectively improve the popularity and reputation of the locality.

At the same time, Banyuetan reporter's investigation found that there are a small number of mass sports events that show signs of "deviation" and "taste", such as spending a lot of money to invite "foreign aid" to impersonate, or letting sports masters "name" to receive salaries, but the actual work is to play games and compete for rankings for the unit... The interviewed experts believe that mass sports events should be guided to establish a correct view of victory and defeat to ensure the participation and sense of gain of the masses in mass sports.

Invest heavily in "foreign aid" and play games full-time

According to a person who has organized large-scale mass sports competitions, many mass sports events have regulations that prohibit foreign aid. In order to improve the spectacle and stimulate popularity, the "rules of the game" formulated by some competitions allow individual foreign aid to play, but most of them will emphasize that the vast majority of the participants and players must be employees of the unit.

However, some units, out of the purpose of "fighting for face" and "attracting attention" such as showing "style and image" to the leaders and society, or in order to "build up their image" and "fight for superiority" in competition with fraternal units, and to show their "superior management level and organizational ability," have spared no effort to "change their tricks" to break through the restrictions on the use of foreign aid, and even the phenomenon of impersonation has appeared.

According to people familiar with the matter, some companies maintain labor relations with "wild ball masters" by paying social security regularly and temporarily. When it comes to key competitions, these "wild ball masters" who basically do not appear in the unit on weekdays do not have to occupy the quota of foreign aid, but participate as regular employees.

This summer, a "wild ball master" frequently participated in various competitions as a regular employee of the company, like a "professional player". In a post-game live broadcast, an audience member asked him if he wanted to go to work in a related company, and he bluntly said that "even if you go to work if you play a provincial competition, you still have to play an internal game in the unit."

The reporter learned through a basketball event app that a former CUBA player has participated in various mass sports events on behalf of nearly 20 teams such as cities, enterprises, and schools in recent years. This year, when he played for a company, one person scored more than three times the total score of other teammates, and there was no suspense that he won the "MVP" (Most Valuable Player) of the game.

An interviewee in a city in central China who is familiar with this middle door told Banyuetan reporters that the appearance fee of foreign aid in local mass basketball events is generally 3,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan per game, and the standard of food and accommodation is higher than that of the participating employees of the unit. After a round of league play, it costs a lot of money.

A large-scale state-owned enterprise with average efficiency was found to have spent more than 10 million yuan on participating in or organizing ball games in the past three years. After being ordered by the regulatory authorities to rectify, the state-owned enterprise ordered its subsidiaries and branches to immediately suspend the foreign aid contracts signed with the "wild ball masters", and proposed to "learn from the pain" and "resolutely rectify", and strictly prohibit the participation of external players in the future.

Spend a lot of money to invite foreign aid to play games? Mass sports events should not be "off-track".

It looks lively, but it has actually "gone off"

This kind of mass sports event, which is swayed by "investment" and "foreign aid", looks lively, but it damages the sense of participation and gain of the masses.

In the comment area of the live broadcast room of a popular mass sports event, many netizens, including the players, expressed their dissatisfaction with the "copper smell" and "utilitarian" nature of the event. "The remuneration for foreign aid to play a game is higher than the monthly salary of the workers in the factory", "Inviting foreign aid, especially professional athletes, loses the meaning of mass sports activities, and is more like a money transaction, whoever has more money wins"...

"The popularity and attention of unit sports are not high, but the leaders are keen to spend money to invite foreign aid, and the competition between units has become a fight for foreign aid. In some competitions, the players of the brother units and the players of the unit are strangers, and the cadres and workers who cannot help the unit win good results and good rankings can only sit on the cold bench or be cheerleaders, and the units that spend less money can only 'fall into the name of Sun Shan', and such events are 'lively'. An employee of the enterprise said.

The non-foreign players involved in the game were also puzzled: "On the field, foreign players are the absolute protagonists, and we do some hard work. 'Feeding the ball' and 'protecting' are not in place, and they will be blamed and ridiculed by foreign aids, team leaders and even leaders. Although I won such a game, I had a feeling that I had nothing to do with myself. ”

Mass sports events must be dominated by the masses

Many people interviewed by this reporter believe that in participating in mass sports competitions, it is necessary to establish a correct "concept of victory and defeat." Some units do not promote the "daily" and "regular" of national fitness, but want to pursue the "extraordinary" or even "extraordinary" results of the competition through "abnormal" means. This can only cause "utilitarian events to advance rapidly, and national fitness to hesitate", and even some events breed formalism and extravagance and waste.

Some people and people in the sports industry who often participate in national fitness believe that for most people and units, participating in mass sports activities and events should mainly hold the ordinary heart of "focusing on participation" and "looking down on victory and defeat". It is a very positive result for the masses to exercise their bodies, enjoy their mood and strengthen team building by participating in the competition. If you want to further strive for the championship or good ranking in the event, you must rely on daily and regular technical training, physical training, and some collective events also need to work hard to carry out tactical training.

Wang Zuoliang, dean of the School of Physical Education of Hunan University, believes that extensive mass nature is the foundation for the development of national fitness. To carry out mass sports events, we must adhere to the main body of the masses, inherit the excellent traditional culture, promote the concept of health and fitness, and fully demonstrate the demeanor of enterprises, units and the masses in the region.

Guo Xianzhong, deputy dean of the School of Physical Education of Hunan Normal University, said that with the continuous rise in the popularity of mass sports events, stricter competition rules should be formulated, the organization of events should be standardized, strict qualification audits, the introduction of publicity procedures, and social supervision should be accepted to prevent the occurrence of chaos such as spending a lot of money, inviting foreign aid, and raising players.

Wang Zuoliang said that one of the important footholds of sportsmanship is fair competition, and the fairness of the field is essentially a display of social fairness. To hold and participate in mass sports events, it is necessary to strengthen publicity, education, and guidance on sports culture and sportsmanship, especially to respect the prevailing sports rules, and to promote a positive, fair, and just atmosphere of competition. The organizers and participating units of the event should not "only focus on results", especially the party and government organs, state-owned enterprises and institutions, etc., should participate in the competition with higher standards of strict self-discipline and integrity.

Source: Half Moon Talk

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