
Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

author:Gayi said entertainment


Brother Dayi, a once unknown farmer, became famous overnight because of a talent competition and became an Internet celebrity.

However, behind the fame and fortune is endless harassment and exploitation.

This article will give you an in-depth look at the dilemma that Brother Dayi is facing, as well as what he really thinks in his heart.

In a materialistic world, Brother Dayi's persistence is embarrassing, and his situation is also worth pondering.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

The door of the house was tragically destroyed, and Brother Overcoat began to "be ruthless"

On October 28, a shocking video went viral on the Internet - Brother Dayi was holding a tool and driving rows of long iron nails into the door frame of his house.

This made many netizens realize that Brother Dayi's living situation seems to have reached an unbearable point, and he is finally ready to give a little "color" to those who disturb him.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

It all started two years ago.

In 2020, Brother Dayi participated in a nationally renowned TV talent show, and became famous with his deep and affectionate voice, and was called "Brother Dayi" by netizens.

For this middle-aged man from rural Henan, his life was turned upside down.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

He thought that fame would bring him benefits and allow him to get out of poverty and live a decent life.

However, the ensuing frenzied pursuit of the wind undoubtedly brought a huge impact to the already peaceful life of Brother Dayi.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

On the first day of fame, the villagers flocked to Brother Dayi's door, wanting to see the demeanor of this new "big star".

Over time, the crowd gathered in front of the door became more and more crowded, and the villagers saw that Brother Dayi's house was not guarded, so they directly pushed the door and rushed into the courtyard, disturbing Brother Dayi's life.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

"When I first became famous, I wasn't used to it, and I thought it was normal for people from the village to come to see me.

Brother Dayi recalled his thoughts at the time, "I didn't expect them to push the door directly in, spin around in my yard, and almost turn my house upside down." ”

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

At first, Brother Dayi was able to bear it, but gradually, the villagers' behavior became more and more out of line.

Someone directly opened Brother Coat's cabinet and rummaged through it; Someone defecated in the open in the yard; Someone even opened the door of Brother Dayi's room and wanted to enter his bedroom.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

These actions were completely beyond the scope of Brother Dayi's acceptance, making him feel that his basic rights were trampled on.

Once, in the middle of the night, I suddenly heard a loud 'bang' outside, and it turned out to be a few drunk people who picked up bricks and slammed the windows of my house, breaking all the glass.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

Brother Dayi had a helpless and tired look on his face.

I was woken up by them, and I hurriedly jumped out of the bed and hurried out to check.

Only to find that several windows had been smashed outside the door.

I was very angry for a while, but for the sake of face, I couldn't get angry with the villagers.

This is not an isolated case.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

As Brother Dayi became more and more famous, harassment incidents became more frequent.

It has become a common occurrence for Brother Dayi's door to be smashed, and he has repaired it no less than 10 times.

Sometimes Brother Overcoat gets up early in the morning to prepare to go out, only to find that his shoes are missing, and the clothes hanging at the door are missing.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

"I guess someone came in through the wall at night and stole all my stuff.

Brother Coat shook his head helplessly, "Clothes and shoes are my daily necessities, and I don't know what to do after they are stolen." ”

In addition, some ill-intentioned villagers began to frequently "visit their homes", the purpose of which was nothing more than to borrow money from Brother Dayi.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

They claimed that their family was in trouble and begged Brother Dayi to sponsor them.

The simple and benevolent coat brother couldn't bear to refuse the request of his neighbors, so he could only take out a sum of money from his hard-earned money bag against his will to "rescue" them.

However, after these people took the money, they never heard from it and never paid it back.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

Over time, Brother Dayi has lent out more than 1 million yuan, but these people have not paid back a penny, and even said confidently "How to repay without money".

Brother Dayi smiled dumbly: I am also embarrassed to catch up with my acquaintances, so I can only let them take advantage of me.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

I suddenly felt that it was a big price to pay to be a good person.

The price of fame is far more difficult than Brother Dayi imagined.

On the one hand, he had to face the encirclement and interception of the villagers, and on the other hand, he had to endure the unreasonable requests of netizens.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

Many netizens who claim to be "die-hard fans", in order to see Brother Dayi's demeanor, have spontaneously "pilgrimaged" to Brother Dayi's house.

At the beginning, Brother Dayi also warmly welcomed the fans' visits, but they didn't know that this gave some people an opportunity.

Gradually, the behavior of fans began to get out of control - they held their mobile phones and had to go in and out of Brother Dayi's house for live broadcasts, exposing Brother Dayi's every move to the camera.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

"I don't want to hide at home all day, but as soon as I show up, the camera of my phone will all focus on me, tracking and filming my every word and deed."

Brother Dayi sighed, when I went out to buy groceries and walked to the entrance of the village, I was surrounded by a group of people to broadcast live, and I couldn't live a normal life at all.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

I was very angry, but because of my status as a public figure, I couldn't get angry.

Fans are so enthusiastic that it's often hard to hold back.

In order to attract more attention and gain higher popularity, some extreme fans actually got naked in front of Brother Dayi, burned paper and incense, and carried out all kinds of incendiary actions.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

Brother Dayi couldn't cry or laugh, this was 108,000 miles away from the decent life he imagined.

I advised them not to mess around like this, and the next day a large number of videos appeared on the website, saying that I was 'incomprehensible' and 'arrogant'.

Brother Dayi said helplessly, "I was criticized by netizens, and I felt very wronged.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

I was just trying to uphold the ground rules, but it was said to be my problem.

Unable to bear it anymore, Brother Dayi began to plant dense cacti on the courtyard wall and install barbed wire in an attempt to deny outsiders entry.

However, even if the fans couldn't climb into the courtyard wall, they still stood in front of Brother Dayi's house shouting and live broadcasting, and they didn't let it go at all.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

I planted cacti thinking I would stop them, but they actually took a long pole outside over the courtyard wall and took pictures and videos of my house.

Brother Dayi felt very powerless, "My family's privacy has been completely violated, but I have nothing to do."

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

"One day, I couldn't bear it anymore and shouted at the camera asking them why they harassed me like this and made everyone feel more respectful."

Brother Dayi sighed, "As a result, the next day, someone spread my 'arrogant' and 'I don't know what to do' remarks on the Internet, and my impulsiveness attracted a greater misunderstanding of public opinion."

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

I didn't dare to openly resist them anymore, so I had to swallow my anger.

All kinds of harassment are endless, and Brother Dayi feels that he is facing huge mental pressure.

"I also thought about moving away from my hometown, but when I thought about this is where I was born and raised, I was reluctant to leave."

Brother Coat said.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

Unexpectedly, this sentence was taken out of context by some extreme netizens, and malicious rumors spread on the Internet that "Brother Dayi asked each villager to give him a car and 10,000 yuan, otherwise he would not be allowed to leave".

Although the neighbor clarified that it was just a joke, the public opinion damage caused by the rumors was a foregone conclusion.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

"All of a sudden, I've been made into a vicious villain who blackmails my village."

Brother Dayi said helplessly, that kind of completely fabricated description is unacceptable to me, an honest person.

I didn't expect that the online world could wantonly distort the facts, and I was completely unable to refute and save myself.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

This became the last straw that overwhelmed Brother Coat.

Under all kinds of pressure, he chose to take action - filling his door with spikes, setting up a line of defense, and declaring to the harasser that "my patience has a limit".

"It's not that fans are not welcome to visit, but you must abide by basic laws and morals."

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

Brother Dayi was resolute, "I also have my own life, and I don't want to be troubled by all kinds of live broadcasts and harassment all day long."

If you can't understand my feelings, then this door is the boundary between us. ”

He is determined to use this "iron gate" to defend his last dignity and privacy.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

Brother Dayi's inner world: love his hometown and miss the past

Despite the troubles, Brother Dayi still insisted on staying in his hometown, which was inseparable from his inner emotions.

For Brother Dayi, this hometown carries all his memories of growing up.

Here are the fields where he frolicked as a child, and the crops that his father planted.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

Although his family was poor, he still had a carefree childhood.

His father died very early, and the little coat brother had to drop out of school to work as a farmer at home to help the family make a living.

"I remember when I was a child, I ran crazy with the children in the village, playing in the mud, and I didn't have any worries at all."

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

Brother Dayi's eyes are full of nostalgia and affection, and every grass and tree here makes me feel cordial and warm.

I couldn't let go of this feeling and chose to leave.

As he grew older, Brother Dayi worked hard to build his own small house brick by brick.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

This land has witnessed him grow from an ignorant teenager to an adult who is in charge of himself.

Today, this land bears all his blood, sweat and painstaking efforts.

"I grew up in the village, so I have a deep affection for my hometown."

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

Brother Dayi said, "Even if the conditions are good now, I am reluctant to leave this land behind."

For me, this is a unique home. ”

Secondly, Brother Dayi doesn't want to leave his familiar living environment.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

He has become accustomed to the leisurely days of going to work in the fields every day and chatting with his neighbors and uncles.

If he moved to an unfamiliar city, he didn't know how he would adapt to that pace of life.

"I'm not young anymore, and there are too many unknowns to face when I go to the city."

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

Brother Dayi sighed, "It is very difficult for me to re-establish my social circle and adapt to the new environment.

Staying in the village is the most suitable state of life for me.

I don't covet the prosperity of the city, a simple home is enough.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

In the end, Brother Dayi admitted that his popularity is inseparable from his hometown.

Once out of here, he feared that his heat would quickly subside.

After all, all the stories of his popularity happened in this hometown.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

If he moves away suddenly, it is doubtful that his personal aura will continue to shine.

"I don't want to lie to everyone, I've thought about this too."

Brother Dayi is a little evasive when he talks about this topic.

He knew that many netizens speculated that he deliberately used his hometown to hype.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

But this statement is too simplistic to reflect his true considerations.

Of course, I also want to continue to earn money to support my family.

But when I do leave my hometown, I may soon be obscure.

Brother Dayi admitted, "I have to consider this risk.

So all in all, staying in my hometown is the safest option for me.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

"Overall, I sincerely hope that everyone will understand why I am staying in my hometown and give me a little bit of personal space."

Brother Dayi said a little tiredly, "I've tried my best to adapt to all this, but anyone has the limit of collapse."

That's why I had to fortify.

He was silent for a while, then regained his spirits: "I believe that well-wishers are the mainstream.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls


Brother Dayi's experience allows us to see the dark side of star-chasing culture, as well as the huge troubles that fame and fortune bring to the lives of ordinary people.

We should examine our own behavior and learn to respect the privacy and space of others.

At the same time, we should also understand Brother Dayi's helplessness and give support and encouragement, rather than blame.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

The relationship between fame and fortune and human nature is worth pondering.

We must remain rational and not follow the trend and trample on the dignity of others.

Star chasing must have a bottom line, and people cannot be treated as commodities.

Brother Coat is ruthless! Fans should be careful with rolling nail boards on the gate and cacti on the walls

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