
Li Liqun's son was very angry and warned mainland media people that his father was angry and went to the hospital

author:Energetic velvet

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Introduction: On a sunny spring day, an unexpected event caused huge waves in the Taiwanese entertainment industry. Li Liqun, a famous Taiwanese actor, suddenly posted a series of shocking videos on his social media accounts, which sparked widespread attention and discussion. These videos reveal a controversial and emotionally entangled Internet storm involving mainland media personalities Sima Nan and Li Liqun's son, and the development of the plot is dizzying and thought-provoking.

Paragraph 1: The trigger for the incident occurred on March 17, when Li Liqun posted two videos in a row on his social media account, asking for help from his followers. He claimed that he had been so angry recently that he used alcohol to escape his inner torment, and all this stemmed from the offensive rhetoric of mainland media person Sima Nan. Li Liqun's words revealed his confusion and sadness, and he felt the sting of Sima Nan's words, as if every sentence hit his heart like a bullet.

Li Liqun's son was very angry and warned mainland media people that his father was angry and went to the hospital

Paragraph 2: Li Liqun admitted that he was not in good health and was plagued by underlying diseases, and this incident made matters worse. He unabashedly shifted the blame to Sima Nan, blaming the mainland media man for his predicament. He posed a tricky question to his fans: Should they fight back aggressively, or should they choose to remain silent? He worries that if he chooses to remain silent, will it lead netizens to believe the false rumors?

Paragraph 3: However, Li Liqun's inner contradictions do not stop there. He insisted that he has always firmly identified himself as Chinese, and has repeatedly expressed his thoughts and positions on the Internet. However, Sima Nan never gave up, trying to force him to take sides, forcing him to take action to prove his loyalty. Li Liqun felt angry and helpless, and his words revealed the deep inner struggle of an actor.

Li Liqun's son was very angry and warned mainland media people that his father was angry and went to the hospital

Paragraph 4: Before Li Liqun's words cooled, his son flashed into the video frame. Li Liqun's son showed an extremely serious attitude and promised netizens that the Taiwanese media had a large amount of black material about Sima Nan, which was unknown to the mainland media. His son revealed a deep anger and felt unable to sit idly by and watch his father be slandered.

Paragraph 5: Li Liqun's son declares that if Sima Nan attacks his father again, he will unceremoniously expose the black material. This statement showed his inner dissatisfaction and anger, and he could not bear to see his father suffer injustice. He reminded Sima Nan that Li Liqun had retired from the entertainment industry and was too old to bear this kind of criticism again, and all this made people deeply worried about the development of the dispute.

Li Liqun's son was very angry and warned mainland media people that his father was angry and went to the hospital

Paragraph 6: Li Liqun's son has not forgotten to hold Sima Nan accountable for his actions, and he asks if he finds it so happy to play with traffic passwords. He issued a final warning and resolutely stated that he would never let the other party go. This series of words and promises highlights the close ties between family members and the support for Li Liqun.

Paragraph 7: Li Liqun reappears in the video, calling for harmony on the Internet, arguing that arguing and arguing will only waste public resources and is not worth it. He expressed his desire to live a quiet life in retirement and not to get into conflict with others. However, he also warned Sima Nan that if the situation expanded, the latter would never be his opponent, because Li Liqun had been in the entertainment industry for many years and had accumulated huge network resources, which Sima Nan could not imagine.

Li Liqun's son was very angry and warned mainland media people that his father was angry and went to the hospital

Paragraph 8: However, in the comments on the video, many netizens expressed dissatisfaction with Li Liqun's position and accused him of self-inflicted consequences. They believe that Li Liqun is old and not deaf and should not be used by Sima Nan, but he should also be responsible for his words and deeds. All of this constitutes an interweaving of different perspectives and perspectives in the Internet turmoil, adding more drama and depth to the development of events.

This shocking Internet turmoil has caused a wide range of activities in Taiwan's entertainment industry on a spring day

Follow and discuss. The importance of the incident lies not only in the dispute between media personality Sima Nan and actor Li Liqun, but also in the complex issues of freedom of expression, media responsibility, and personal privacy in the Internet age.

Li Liqun's son was very angry and warned mainland media people that his father was angry and went to the hospital

The different perspectives and perspectives raised by this incident reflect the concerns about the privacy of public figures and celebrities in today's society. On the one hand, it is widely believed that the offensive rhetoric of media personality Sima Nan not only hurt Li Liqun's feelings, but also sparked dissatisfaction and protests from family members. Li Liqun's son is determined to seek justice for his father and protect the honor of the family, which has aroused widespread resonance. Many supported his attitude, arguing that it was understandable to protect the dignity of family members.

However, on the other hand, there are also those who question Li Liqun's reaction. They believe that as a public figure, Li Liqun should handle disputes more calmly and sensibly, rather than posting emotional videos through social media. These perspectives highlight the public image and social responsibility of celebrities, as well as the ways in which they respond to controversy and attacks.

The issue of media responsibility was also raised in the incident. The media needs to be cautious when reporting and commenting, especially when it comes to personal privacy and reputation. Sima Nan's rhetoric was criticized as too aggressive, sparking controversy. This raises questions about media ethics and ethics, and how to balance press freedom and social responsibility.

Finally, the incident has also sparked a debate about freedom of expression on the Internet. The internet has provided a platform for everyone to express their opinions and opinions, but it has also brought with it the problem of disinformation, online violence, and personal attacks. In this incident, Li Liqun asked fans for help through social media, but at the same time, he also received a lot of attacks and insults. This raises questions about freedom of expression and abuse on the Internet, and how to maintain a civilized and respectful online environment.

Taken together, this contingency reveals the complexities of the social media era, including issues such as celebrity privacy, media responsibility, and freedom of expression on the Internet. As events unfold, the debate about how to balance these issues is deepening. Regardless of the final outcome, this event will continue to arouse society's attention and thinking about these important issues.


This event offers some important implications, both for public figures and for people in general. First of all, the power of words and actions is enormous, especially in the age of social media, where every word can go viral quickly and its influence cannot be underestimated. People should be cautious about expressing their opinions and avoid malicious attacks or disputes.

Secondly, in the face of online violence and attacks, it is very important to be rational and calm. Li Liqun chose to deal with it in a way that eliminated sorrow, but fell into a deeper predicament, which is a typical negative way of coping. When confronted with online controversy, you should remain calm and adopt a mature response, such as using facts and reason to argue, rather than being too emotional.

In addition, family support and solidarity were also highlighted during this event. Li Liqun's son stood up for him and showed affection and support between the family, and this solidarity was very important to get through the difficult situation. Family is a safe haven for a person in the storm, and relatives should support and understand each other.

Finally, the incident also highlights the difficulties of online violence and public figures. Attacks and malicious statements on social media can cause serious psychological stress and health problems for those who are being attacked. Public figures need more attention and support when they are under huge social pressure and surveillance, and at the same time, society should also pay attention to the problem of online violence in order to maintain a more friendly and civilized online environment.


The incident involved the verbal attack of a famous Taiwanese actor Li Liqun by mainland media personality Sima Nan, as well as the reaction of Li Liqun and his son. The incident revealed a range of important issues about social media, rhetorical impact, and family support.

First, the rhetorical influence of the social media age cannot be underestimated. Words can spread quickly and have a huge impact on both individuals and public figures. People should be more cautious about expressing their opinions and avoid offensive and malicious language in order to maintain a friendly and civil social media environment.

Second, in the face of online violence and attacks, rationality and calmness are key. Li Liqun chose to relieve his sorrow by drinking, but he fell further into trouble. When faced with online disputes, a calm and rational response is more conducive to solving problems. Adopt mature coping methods, such as using facts and reason to argue, rather than being overly emotional.

Family support and solidarity also played a key role in this event. Li Liqun's son stood up for him, showing affection and support between the family. This solidarity is very important to get through the difficult situation, the family is a safe haven in the storm, and there should be mutual support and understanding between relatives.

Finally, the incident highlights the difficulties of online violence and public figures. Attacks and malicious statements on social media can cause serious psychological stress and health problems for those who are being attacked. Public figures need more attention and support when they are under tremendous social pressure and surveillance. Society should also pay attention to the issue of online violence in order to maintain a more friendly and civilized online environment. All in all, the event calls for people to use social media more rationally and kindly, while also highlighting the importance of family support and social concern.

The above content information is from the Internet, relevant data, and theoretical research on the Internet information, which does not mean that the author of this article agrees with the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information. The author of this article does not assume any direct or indirect legal responsibility for any of the above or related issues.

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