
18 second-generation stars who are too deeply hidden, thinking that they are ordinary grassroots, it turns out that their mothers are not simple

author:Zhao Yueying 123

In the entertainment industry, star-studded movie stars often become idols of a generation. However, their children, those young people known as the "second generation of stars", are also under the glorious influence of their parents, and they are each embracing their own growth and career choices.

Sun Jinglu was born in a family full of artistic atmosphere. Her parents are both senior film and television actors, and as early as her infancy, she was influenced by the breath of art. When she grew up, she stepped into the acting industry without hesitation and won the recognition of the audience with her solid acting skills.

18 second-generation stars who are too deeply hidden, thinking that they are ordinary grassroots, it turns out that their mothers are not simple

Xu Dongding, behind the name carries the heavy history of the family. The son of a veteran director, he spent a lot of time on film sets since he was a child. However, instead of following his father's footsteps, he chose the field of cinematography, which is closely related to acting, but very different. In his own way, he injected new life into the film.

18 second-generation stars who are too deeply hidden, thinking that they are ordinary grassroots, it turns out that their mothers are not simple

Ye Daying, the director who became famous in "Children of Heroes", and his daughter Zhao Lingqi also made a name for herself in the film industry. However, she chose to explore her own path independently, became a screenwriter, and injected her own talent into film and television dramas.

18 second-generation stars who are too deeply hidden, thinking that they are ordinary grassroots, it turns out that their mothers are not simple

Zhao Jiaqi, her name shines on the singing stage. She is a singer with a great singing voice and an actress. The influence of her parents gave her a special sense of music and acting, and she won the love of countless fans with her talent.

18 second-generation stars who are too deeply hidden, thinking that they are ordinary grassroots, it turns out that their mothers are not simple

Wang Luyao was born in a musical family. Her father was a famous musician, and she was surrounded by music from a young age. She inherited her father's musical talent and became a high-profile musician.

Some of these "second generation stars" chose to continue their parents' careers, while others chose to take different paths. They have demonstrated independent thinking and courageous practice in their career choices.

However, not all the "Star 2" roads are smooth sailing. They have also experienced family problems and difficulties, but it is these experiences that have tempered their tenacity and courage and made them more determined to walk on the path they have chosen.

Their stories let us see the efforts and struggles of the "second generation of stars" behind the glory of their parents. In their own way, they have written their own chapters of life and become shining stars in the new era.

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