
Look at Yao Ce with "The Coolest Day": Xiong Lei, who was expelled, is Yao Ce's favorite look

author:Little Fei is small

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The German movie "The Coolest Day" made me rethink the story of Yao Ce and Xiong Lei after watching it yesterday. Yao Ce suffered from hepatitis B, but he found a tenacity and courage in Xiong Lei, and the seemingly bohemian lifestyle was exactly the vitality of life he longed for.

Yao Ce has been plagued by illness since he was a child, and Xu's mother has been running around for him, and this painful journey of more than 20 years has also become a heavy burden on his mother's heart. As a child, he may have been alienated in school, and hepatitis B made his childhood more lonely and estranged. As he gets older, his situation may improve, but his deep worries and insecurities remain, and every time he gets along with others, he is accompanied by concealment and worry.

Look at Yao Ce with "The Coolest Day": Xiong Lei, who was expelled, is Yao Ce's favorite look

Xiong Lei is known for her rebellion and self-esteem, tattoos, bungee, alcoholism, expulsion from health centers, and a reckless and ostentatious life. However, it is this maverick attitude that allows her to dare to pursue the people she likes, without fear of accusations and judgments from others. After meeting Yao Ce, she firmly believed in her insistence on this relationship and did not waver.

Andy and Benno gave us a great shock with their eclectic attitude to life in the movie "The Coolest Day". The bohemian Benno takes Andy all over Africa, challenging all difficulties and dangers. This self-indulgent lifestyle became what Andy longed for, and it also allowed him to experience the many possibilities of life.

Look at Yao Ce with "The Coolest Day": Xiong Lei, who was expelled, is Yao Ce's favorite look

Yao Ce's decision to choose to start a business after leaving the Health Insurance Bureau also gave me a new understanding of his tenacity. Putting down the iron rice bowl and pursuing the goal in his heart, his original intention has always been to give his wife and children a better life. This sense of courage and responsibility is not only reflected in his career, but also in his deep love for his family.

However, Yao Ce was faced with a difficult decision when facing his parents' house. He struggles between morality and responsibility, understanding that the house cannot solve all problems, but it is also a precious bond that carries his thoughts and love.

Today, Yao Ce has passed away, and his and his wife's past has been exposed on the Internet and has become the focus of public opinion. However, we must not forget that they are ordinary people, and perhaps only the judiciary and themselves can judge and deal with them fairly.

Look at Yao Ce with "The Coolest Day": Xiong Lei, who was expelled, is Yao Ce's favorite look

This story made me see the tenacity and courage of life, and also made me understand that everyone has different struggles and perseverance when faced with their own choices. Every decision is a silent bravery, and every persistence deserves our respect and understanding.

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Look at Yao Ce with "The Coolest Day": Xiong Lei, who was expelled, is Yao Ce's favorite look


Looking at the story of Yao Ce and Xiong Lei, we find that interpersonal relationships in life are often affected in many ways, from family background, personality characteristics to health status. As a patient who has been fighting hepatitis B for a long time, Yao Ce has experienced the dual pressure of pain and social rejection. However, he found resonance and pillars in Xiong Lei, and it was precisely because of Xiong Lei's rebellion and self that Yao Ce felt the vitality and possibility of life.

At the same time, we can also draw inspiration from the story of Andy and Benno in "The Coolest Day". Andy originally lived a regular and purposeful life, but after meeting Benno, he chose an adventure to explore another side of life. This shows that the diversity and possibilities of life are limitless, and that we should not trap ourselves in narrow frameworks.

Look at Yao Ce with "The Coolest Day": Xiong Lei, who was expelled, is Yao Ce's favorite look

This also reminds us that when faced with life choices, we should open our hearts, accept diversity, not exclude because of superficial differences, and do not miss out on the wonders of life because of rules and constraints.


Embrace diversity: Yao Ce and Xiong Lei's story tells us that people in life have their own characteristics and lifestyles, and we should learn to accept these diversity. Different people can find empathy with each other and create a better life together.

Bravely face difficulties: When facing a serious health problem such as hepatitis B, Yao Ce did not choose to sink or feel self-pity, but actively sought the joy and pillar of life. This positive attitude is worth learning.

Pursuit of true love and happiness: Xiong Lei dares to pursue the love of her heart without being influenced by external judgment. Her courage and perseverance show us the importance of pursuing true love and happiness.

Challenging the comfort zone: Andy's choice to let go of the original life mode and dare to take risks to explore unknown possibilities shows that we should also bravely challenge the comfort zone and look for new opportunities and experiences in life.

Weighing the pros and cons: Yao Ce experienced inner struggles when faced with the choice of responsibility and morality. This makes us realize that decisions in life often require deliberation, taking into account the pros and cons.


By observing the story of Yao Ce and Xiong Lei and the movie "The Coolest Day", we can get some useful inspiration. Life is diverse and full of possibilities, we should open our hearts, accept differences, bravely face difficulties, pursue true love and happiness, and learn to challenge our comfort zone to create a more colorful life for ourselves.

Yao Ce's story also makes us reflect on the turmoil between ethics and responsibility, and also reminds us to weigh the pros and cons when making decisions, and consider the impact of all aspects. In the end, leaving everything to the judicial authorities and the parties themselves may be the most appropriate way to resolve the Yao Ce incident.

These stories teach us that in life's journey, we should value everyone we meet, because everyone may bring us a special surprise and inspiration.

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