
#Punch in the frost to send away autumn #Today's frost falls, the last solar term of autumn is here. Wind cold frost cold, may you be elegant to the evening, may you calmly face the cold! At night, it was indeed a little cold, and I didn't wear socks and feet

author:Shun Xi

#Punch in the frost to send away autumn#

Today the frost falls, and the last solar term of autumn is here.

Wind cold frost cold, may you be elegant to the evening, may you calmly face the cold!

At night, it was indeed a little cold, and my feet were cold without socks, a cold breath... It means that winter is really not far away.

In the past few days, the sun has been out, and the autumn clothes and pants have been turned out and washed, and this roller coaster-like weather is really cold and unpreventable.

I thought of a lot of copywriting about autumn, which is not as romantic as this sweet persimmon.

#Punch in the frost to send away autumn #Today's frost falls, the last solar term of autumn is here. Wind cold frost cold, may you be elegant to the evening, may you calmly face the cold! At night, it was indeed a little cold, and I didn't wear socks and feet
#Punch in the frost to send away autumn #Today's frost falls, the last solar term of autumn is here. Wind cold frost cold, may you be elegant to the evening, may you calmly face the cold! At night, it was indeed a little cold, and I didn't wear socks and feet
#Punch in the frost to send away autumn #Today's frost falls, the last solar term of autumn is here. Wind cold frost cold, may you be elegant to the evening, may you calmly face the cold! At night, it was indeed a little cold, and I didn't wear socks and feet

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