
Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, 63 years old picking up garbage in a foreign country, has become a joke?

author:Wonderful Gege I

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Lv Liping and Sun Haiying, the on-screen couple, became household names for "The Years of Passion Burning", and the two became leaders in the film and television industry with the success of this play. However, just at the peak of their careers, they made a surprising decision to quit the familiar stage and live in the United States. Surprisingly, Lv Liping, far from her homeland, did not continue her low-key style in China, on the contrary, some of her actions caused a lot of controversy in the United States.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, 63 years old picking up garbage in a foreign country, has become a joke?

While living in the United States, Lv Liping once posted content celebrating the United States Day on her social media, expressing her deep love for the United States. This behavior is undoubtedly a huge psychological shock for her fans in China. As an actor who became popular in China, Lv Liping's statement was considered to be disloyal and ungrateful to the motherland. What is even more shocking is that on the occasion of the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, she even expressed her condolences on social media, which aroused strong public dissatisfaction and doubts, and some people even launched a boycott of her on the Internet. For the accusations from the outside world, Lv Liping and Sun Haiying don't seem to care too much. What they shared on social media showed that the two had a good life overseas and had no clear plans to return home. Does this mean that their emotional ties with the Motherland have been broken? This question has puzzled many people who care about them.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, 63 years old picking up garbage in a foreign country, has become a joke?

It is worth noting that although Lv Liping and Sun Haiying left the Chinese entertainment industry, they did not completely cut ties with China. In fact, they opened their own performing arts schools in China, using their fame to attract students. However, according to some internal sources, the quality of teaching at this school is far from meeting the expected standards, and many students have difficulty gaining a foothold in the entertainment industry after graduation. These negative feedback undoubtedly further damaged the two actors' reputations in the country.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, 63 years old picking up garbage in a foreign country, has become a joke?

Looking back at Lv Liping's career history, she is undoubtedly a talented actor. Since graduating from the Central Academy of Drama in 1984, she has made her mark in the show business with her superb acting skills. Although her appearance may not be so eye-catching, her profound acting skills have won wide recognition from the audience.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, 63 years old picking up garbage in a foreign country, has become a joke?

However, one wonders whether Lü Liping has really distanced herself from China and become a so-called "slave of the West", as she has shown on social media? In today's society, every public figure's every move will be magnified and scrutinized, and Lv Liping's situation may be the result of her failure to keep a low profile.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, 63 years old picking up garbage in a foreign country, has become a joke?

In fact, for an actor with such versatility, audiences would prefer to see her performance on stage rather than the controversy she caused on social media. Lv Liping and Sun Haiying were once leaders in Chinese film and television, and they created countless classic characters that left a deep impression on the audience. People can't help but wonder, did they really choose this kind of life, or were they forced by the environment? They may really be living comfortably in the United States, as they describe themselves. However, no matter how good their lives are, they cannot deny that it is China's land and people that give them the opportunity to succeed. Without the support and love of the audience in the motherland, they would not be where they are today. Now, although they are overseas, that doesn't mean they can forget their roots and past.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, 63 years old picking up garbage in a foreign country, has become a joke?

From another point of view, as public figures, Lv Liping and Sun Haiying are undoubtedly under great pressure. They must always be perfect in the public eye, which places no small burden on their lives. Perhaps, moving abroad is their attempt to find a place where they can really relax, away from the pressure of public opinion.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, 63 years old picking up garbage in a foreign country, has become a joke?

In general, no matter where they are, they should cherish their past and be grateful to the audience who once supported them. As public figures, their every word and deed will be amplified attention. True wisdom lies in knowing how to balance one's personal life with your public image, and how to remain true to yourself while respecting and thanking the people who give them the opportunity to succeed.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, 63 years old picking up garbage in a foreign country, has become a joke?

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