
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

author:Lucky Star Entertainment
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Wash your hands and make soup, how can you get the word "miserable"?

A few years ago, when street vendors were selling "mutton cuts" on the streets of the town, no one imagined that one day, the word would be used to describe the fate of a popular movie star. But right now, this word is really appropriate for Lu Liping!

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

As the screen leader of the post-90s and post-00s, Lu Liping used to be Bai Yueguang in the minds of countless star-chasing girls, and they couldn't wait to use their pocket money to buy her photo album. But this fairy-descended beauty can only pick up garbage on the streets of the United States for a living.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Who would have thought that a big star who was once admired by thousands of people would be reduced to the point of rummaging through food in the trash? It's a tragic scene in life! Speaking of which, this really fulfills the old saying: "There is wine today, and there is drunkness today, and there is no money tomorrow, and tomorrow there will be sorrow."

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Lu Liping's tragic situation is actually not accidental. It all started when she married actor Sun Haiying for the third time.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Sun Haiying, a man, is a well-known "poor nerd". Don't look at his sven scum style in and out of the play, in the eyes of money, he is a complete essence! In order to immigrate to the United States, the two made up their minds and opened a "star-making training class" in China.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Hey, you heard it right, it's the kind of "money pit" that can be seen everywhere. deceived ignorant boys and girls into their own "schools", promised that the children would "distribute big productions" in the future, and then began all kinds of "marketing training" that was difficult for strong people. From a teaching institution to a brokerage company, don't you have to pay for any level?

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

At first, the two of them pretended to be a few temporary workers pretending to be "authoritative experts" to fool the students. As everyone knows, later he simply abandoned all pretenses and directly said publicly, "You can do it if you have money."

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Just by bragging, coupled with the old faces of the old NIA, they have successfully defrauded countless parents and young people of their hard-earned money. It didn't take long for him to completely cut off his domestic financial route and was forced to abscond to the United States with his money.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

But life in the U.S. hasn't been peaceful. Not to mention the cunning acts that have been exposed at home, just their series of pro-US and insulting words and deeds in the United States have already caused them to lose face in the world.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

The children's game of playing at home is said to be "too deep in love" for the country, so I love it to the bone", but Lu Liping is such a mouth.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

He first celebrated the assassination of Japan's former prime minister on social media, and then mocked China as a "barbarian country" in church. I think she is jealous of the strength of other people's countries, so she simply empathizes with foreigners.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

"Is it easy to make money, it's too easy to spend money". Lu Liping and her husband have done so many immoral things, so they naturally have to bear the price. I got up a long time ago, and I was scolded for being a bloody dog; Coupled with the deliberate provocation of China, it is naturally hated by hardcore supporters.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

What's even more ridiculous is that they are obviously talking about this and that all day long, but in fact, their lives in the United States are also a mess.

If nothing else, let's take the video of being caught picking up garbage for a living. Originally, there should be a bit of humility under the fence, but these two goods don't want face at all, and they show off their power all day long. In the end, he was desperate and had to compete with homeless people for survival resources, is this unpleasant retribution?

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Looking at Lu Liping's thin face and dirty pants in the video, I only feel that this person's fate is in ruins. If she were to do it all over again, I guess she would think twice. After all, people live for a lifetime, don't do things that are unfortunate!

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Lu Liping's tragic situation has aroused widespread concern and heated discussions in the society. Some expressed sympathy, saying that her experience was too tragic; But some people feel that this is just her own end.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

It is undeniable that Lu Liping was once a very successful star, with a lot of achievements and status in the film and television industry. However, some of her later words and deeds and actions made her forget all about the past. Those fans who once supported and loved her are now inevitably disappointed and disappointed in her.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Looking back at Lu Liping's experience, it is not difficult to find that the reason why she fell into such a situation is largely due to greed and lack of vision. In order to pursue more money and interests, she and her husband Sun Haiying were desperate, and even took risks to set up the "star-making training class" in China. They used their influence and popularity to deceive ignorant young people and parents and earn large sums of illegal gains.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

However, the deception will eventually be exposed. When their violations in the country were exposed, they had to abscond to the United States with the money in order to escape punishment. However, life in a foreign country did not go smoothly either. Their arrogant attitude and slanderous remarks against the motherland have completely lost the support and affection of the Chinese audience.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Once upon a time, Lu Liping and Sun Haiying were still stars in the limelight and attracted the attention of thousands of people. However, once you lose your way, you will fall into the quagmire step by step. Now seeing Lu Liping so embarrassed is embarrassing. She could have lived a prosperous and stable life, but because of her greed and confusion, she pushed herself into a situation from which she could never recover.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Lu Liping's tragic experience warns us of a profound truth: people should be content and happy, and must not be insatiable. Greed often blinds people's minds and makes people do things that are unreasonable. We should respect the law, abide by the law, and use honest labor to maintain our lives, instead of embarking on the evil path of breaking the law and committing crimes.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Only by maintaining high moral integrity and abiding by the right path can we win the respect of society and live a dignified and meaningful life. Lu Liping's former glory is no longer there, I hope her experience can give us a wake-up call, so that we know how to cherish the present and plan for the future.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Lu Liping's fall is indeed deplorable, but her tragic experience also teaches us a profound life lesson.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Although a person's fate will be affected by many factors in the outside world, in the final analysis, it still depends on one's own character. If you blindly pursue financial interests and act recklessly, your future will be ruined in the end.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

On the contrary, as long as you have an honest and kind character and strive to contribute to the society, you will definitely be able to win the respect of others and succeed openly.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

The reason why Lu Liping fell into such a situation is largely because she has lost the direction of her life. She was once a much-anticipated movie and television star, and she should be proud of her achievements. However, she was greedy for money, and teamed up with her husband to defraud the students of their money, embarking on a road of no return to crime.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

What's even more distressing is that Lu Liping not only committed illegal acts, but also spoke wildly about her motherland. She deliberately slandered China as a "barbarian country" and publicly celebrated the assassination of the former Japanese prime minister, completely losing the bottom line and concept of right and wrong that a Chinese citizen should have.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

It can be said that Lu Liping has completely betrayed her roots. She left behind all the viewers who once pursued her, and acted recklessly and corrupted customs. The final outcome is to be spurned by public opinion and life is in an embarrassing situation.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Lu Liping's road to fall once again reveals an eternal truth: people live for a lifetime, and they must not be insatiable, otherwise they will reap the consequences. We must have the moral character of integrity and kindness, and always be cautious in our words and deeds, so that we can win the respect of society and live a happy and fulfilling life.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

From Lu Liping's experience, we can also see that once people lose their right path, it is difficult for them to regain the direction of life. She could have relied on her talent to earn a legitimate income and live a prosperous and healthy life. However, she coveted the money of the moment and finally paid the price with her life.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Therefore, we should learn from Lu Liping's failure. We must make a living with hard work and honesty, and strictly require ourselves to always adhere to the bottom line of law and morality. Only in this way can we avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and truly live the value and meaning of life.

Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences
Pro-US humiliation of China, backstabbing the motherland! Lu Liping, who eats Chinese food but has an American heart, is now reaping the consequences

Lu Liping used to be a bright star, but now she can only live a life no different from a homeless man, which is really sad. I hope that her path to decline can attract enough attention from the society, so as to remind more people: acting cautiously, knowing the law and abiding by the law, and putting morality first, this is the way to success.

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