
Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

author:Yuzu is going to talk about it
Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

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Lu Liping was born in a family of intellectuals in Beijing, her mother is a doctor, her father is engaged in historical research, her uncle is a professor, and her grandmother is a special teacher!

Since childhood, she has been influenced by the long-standing traditional Chinese culture, and has developed a strong interest in and deep understanding of the profound Chinese history and culture.

After entering her youth, Lu Liping had a great dream of becoming an excellent actor in her heart.

With her outstanding talent and deep love for the art of drama, she was successfully admitted to the prestigious Central Academy of Drama, and since then she has embarked on a path full of challenges and opportunities.

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

During her studies at school, she devoted herself to honing her acting skills, worked diligently, and won high praise from teachers and classmates.

However, who would have expected that she, who is known as the "old drama bone", would make a series of jaw-dropping outrageous behaviors in the coming days, ruining the good reputation she has accumulated through years of hard work in the film industry.

As an actor with a professional background, she should have maintained a rigorous attitude and avoided doing things that damaged her identity and professional ethics.

Born in a scholarly family and bathed in the influence of the motherland's culture, Lu Liping should be well versed in the way of life.

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

However, she seems to have forgotten who she is and where she is, and has lost her basic moral judgment, leading her to make some extremely unwise and laughable words and actions, and thus lose the trust of the public.

Lu Liping's emotional experience can be described as magnificent and full of twists and turns. Her first husband was the famous actor Zhang Fengyi. The two met and knew each other because of their joint participation in the movie "Police in the Year of the Dragon", and their outstanding performance in the film gradually established a deep tacit understanding, which also prompted their relationship to heat up day by day, and finally came together.

At that time, Lu Liping and Zhang Fengyi were already emerging, and the material conditions were relatively scarce. However, the sweetness and affection they had when they were together made countless people envious.

Although their wedding was simple and unpretentious, it was full of warmth and touch.

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

Soon after marriage, Lu Liping became pregnant with a child. In order to take better care of the family, she devoted more energy to household chores. As the pillar of the family, Zhang Fengyi naturally took on the heavy responsibility of supporting his family.

At first, the pressures of these lives became their motivation to move forward. However, as time passed, cracks began to appear in the relationship between the husband and wife.

Mr. Zhang Fengyi devoted himself to his career and couldn't help but neglect to care for his family. And Ms. Lu Liping, who was lonely and watched over her home, resolutely took over all the tedious housework responsibilities and endured physical and mental exhaustion.

The couple's time together is getting thinner, and their mutual love and understanding are drifting apart. Finally, in 1991, they made the difficult choice of saying goodbye to their old marriage and moving towards their own life paths.

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

After the divorce, in order to raise her children, Ms. Lu Liping returned to the film industry again. On a soccer trip with her children, she met her second husband, Tao Wei, a personable soccer coach.

The two gradually got to know each other through frequent contact, and fell deeply in love with each other, and finally tied the knot. However, life after marriage was not all smooth sailing, full of endless disputes, and the relationship lasted only two years before it broke down.

After two failed marriages, Ms. Lu Liping was physically and mentally exhausted, and she was determined to devote more energy to her career. It was at this moment that fate once again brought her a new opportunity.

She met Sun Haiying, who also had a bumpy marriage experience, and the two middle-aged people naturally came together because they shared similar values.

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

Soon after Ms. Lu Liping and Mr. Sun Haiying got married, they moved to the United States together. Since then, Ms. Lu Liping's life has changed dramatically. It turned out that her husband Sun Haiying was actually a long-planned "foreigner" element.

Mr. Sun Haiying has made many public remarks denigrating traditional Chinese culture and vigorously advocating Western civilization and religious beliefs. In his eyes, China's 5,000-year-long and dazzling history of civilization seems to be insignificant.

He lacks the most basic respect and understanding of China's history and culture.

When the film "Changjin Lake", which reflects the real history of the Anti-Japanese War, was released in China, audiences across the country were moved to tears by the heroic struggle of the martyrs.

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

However, Mr. Sun Haiying criticized the film and commented arrogantly that China is only good at shooting some "empty and nothing" works, and it cannot show the true face of history at all.

In order to defend his so-called "unique" view, Mr. Sun Haiying has even repeatedly derogated the works of well-known domestic directors in public. His actions are so staggering that it is hard to understand what a serious false "education" he received.

In the face of the stern questioning and ruthless reprimand of domestic netizens, Lu Liping and Sun Haiying had no remorse! On the contrary, they have been more determined to declare that they will not return to their homeland unless they encounter extremely special circumstances.

Lu Liping unreservedly accepted her husband's undoubted concept of "admiring foreign countries", and stood by her husband's side without hesitation, as if she had lost the ability to think independently.

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

Recently, she has frequently published a series of questioning and derogatory remarks on major social platforms, trying her best to cater to the tastes of Western countries. Even though her relatives and friends deeply deplored her anomie words and deeds, she still went her own way, ignoring the cultural traditions and values of the motherland, and her state of mind was almost mad.

In order to maintain basic living conditions in a foreign land, Lu Liping and Sun Haiying once co-founded a training institution called "Dream Academy", claiming that it can help children realize their dreams of becoming stars.

However, this so-called "academy" has been characterized by serious false propaganda and fraud since its inception, and they do not hesitate to deceive innocent and kind parents and children for personal gain.

Many parents were attracted by the aura of Lu Liping, a well-known movie star, and had high expectations and trust in "Dream Academy", and sent their children to sign up for study. However, the fact is that the "Academy" is simply not able to provide the teaching services they promised, and it is a completely well-planned hoax.

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

Many children and parents have invested a lot of money and effort in this regard, but in the end, they have been completely deceived and their future is ruined. In the process of pursuing the so-called "high-quality life", Lu Liping and Sun Haiying wantonly deceived and deceived their compatriots and ancestors, and their bad behavior is outrageous.

Although they once won the love and popularity of countless audiences in China, what they are doing now has made everyone feel disappointed and angry.

This couple ignored the deep friendship of their compatriots, betrayed the cultural traditions of the motherland, and did everything possible to deceive the Chinese people for their selfish desires.

In those glorious years, Lu Liping was undoubtedly an undisputed acting superstar, and her lofty status and extensive reputation in the field of film and television are all breathtaking!

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

However, the world is unpredictable, and this former film and television giant is now so desperate that he has to live on the streets of the United States, scavenging for a living, in exchange for a "green card", in order to realize his desire to settle permanently.

What is ironic is that in a group of photos exposed by the media recently, it is the famous actor Sun Haiying who has appeared.

Dressed in a shabby jacket and a fisherman's hat, he squatted down the street, engrossed in searching for garbage in every corner, which contrasted sharply with his previous image.

This scene undoubtedly shocked countless people, and they couldn't even believe their eyes. In fact, according to the couple's relatives and friends, Sun Haiying and Lu Liping did rely on scavenging to make a living in the United States.

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

If it weren't for the wealth they accumulated in their homeland many years ago, how could they have a comfortable life today? If the majority of fans and fans in China had not given them enough attention and support, how could they enjoy today's fame?

However, Lu Liping and Sun Haiying forgot their roots, leaving behind the land and foundation they once relied on for their livelihood, and finally caused today's tragedy, which is undoubtedly a vivid portrayal of "self-inflicted sin, unable to live".

After experiencing bitterness in a foreign country, the former stars finally realized a cruel reality: how great the nurturing grace of the motherland is.

If it weren't for the nourishment of the motherland, how could they have achieved what they are today? This made Lu Liping and Sun Haiying repent, and decided to reinvent themselves through their unremitting efforts and re-establish their life values in a foreign country.

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

Although Lu Liping and Sun Haiying have endured hardships in the United States, they still rely on the wealth they have accumulated in their homeland to survive. However, their anomie has deprived them of everyone's blessing and support.

Back then, Zhang Boyu had the dream of being an actor and hoped to make a name for himself in the domestic film and television industry, but because his mother and stepfather were riddled with negative news in China, no one dared to risk him.

Lu Liping never expected that her words and deeds would have such a profound impact on children.

At this moment of time flowing, when we look back on the past, we can't help but feel emotional!

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping, who emigrated overseas, almost didn't know who they were

The eye-popping treachery of Ms. Lu Liping and Mr. Sun Haiying, as well as their behavior of forgetting their ancestors in the treatment of history and culture, is really laughable! Time, the eternal witness, will reveal all the truth.

Those who are out of order and morally degenerate, they are destined not to get the sincere blessings from anyone's heart, and we are waiting with great anticrity to see if this once brilliant superstar in the entertainment industry can rein in the precipice, correct their values in time, and regain the dignity and bottom line that they should have as sons and daughters of China.

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