
The woman woke up drunk to find that her pants were gone, covered her lower body with her blouse, and squatted on the side of the road crying

author:Healthy Stream 1R

Despair after waking up drunk

One night at a crazy party, the young girl Cortana is drunk. The effects of alcohol make her delirious and become a target for strange men. In the early morning, Cortana finally woke up, but was horrified to find herself naked and her pants were nowhere to be seen. Her mood had sunk to the bottom, covered her lower body with her blouse, and squatted on the side of the road crying.

Questioning by passers-by

The lonely and helpless Cortana aroused the onlookers of passers-by, and at first some people were puzzled by her actions, while discussing with disdain, "What kind of person is this!"

The woman woke up drunk to find that her pants were gone, covered her lower body with her blouse, and squatted on the side of the road crying

"While staying away from her." Did you dress up too revealing and mess with yourself? Passers-by talked about it, and Cortana could only insist silently.

The emergence of well-wishers

Seeing this, Big Brother Wang, who was silently waiting by the side, took off his coat without saying a word, and walked to Xiao Na's side and draped it. "Little girl, don't be afraid, I'll give you a taxi home." Cortana was touched by the act of kindness, and she hid in her coat to dry her tears, her heart full of gratitude.

The woman woke up drunk to find that her pants were gone, covered her lower body with her blouse, and squatted on the side of the road crying

Help from the store

Cortana and Brother Wang went to a nearby convenience store, and the owner gladly accepted them. The owner gave Cortana a dress and told her to stay safe on the way home. Cortana felt warm and decided to continue her gratitude.

Help on social media

Cortana sits sadly in the store when she unexpectedly receives a message. It turned out that at this time, someone on social media had launched a help action, providing contact information, hoping that someone in the know could help Cortana find her lost pants.

The woman woke up drunk to find that her pants were gone, covered her lower body with her blouse, and squatted on the side of the road crying
The woman woke up drunk to find that her pants were gone, covered her lower body with her blouse, and squatted on the side of the road crying

Cortana was excited and moved, and immediately contacted the initiator.


In the crowded city, Cortana encountered many doubts and incomprehension, but also felt warm and helpful. Cortana, crying on the side of the road, is no longer alone, she finds courage and hope, and from that moment on, she is determined to give back to society with her own strength and continue to help those in need.

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