
Mo Yan said: Do these four points, avoid disasters, far from right and wrong!

author:Little Fish Fairy

Mo Yan is one of the most influential contemporary Chinese writers, and he has won the love of a wide range of readers with his unique style and profound insight. In his works, we can not only see the fullness of the characters and the truth of emotions, but also feel his thinking about human nature and attention to social reality. Mo Yan once said in an interview: Do these four points, avoid disasters, far from wrong! So, let's analyze what these four points refer to.

Mo Yan said: Do these four points, avoid disasters, far from right and wrong!

First of all, avoid disasters. Disasters here do not only refer to natural disasters, but also man-made disasters. Mo Yan often reveals the ugliness and deception of human nature in his works, and he calls on people to maintain good moral character and correct code of conduct by describing various social phenomena and the ups and downs of characters' fates. Only by discerning right from wrong can we avoid getting ourselves into trouble and not bringing calamity to ourselves.

Secondly, far from wrong. Right and wrong here refer to the strife and strife between people. Mo Yan knows that the dispute between right and wrong will lead to the breakdown and harm of the relationship. In order to stay away from right and wrong, he advocated that people should maintain a peaceful mind, not pursue the struggle for rights and interests, but pay attention to their inner emotions and spiritual pursuits. Only by staying away from right and wrong can we have true inner peace and happiness.

These four points are actually Mo Yan's expectations and warnings to human society. He hoped that people would maintain correct moral character and clear thinking in the face of difficult situations, be free from external interference, and stick to their principles. At the same time, he also admonished people to maintain good interpersonal relationships, not to fight with others, and to avoid conflicts and contradictions. Only by doing these four points can we truly stay away from disasters and right and wrong, and live a harmonious and happy life.

Mo Yan said: Do these four points, avoid disasters, far from right and wrong!

Mo Yan's works and remarks are all with a strong sense of humanistic care and social responsibility, and he profoundly reveals the complexity of human nature and the reality of society, making readers resonate and think. Through his words, we can draw wisdom from them and guide ourselves to the right path in life. I believe that as long as we can keep these four points in mind, we will be able to remain calm and just in the face of difficulties, and achieve true happiness and harmony.

Mo Yan said: Do these four points, avoid disasters, far from right and wrong!

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