
Fried vegetarian meatballs are delicious and have a trick, don't put flour and starch, put more of these 2, crispy and not soft

author:Wenqi kitchenette

Fried vegetarian meatballs are delicious and have a trick, don't put flour and starch, put more of these 2, crispy and not soft

Vegetarian balls, what is the first thing that comes to everyone's mind? What comes to mind are radish balls and, of course, lotus root balls, which are perfect for eating in autumn and after cooling down. Eat more radish and lotus root, replenish deficiency and qi, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, and have many benefits for the body.

Fried vegetarian meatballs are delicious and have a trick, don't put flour and starch, put more of these 2, crispy and not soft

It doesn't matter what kind of meatballs it is, as long as it is fried, it is delicious! Fried food, oily things, are very much loved by me, but compared to fried skewers, fried chicken, or my own fried meatballs, it is cleaner, more hygienic, and healthier, if you have time, you may wish to do it and eat it for the whole family.

Fried vegetarian meatballs are delicious and have a trick, don't put flour and starch, put more of these 2, crispy and not soft

Fried vegetarian meatballs, are many people, like to put flour, starch to set, think that this way fried is more crispy? In fact, if you want to be delicious, don't put flour and starch, fry them up and be soft, and they are easy to soften. Put more of these 2, crispy and not soft.

Fried vegetarian meatballs are delicious and have a trick, don't put flour and starch, put more of these 2, crispy and not soft

【Vegetarian meatballs】

Use: Radishes/lotus root, green onion and ginger, salt, five-spice powder, chicken essence, oyster sauce, sesame oil, baking soda, steamed buns

1. Prepare vegetarian dishes such as white radish, lotus root, etc., after washing them in water, first peel off the skin, and then chop.

Fried vegetarian meatballs are delicious and have a trick, don't put flour and starch, put more of these 2, crispy and not soft

2. Chop and pour it into a basin, the radish needs to add salt to kill the water, after killing the water, then dry it and put it in a small basin for later. If you don't like to eat ginger, you can just use chopped green onion, cut it and pour it into a pot with radish or lotus root.

Fried vegetarian meatballs are delicious and have a trick, don't put flour and starch, put more of these 2, crispy and not soft

3. Next, pour salt, five-spice powder, chicken essence, oyster sauce and sesame oil into it, and stir thoroughly. Then, there is no need to put flour and starch, you need to put these 2 - baking soda, steamed buns. Put 2g of baking soda to play a fluffy role, put 1 steamed bun, crush it and pour it into it to have a crispy effect.

Fried vegetarian meatballs are delicious and have a trick, don't put flour and starch, put more of these 2, crispy and not soft

4. After all are added, let's continue to stir with chopsticks, stir until viscous and shaped, you can do it, and then prepare croquettes. Pour oil into the pan, if you want to fry more thoroughly and crispier, be sure to pour more oil, don't feel distressed, heat it to 7 to heat, and put in the balls.

Fried vegetarian meatballs are delicious and have a trick, don't put flour and starch, put more of these 2, crispy and not soft

5. Squeeze the batter at the mouth of the tiger, and then scoop it out with a spoon, put it directly in the pot and fry it, fry until it is colored and broken, and put it out for later use. If there are more meatballs, you can fry them in several pots, and after all of them are fried and served, we will warm the oil in the pot and heat it over high heat.

Fried vegetarian meatballs are delicious and have a trick, don't put flour and starch, put more of these 2, crispy and not soft

6. Then pour all the fried balls just now into a hot oil pan, at this time turn to medium-low heat and fry, fry until completely colored, and turn into a golden and burnt color, you can fish it out, control the oil, and you can eat. Fried in this way, the balls are fluffy and crispy, and they are neither soft nor hard when cold.

Fried vegetarian meatballs are delicious and have a trick, don't put flour and starch, put more of these 2, crispy and not soft

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