
The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

author:Lily of the valley tells a story
The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

I'm a pica, sometimes I want to eat soil, and my family thinks I'm crazy, but in fact, I just think the taste of the soil is very "unique".

I was eating and eating that day, and suddenly I wanted to eat a bar of soap, but I took a bite and almost didn't send me away!

In the dead of night, I really want to eat paper, and I am almost running out of newspapers and books at home.

The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

My pica is getting worse and worse, and that day in the park, I actually wanted to gnaw on the bark of a tree, and I was so scared that the aunt next to me screamed.

One day I was watching TV, and suddenly I wanted to eat the remote control, but I couldn't help it, otherwise I would have to change it to a new one.

My wife said that my pica was so weird that one day I wanted to eat plasticine, and I said that I just missed the taste when I was a child. ~

The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

At that meeting in the company, I suddenly wanted to eat the pen on the table, but I couldn't help it, afraid that others would treat me as a monster.

My dog is afraid of me, and every time I eat his dog food, he looks at me with an aggrieved face.

Once when I went to the supermarket, I suddenly wanted to eat that plastic bag, and the people next to me were stunned, so I had to smile awkwardly.

The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

I was walking on the road that day, and I suddenly wanted to eat a rock, so I was so scared that I hurried home.

My pica is really laughable, and once I wanted to eat a light bulb, but fortunately, reason prevailed over impulse.

Cooking in the kitchen that day, I suddenly wanted to eat a spatula, and I was so frightened that I quickly put down the spatula in my hand.

The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

My vases have been changed several times, and they are all "eaten" by my pica.

Once, in the library, I suddenly wanted to eat that book, but I held back or I would have to be kicked out.

My pica is really a headache, and once I actually wanted to eat a TV remote control, but fortunately there was no TV at home.

The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

When I was walking in the park that day, I suddenly wanted to eat leaves, but I took a bite and it tasted pretty good.

Once, at the beach, I actually wanted to eat sand, but I held back, otherwise I would have to be taken crazy.

My slippers were all gnawed to pieces, and my wife said that my pica was too expensive.

The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

That day in the office, I suddenly wanted to eat the keyboard, and I was so frightened that I quickly retracted my hand.

My pica is really getting worse and worse, and I actually want to eat the computer screen, so scared that I quickly shut down the computer.

One time on the train, I suddenly wanted to eat that window, but luckily the train was going fast and didn't let me succeed.

The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

That day at the cinema, I actually wanted to eat a popcorn bucket, but I held back, otherwise I would be laughed at.

My chopsticks have been changed several times, and they were all bitten by my pica.

Once at a restaurant, I suddenly wanted to eat that plate, and the waiter was so frightened that I quickly took the plate away.

The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

My pica is really laughable, and once I actually wanted to eat that faucet, but fortunately there was no water at home.

When I was taking a shower in the bathroom that day, I suddenly wanted to eat that bath bomb, but fortunately I couldn't help it, otherwise I would have to be scolded by my wife.

My sofa has been gnawed to pieces, and my wife says that my pica has been cured.

The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

Once when I was shopping in a mall, I suddenly wanted to eat the model's clothes, and I was so scared that I quickly walked away.

My pica is getting weirder and weirder, and I actually want to eat that telephone pole, but fortunately no one sees me.

That day on the mountain, I actually wanted to eat the stone, but I held back, otherwise I would have to be punished by the mountain god.

The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

I have bitten the doorknobs of my house and have been bumpy, and my wife says that my pica needs to be cured quickly.

Once on the subway, I suddenly wanted to eat that handrail, and I was so frightened that I quickly let go of my hand.

My pica is really getting worse and worse, and I actually want to eat that traffic light, but fortunately no one finds out

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The man suspected that he had pica, and he liked to eat a lot of flour, and the quirks in the comment area were even more explosive

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