
Zhong Yu is the sect of the deep and lonely poetry school, the poetry opens the tomb, the shadow into the painting, for a generation of poetry and painting characters Zhong Yu is the sect of the deep lonely and steep poetry school, the poetry opens the tomb, the shadow into the painting, for a generation of poetry and painting characters!

author:Lu Xiuhui Kankan poetry calligraphy and painting printing

"The Biography of the Painter" ~ 234th article

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > Zhong Yu is the sect of the deep and lonely poetry school, the poem opens the tomb, quietly into the painting, for a generation of poetry and painting characters! </h1>

Text/Lu Xiuhui

Zhong Yi (1574–1624) was a Ming dynasty writer and painter. Zi Bojing (字伯敬), a native of Huguang Jingling (present-day Tianmen City, Hubei).

Zhong Yu is the sect of the deep and lonely poetry school, the poetry opens the tomb, the shadow into the painting, for a generation of poetry and painting characters Zhong Yu is the sect of the deep lonely and steep poetry school, the poetry opens the tomb, the shadow into the painting, for a generation of poetry and painting characters!

Zhong's father, Zhong Cheng, was a student of Wujin (present-day Jiangsu). Born in Shuxiang Mendi, Zhong Yi was a scholar in the thirty-eighth year of the Wanli Calendar (1610), who was a scholar and was in charge of poetry and canonization. Later, he successively served as the chief of the Nanjing Ceremonial Department Priesthood And the Middle Rank of the Ceremonial Department of Nanjing. When Zhong Yu was in Nanjing, although he was an official, he was basically relatively idle, so he seized this opportunity, simply maintained himself, rented a first-floor house on the banks of the Qinhuai River, read history until late at night, and wrote a book called "Shi Huai" to comment on ancient history, "many inventions, there are those who are not caught by ancient sages." In the thirty-ninth year of the Wanli Calendar, he sent an envoy to Chengdu as an envoy of Fengjie, and there is a poem of "Xiling Gorge", poem Yun:

After crossing this, the great river is also the gorge.

The future is not a good future, not reaching a single ear.

Enter the capital city, and the door will not be railed.

The tiger side is wrong in its teeth, and the scalper is still panting.

The boat enters but is turbulent, like a wolf's tail.

When it is dangerous, the jump is in phase.

Looking back at Huang Ling, this body was only out of the house.

I don't know what soul, forbidden this seven hundred miles.

The dreamer enters the iron fence and wakes up and forgets a few.

ReizLiccio, enlightened.

Zhong Yu was a strict and cold person, and did not like to accept ordinary guests, so there was no trouble with mundane things such as human contact, and he was able to study the history books. He likes to travel to the famous mountain Dachuan, and once climbed Mount Tai with Lin Gudu. Lin Gudu was a famous poet who lived in Jiangning (Nanjing), and was known for Tu Long in the East China Sea. Be friendly with Cao Xue. The poems are all clear and graceful. After traveling with Zhong Yu and Tan Yuanchun, the poem became a change. Zhong Yu was also influenced by it, and the poetry realm was different. In the early years of the Apocalypse, Zhong Yi was promoted to the post of Fujian Tixue (佥事). The Tixue is the deputy of a provincial Tixue and hosts specific affairs. He still advocated the style of poetry in Minzhong, and participated in the Zen purpose, which was unpredictable and profound, and people called it "poetry demon", which became the name of the Kaipai. Zhong Yu has a poem "RainIng Nine Bays to Guizhou", poem Yun:

The chaotic mountains are dawnless, cloudy but thick.

Tired day after day, dense and thick.

Outside the walls of Anchiz, there is no upward leap.

The clouds of decadence are beginning to leave the cave, and the flow will be in the air.

Ridge half a family, such as the Bird's Nest Argy.

The language of the people is empty, and the fireworks come out of the desert.

Across the river, look at the return of the zi, and the remnants of the sun see the well Guo.

After Hu Wei had already saved, he was still in the twilight.

Zhong Yu is the sect of the deep and lonely poetry school, the poetry opens the tomb, the shadow into the painting, for a generation of poetry and painting characters Zhong Yu is the sect of the deep lonely and steep poetry school, the poetry opens the tomb, the shadow into the painting, for a generation of poetry and painting characters!

At that time, Zhang Ze, Hua Shu, and Cai Fuyi of The Min people in Jiangnan echoed zhong yi and worshipped Zhong Yu as "the sect of deep shadows and lonely cliffs". "Deep Shadow and Lonely Cliff" is Qian Qianyi's summary and criticism of the poetic style pursued by the leader of the Jinling Sect, Zhong Yi, as described in his "Small Biography of the Poetry Collection of the Dynasty • Zhong Ti Xueyi" Yun: "Don't shoot your eyes, set up another deep and lonely sect to drive the ancients above." Qian Qianyi was critical of the Jingling school's "deep and lonely cliffs", but his summary more accurately described the stylistic characteristics of the Jingling school's poetry.

Zhong Yu believes that "true poetry" is the product of people's "spirit", and "spirit" actually refers to "going alone and staying quiet in the noise" to get "humorous and single-minded", and is the "humble concentration" of "wandering alone outside the silhouette". Tan Yuanchun also affirmed that "poetry" is the presentation of the poet's "lonely nostalgia" and "lonely". Zhong Yu also said: "Poetry, Qingwu also." "It is characterized by ease, purity, tranquility, tranquility, and openness. The deep and lonely poetic style they pursue, from the aspect of connotation and meaning, refers to the expression of Gengjie's self-purity and otherworldly feelings; from the aspect of artistic appearance, it refers to the style of having a thin and delicate, deep and beautiful style. Zhong Yu and Tan Yuanchun lived in an era when state affairs were ineffective, their careers were bumpy, and they experienced twists and turns, they both cared about reality and felt deeply powerless; because they did not want to go with the ups and downs of the world, and their hearts were more yearning for the simple human relations in ancient times, the two of them jointly developed a lonely and arrogant personality, advocating the philosophy of doing their own thing. Zhong Yu's poem "Autumn Night Collection Yu Bo Peng Garden Pond" said:

The garden has no intention of decaying the sky, and the water and gas are yin and yin.

After frost, the hibiscus is still dewy, and the willows are temporarily smoke before winter.

The fish dragon died in the night and the autumn, and the black magpie cold shock film moved month by month.

The four orders of perching are all over the place, and aijun is not alone in Lin Quan.

The deep and lonely poetic style is exactly the artistic flower that blooms from zhong Yu's soul. In addition, they strive to find another way to become a family in addition to the grand style of the former and rear seven sons and the light and handsome temperament of the public security faction, and the deep and lonely style is the crystallization of their artistic innovation consciousness. Zhong Yu and Tan Yuanchun pursue to narrate the lonely situation of humorous events, showing the poet's clear thoughts and loneliness. As a poetic style, the deep and lonely has its own aesthetic value. It is not appropriate for later generations to deny the Jingling school and to erase their poetic sects. However, some of the poems of Zhong Yi, Tan Yuanchun and their followers abuse false words, are too secluded, and destroy the sense of beauty; to some extent, there is a lack of coldness in the poetry selection of "Shi Gui", which is also undesirable. He said in Falling Cicadas:

God's purity and sincerity are hard to insult, and it is inevitable that it is dangerous to be high.

And it was not an arm that was angry, so it caused a fold of humerus.

The groaning can be wasteless, and the embankment seems to be too late.

The fortunate group is in a small hurry, and the feeling is known.

Fate has seen as a metamorphosis, and the heart still cherishes this branch.

Tie the knot with contempt, donate the net Lotus Hongci.

The bait is annoying, and the ring beads are shameful.

The cold night is deeply embraced by leaves, and the repay the favor.

Soon, Zhong Yu lost his father and returned home to guard the system. During his return to his hometown, he studied in closed houses, and in his later years he entered the monastery and studied history books. He and Tongli Tan Yuanchun jointly selected "Tang Shigui" and "Ancient Poetry Gui", which became famous for a while, forming the "Jingling School", known as "Zhong Tan". Zhong Yi participated in the Buddhist controversy by writing the Lengyan Sutra, expressing his four major Buddhist ideas of reviving righteousness, reorganizing the precepts, promoting the Pure Land, and promoting Huayan. Zhong Yi relied on his status as a civilian official and the influence of literary giants to establish the cause of Buddhism and helped the revival of Buddhism in the late Ming Dynasty.

In the fifth year of the Apocalypse (1625), Zhong Died at home at the age of fifty-two. Later generations compiled his poems into the "Hidden Xiuxuan Collection". Zhong Yu's poem "Shen Yuruo's Visit from Changshu (The Book of Shi Xi's Acceptance)", Shi Yun:

See the king doubts the old knowledge, do not need the book of the deceased.

I have been parting for a long time, and I am glad to hear that I am close to living.

After the friends came to hongyan, the rain stopped at the beginning of the chrysanthemum.

Have to ask Yu Shan tree, cold red March such as.

Zhong Yu opposed the pseudo-ancient style. He pointed out that "the poet's intention is happy, and he does not hesitate to ask for its high." The higher, the different from the pathway ear. Those who pass through the way cannot but be different", refuting the pseudo-ancient propositions that prevailed in the literary circles after the middle of the Ming Dynasty. He believes that the "Seven Sons" imitate the words and phrases of the ancients, but they are nothing more than "those who take the extreme skin of the ancients, are extremely narrow, and are extremely familiar with them, thinking that the ancients are in the hands of the ancients." Strive to change the style of writing, put forward the reform proposition of "the end of the situation and must change".

Zhong Yu is the sect of the deep and lonely poetry school, the poetry opens the tomb, the shadow into the painting, for a generation of poetry and painting characters Zhong Yu is the sect of the deep lonely and steep poetry school, the poetry opens the tomb, the shadow into the painting, for a generation of poetry and painting characters!

He advocated that poets should write about "sexual spirit" or "spiritual heart". This kind of "sexual spirit" or "spiritual heart" is "to introduce the spirit of the ancients, to pick up the minds of future generations, so that their minds have some ends", and it is "to seek the true poetry of the ancients." True poets, spiritual deeds also". That is, to seek the spirit of sex in the spirit of the poetry of the ancients. However, he believes that the true poetic spirit of this ancient person is to "observe its humor and singleness, and to act alone and quietly in the noise", so his own works vigorously pursue the lonely feeling of "don't be interesting", that is, the so-called lonely and lonely, and boasted: "My generation's words have reached a place where there is no smoke." ”。 Zhong Yi wrote in the "Copper Hall of Huashan Li":

All the way, the clouds are not clear, and the wind in the mountains is easy to mix.

The village has been without autumn leaves for several days, and the twin peaks near the river are like white clouds.

The snake and tiger pray for confession in the depths of the night, and the drum bell people are bound to show the sound.

Poor worldly monk economy, gold and fire must be robbed.

Zhong Yu believes that the style of the public security faction is slang and shallow, and tries to save it in a deep and lonely style: "Since the shortcomings of the Hongdao Correction King and Li Shi, advocate halality, correct their shortcomings, and change into deep and lonely." But he has entered another formalist extreme, often only paying attention to the words, forgetting the chapters, and pursuing strange words and dangerous rhymes, resulting in a difficult and obscure style, so that some poems are not fluent in meaning, puzzling, they choose Tang poems, specifically thin and distant, trying to wash the brilliance of the "Seven Sons" with coldness, which is enough to see the length, shortness, advantages and disadvantages of their claims.

Zhong Yu's narratives, discussions, and essays also have some novel and timeless works, and "You Wuyi Mountain" is also such works. The short theory of literature and art advocates that the creation of poetry should be less and more refined, proposing that "it is not possible to be perfect, but to save a few articles and sentences long, in addition, it can not be done", and opposes the "more the merrier" shoddy fabrication. And the article is divided into three classes: "Choose the author, the upper also; the author and the self-selected, the second also; the one who waits for the candidate, and the second time also." ”

Zhong Yi's works include the "Hidden Xiuxuan Collection", of which 10 collections of poems, 16 volumes, and 23 episodes of wen, 35 volumes. Other works include 18 volumes of Ru Mian Tan, 20 volumes of ShiJing Tu Shi He Kao, Mao Shi Xie (no volume number), 30 volumes of Zhong Ping Zuo Zhuan, 5 volumes of Notes on the Five Classics, and 17 volumes of Shi Huai. Zhong Yi and Tan Yuanchun co-edited the 51 volumes of "Shi Gui", including 15 volumes of ancient poems and 36 volumes of Tang poems. There are also "Five Family Sayings of The Engraving" (no volume number), 36 volumes of "Mingyuan Shigui", 20 volumes of "Zhou Wengui", and 20 volumes of "Song Wengui". He also co-edited with Tan Yuanchun 10 volumes of "Ming ShiGui" and 1 volume of "Posthumous"; and co-commented on 10 volumes of "Poetry Deletion". Wu Jingxu's "Poetry of past dynasties" volume 79 said: "Bo Jing's poems are very different, all use the Oujiu Fei gai bridge to play with the moon brushwork, and Tan Youxia selected the "Ancient Tang Poetry Return", which was called by him for a while.

"Collected Poems of the Dynasty": Zhong Yi, Zi Bojing, JinglingRen, Wanli Gengji Jinshi, Zhixing, Head of the Ceremonial Department of Nanjing, Li Langzhong, Tixue Fujian. He wrote "Ancient and Modern Poetry Return", which is popular in the world. Press "Painting Quote": Zhong Yu is good at painting. According to the "Jade Sword Zunwen": Zhong Bojing sent Tan Youxia 'Cold River Map', more than its location, the bamboo tree is not on the shore of the cold river, and then occasionally made an ancient tree, do not feel high out of paper, mao zhai outside of the not beneficial thing, empty place suddenly exposed half a boat, said: this cold river also. Send it to you.

Lu Xiuhui has a poem "Song for Zhong Yibo", Shiyun:

Deep and lonely and cold,

Halal rehabilitates its drawbacks.

Baye painted the cold river to go,

Shu Ming technique read it repeatedly.

Fragrant cold unwashed brilliant take,

Clearing the new moon.

Yun Shan Long Xiu said with his words,

The sound of rain rolling waves is ripe.

The bridge side complains about the cold intestines,

Poetic and spiritual.

Nanpu with cranes to clear the rest,

Beixuan research history smoke and smoke.

Jiang Zhu Guyun said several times,

Vegetable beauty new rice unlimited foot.

Zhong Yu is the sect of the deep and lonely poetry school, the poetry opens the tomb, the shadow into the painting, for a generation of poetry and painting characters Zhong Yu is the sect of the deep lonely and steep poetry school, the poetry opens the tomb, the shadow into the painting, for a generation of poetry and painting characters!

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