
How to distinguish Guatemalan jadeite (dangerous material) and Burmese jadeite. Collect without loss!


How to distinguish Guatemalan jadeite (dangerous material) and Burmese jadeite

Jadeite is a precious gemstone known worldwide for its unique green color and mysterious history. Jadeite is mainly produced in Myanmar, but other countries such as Guatemala, Canada, Mexico, etc. also produce jadeite.

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Among these countries, Guatemalan jadeite is very similar in appearance to Burmese jadeite, so how to distinguish between the two has become a concern for many consumers. This article will explain how to distinguish Guatemalan jadeite (dangerous material) and Burmese jadeite.

How to distinguish Guatemalan jadeite (dangerous material) and Burmese jadeite. Collect without loss!

Guatemalan Emerald

First, look at the color

Guatemalan jadeite has a darker color, while Burmese jadeite has a brighter color. This is because Guatemalan jadeite has a higher iron content, resulting in its darker color. At the same time, black mineral inclusions often appear in Guatemalan jadeite, which also affect the color of jadeite.

How to distinguish Guatemalan jadeite (dangerous material) and Burmese jadeite. Collect without loss!

Second, look at the texture

Guatemalan jadeite generally has a rougher texture and larger internal grains, while Burmese jadeite has a relatively more delicate texture. When viewed under the light, Guatemalan jadeite has a more turbid texture, while Burmese jadeite is clearer and more transparent.

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Third, look at the gloss

Guatemalan jadeite has a relatively dull luster and looks somewhat dull, while Burmese jadeite has a brighter luster. Under equal conditions, Guatemalan jadeite has a relatively low luster.

How to distinguish Guatemalan jadeite (dangerous material) and Burmese jadeite. Collect without loss!

Fourth, look at polishing

Guatemalan jadeite is poorly polished compared to Burmese jadeite, and its surface tends to show a pronounced grit texture. Burmese jadeite, on the other hand, is more polished and has a higher surface smoothness.

Fifth, look at the weight

At the same size, Guatemalan jadeite is heavier than Burmese jadeite. This is because Guatemalan jadeite has a relatively high density. Therefore, at the same size, Guatemalan jadeite will weigh more than Burmese jadeite.

How to distinguish Guatemalan jadeite (dangerous material) and Burmese jadeite. Collect without loss!

Sixth, look at the crystal

Guatemalan jadeite has smaller crystals, while Burmese jadeite has relatively larger crystals. When viewed under light, Guatemalan jadeite crystals are even tinkerer, even finely grained. The crystals of Burmese jadeite are more pronounced, showing columnar or fibrous shapes.

Seventh, look at transparency

Guatemalan jadeite has relatively low transparency, and its interior is often tinged with variegated colors such as yellow and gray. Burmese jadeite, on the other hand, is more transparent and purer inside. When viewed under light, the difference between the two can be clearly seen.

Eighth, look at the lines

Guatemalan jadeite usually has a curved texture that resembles a spider's web. The grain of Burmese jadeite, on the other hand, is more straight, showing a flowing water-like texture. Looking at the grain of the two can help us further distinguish between Guatemalan jadeite and Burmese jadeite.

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Ninth, look at the appraisal certificate

In order to avoid buying counterfeit jadeite, consumers should choose jadeite jewelry with authoritative appraisal certificates. At the time of purchase, the merchant can be required to present the appraisal certificate and check whether the indicators on the appraisal certificate are consistent with the jadeite jewelry purchased.

In conclusion, knowing the above nine points can help us distinguish Guatemalan jadeite (dangerous material) and Burmese jadeite well. When buying jadeite jewelry, consumers should pay more attention, choose a merchant with an authoritative appraisal certificate, and make a comprehensive judgment from the aspects of color, texture, luster, polishing, weight, crystal, transparency, grain, etc. Only by carefully identifying can you buy real jadeite products.

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