
Chen Zhonghua: The unemployment of workers in the economic downturn is not a bad thing

author:Today's lecture
Chen Zhonghua: The unemployment of workers in the economic downturn is not a bad thing

Under the conditions of market economy, a set of capitalist economic operation system is pursued, under this system, the state always needs to encourage production to expand production, in the current world epidemic is serious, foreign trade and foreign demand is seriously insufficient, in order to maintain production, the state needs to expand domestic demand. For example, today's Chinese society, whether large, medium or small cities, is already overcrowded, as far as the whole society is concerned, in fact, there is no need or can not continue to increase the number of cars, but the state still needs to encourage and even reward people to buy cars, so as to maintain the production of enterprises.

Other products, such as clothing, shoes and hats, bedding, daily necessities, etc., must also be purchased by someone, even if people actually do not need, but also to encourage, price reduction, subsidies and other ways to stimulate people to buy, so that the economy can run. If no one buys the products produced, the company will stop production or even close its doors. For example, it is reported that airlines in Western countries such as the United States may fail if the state does not provide financial support. When enterprises fail, workers will also lose their jobs, and when workers are unemployed, there will be no economic income, and people's survival will become a problem.

There are already too many products, but in order for the economy to work, society to function, it is still necessary to continue production, and even expand production, what is not a sick society? One might say, what society is not like this? Of course there is. This is not the case in communist societies (including socialist societies). If this situation were in a communist society, it would be completely non-existent. For example, the car mentioned above, in the case of sufficient social ownership, the state does not need to continue to produce.

For, even if it does not produce, there will be no unemployment among the workers, and there will be no livelihood, so of course there will be no continued production. If we look at the problem from this perspective, we will also find that communism is still a very, very economical society. Workers and peasants do have free time, they can organize them to study legal and health knowledge, prevent them from committing crimes and getting sick, and give political and technical classes to the workers and peasants, so that they can love the party and the country and have skills. In short, it is better to let the workers and peasants idle and pay their wages than to let the workers and peasants do unnecessary work. Development is for the people to be happier, and by no means for the people to work harder.

I don't think it's a big bad thing for workers to lose their jobs in a downturn. With the development of society and the advancement of science and technology, machines are becoming more and more developed, which will inevitably replace more laborers and lead to unemployment of workers, which is not a bad thing. The workers' work is completely replaced by advanced machines, and the workers do not have to work hard. Machines greatly improve productivity and facilitate people's life, work and study. But the use of machines caused serious unemployment; The state should make overall planning and unified arrangements. Let state-owned enterprises recruit more workers to plant trees in the desert, go to the countryside to level the land, build roads and build houses. It is also possible to work on a rotational basis. For each position, one employee worked by himself or two employees on a rotational basis.

In fact, there are still many dilapidated road houses and even dirt road grass houses in rural China, even in the cities, there are many dilapidated buildings and streets. The government should increase investment in rural construction, which can solve the problem of overcapacity in the country, solve the problem of employment pressure, and greatly enhance the party's image in the hearts of the people. The government does not care about profits and losses when doing things for the people, and it is enough to print money without money.

In fact, to do these things, the government is responsible for producing money, the government takes money to construction enterprises, construction enterprises take government money to ask workers and peasants to work, and the money earned by workers and peasants buys water, electricity, gas, radio and television, Internet, etc. from the government, and the money returns to the government. Some economic brickers may say that printing a lot of money will trigger inflation, I think inflation is not because of more money, but because of shortages, such as the current surplus of reinforced concrete and garage clothing will increase prices? The best way to solve the problem of inflation is to increase productivity, what is lacking in production, no matter what is more, it is impossible to increase prices.

Chen Zhonghua: The unemployment of workers in the economic downturn is not a bad thing
Chen Zhonghua: The unemployment of workers in the economic downturn is not a bad thing
Chen Zhonghua: The unemployment of workers in the economic downturn is not a bad thing

▲2023.8.3After the flood water receded in Mentougou, villagers went home one after another to check the damage situation.

Chen Zhonghua: The unemployment of workers in the economic downturn is not a bad thing

▲After the flood, villagers went home to clean up their houses.

Chen Zhonghua: The unemployment of workers in the economic downturn is not a bad thing

▲A villager inspects his family's damaged house.

Chen Zhonghua: The unemployment of workers in the economic downturn is not a bad thing

The first is to further consolidate and build roads leading to villages and solve the problem of difficulty in traveling in remote corners and bays. The second is to strengthen the investment in farmland water conservancy facilities, dig pond weirs, repair ditches, and effectively solve the problems of drinking water for people and livestock and irrigation water for farmland. Third, it is necessary to integrate and level the land and implement the mechanization of agricultural production; it can be jointly produced by village cadres or contracted by bidding to one enterprise for production; it is necessary to change the past policy of outsourcing production to households, and divide a large piece of land into several small pieces, one small piece per household. The fourth is to build a school, a nursing home and an outpatient department in one village, so that villagers can study, seek medical treatment and retire nearby. Fifth, according to actual needs, a village first builds a flood-proof and earthquake-resistant building with complete facilities such as water, electricity, gas, radio and television, Internet, heating and air conditioning, and provides it to villagers for free living and living, and then allows villagers to level the old house into agricultural land. Don't tear down first and build later, you want to profit from it.

The above construction requires a lot of capital and building materials and workers, and the government does not have to worry about more money to buy US bonds that will not be returned. The government does not have to worry about overcapacity, and tries in every possible way to sell it to foreign countries. The government does not have to worry about the employment of peasants, workers, college graduates, and retired soldiers, and engages in the export of labor. The government does not have to worry about whether the regime can be stable for a long time, you have done so many good things for the people, it is too late for the people to support it!

Promote social fairness and justice. Sharing and fairness and justice rely on each other and complement each other. Without sharing, there can be no fairness and justice, and without fairness and justice, it is impossible to share. Sharing requires everyone's participation, everyone's efforts, everyone's enjoyment, reflecting the overall consideration, and the pursuit of universal benefits, and this development state is premised on social fairness and justice. Under the new situation, only by focusing on promoting social fairness and justice, breaking the concepts of emphasizing efficiency over fairness, emphasizing urban areas over rural areas, emphasizing GDP over people's livelihood, and emphasizing "making the cake bigger" over "sharing the cake well", stepping up the construction of a system that plays a major role in ensuring social fairness and justice, and ensuring the people's equal participation and equal development rights, can we effectively promote shared development.

At present, constrained by the level of development, there is a large gap in the level of basic public services between the eastern, central and western parts of the mainland and between urban and rural areas, especially in the old revolutionary areas, ethnic areas, border areas and poverty-stricken areas, where financial resources are relatively limited, and the level of basic public services is low, which affects the people's sharing of the fruits of reform and development. To promote shared development, we must focus on the entire people, start by solving the most direct and realistic interests of the people, increase fiscal transfer payments, pay close attention to weak areas and difficult groups to make up for shortcomings, improve the basic public service system, and strive to achieve full coverage of basic public services, so that all parts of the country can basically be equal and all the people will benefit universally.

Chen Zhonghua, Director of Beijing Zhonggong Legal Consultation Center

Chen Zhonghua: The unemployment of workers in the economic downturn is not a bad thing

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