
Caoyankou Yandongcun Anti-Japanese Famous General : Chen Zhongzhu Biography (1)

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Chen Zhongzhu (1906.10.20-1941.6), infant name Jean, scientific name Bin ("Taizhou Cultural and Historical Materials (Third Series)" Li Changlingwen), character retreat, pseudonym Su Gang (Xue Hongjun "Chen Martyr Zhongzhu General Military Strategy"), now Jianhu County Caoyankou Yandong Village.

Caoyankou Yandongcun Anti-Japanese Famous General : Chen Zhongzhu Biography (1)

Middle Pillar Middle School

He lost his father at an early age, and was sponsored by his cousin Chen Duzhen. When he was a child, he had great ambitions.

When he was young, he worked as a train conductor in Shanghai and came into contact with some progressive youth. During the Great Revolution, he participated in the organization of peasant associations in his hometown and fought against the landlord Chen Ruben.

In the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), he was admitted to the Jiangsu Police Academy, and the following year he was transferred to the Nanjing Officer Research Class and was assigned to the 6th term of the Whampoa Military Academy.

After completing the course, he was sent to Jiangsu to assist the police. Soon after, he was appointed as the captain of the Ganyu County Police Brigade, and used various measures to calm the Shinto disturbances, but the county magistrate resigned angrily after refusing to kill him.

In the 19th year of the Republic of China (1930), Chen Zhongzhu was trained in the advanced class of the Nanjing Military Police, and later served as a military training instructor at Central University. Since the 21st year of the Republic of China, he has successively served in the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, Beining Road, Jinpu Road and other places.

Caoyankou Yandongcun Anti-Japanese Famous General : Chen Zhongzhu Biography (1)

Chen Zhongzhu

Chen Zhongzhu repeatedly provided convenience and assistance to his classmate and friend Zhao Jingzhi, a member of the Communist Party of China, and in the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935), he helped Zhao enter the political training class of the Kuomintang Central Military Academy to study (Zhao Jingzhi's diary), and later Zhao Jingzhi was denounced by Tang Bingxuan (Tang Bingxuan), the principal of Yancheng County Agricultural High School, and was secretly arrested for Han Deloitte's garrison and detained at the security office of Dongtai Province, Chen Zhongzhu learned about it, and sent his brother Chen Xunwu and a regiment commander to Dongtai to bail Zhao Jingzhi out.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War in the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), Chen Zhongzhu used Xuzhou and Lunan as bases to organize railway employees and students to set up a field service regiment, and later the Military Commission appointed him as the commander of the 2nd General Corps of the Field Special Work Corps to work in the Taierzhuang battlefield.

After the fall of Xuzhou, he served as the commander of the 2nd Brigade of the 2nd Route Army (the commander of the 2nd Army Infantry Regiment). In the Battle of Taierzhuang, he led his troops deep behind enemy lines, attacked traitors, sabotaged enemy communications and military transport, and cooperated with the main army, becoming the most mobile guerrilla force in the 5th Theater.

In the Battle of Dadongshan in Lunan, the bloody battle lasted all day long, killing hundreds of enemies. In the Battle of Qingzuka Lake in northern Anhui, the invading enemy was completely annihilated. After the main army retreated west, it encountered the Japanese invaders east of Xuzhou, suffered heavy casualties, and the troops scattered.

At the end of the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938) (let's say early 1939), Li Mingyang, the commander-in-chief of the Suluwan guerrilla, appointed Chen Zhongzhu as the commander of the 4th column of the department. Chen Zhongzhu gathered the old troops in the Xuzhou area, reorganized the men and guns, and launched a guerrilla war behind enemy lines in the Sulu-Anhui border area. Later, the troops moved to the area of Xiba and Wangying in Huaiyin, with a total of more than 30,000 soldiers.

In the spring of the following year, he led his troops to fight the Japanese army at Qijiaxu, Suqian, killing and wounding countless enemy troops, but the losses of his troops were not small.

Caoyankou Yandongcun Anti-Japanese Famous General : Chen Zhongzhu Biography (1)

Chen Zhongzhu

In the autumn of the same year, the column was ordered to go south to Taizhou, and Li Mingyang appointed him to concurrently serve as the magistrate of Jiangdu County. He rebuilt the county government office, strengthened the local anti-Japanese armed forces, and joined forces with the New Fourth Army to deal with the Japanese puppet army that came out of Yangzhou to harass them.

Chen Zhongzhu was enthusiastic about resisting Japan, administering the army extremely strictly, and the troops had a very good mass foundation, which won Li Mingyang's trust.

In the summer of the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), Chen Yi and Li Mingyang reached an anti-Japanese cooperation agreement in Taizhou, and Chen Zhongzhu also participated in the negotiations. He admired Chen Yi's foresight, changed his understanding of the Communist Party and the New Fourth Army, and sent Wu Yingkui, director of the Adjutant Office, to send a batch of military supplies to the New Fourth Army to show friendship. During the Battle of Yellow Bridge, he kept his promise and resolutely stood still.

In early January 1941, before Li Changjiang openly surrendered to the enemy, Chen Yi sent Chen Zhongzhu's fellow classmate Zhao Jingzhi (one said that the two were allied brothers) to Taizhou to fight for him.

As for the matter of leading the troops to revolt, Chen Zhongzhu was unable to make a decision for a while because he was grateful to Li Mingyang for his kindness, but his attitude was actually very positive, and he told Zhao Jingzhi that "the return of leading the troops is allowed to think twice, and it can be decided this autumn" (Jiang Shijun, "Comrade Chen Yi Instructed Zhao Jingzhi to Go to Taizhou in secret").

In February of the 30th year of the Republic of China (1941), Li Changjiang led his troops to treason the country and surrendered to the enemy, and Chen Zhongzhu led his troops to break through from Tangtou and move to Lujiazhai in Xinghua County, near the New Fourth Army Defense Area.

Caoyankou Yandongcun Anti-Japanese Famous General : Chen Zhongzhu Biography (1)

Chen Zhongzhu

On June 4 of the same year, the Japanese puppet army entered the defense area of Chen Zhongzhu in five ways. Chen Zhongzhu led his troops to fight hard for three days and nights, suffering heavy casualties, and finally surrounded by the enemy in an extremely small area, he led the remnants of the army to fight in Wujiaze (a saku martial family residence) until the last moment, was shot 6 times, and was martyred. After his death, the enemy found his body, cut off his head and brought it back to Taizhou to ask for merit, and the headless body was buried by the local people with a coffin nailed to the door panel, and a wooden plaque with the words "General Chen Zhongzhu" was inserted.

Later, his wife Wang Zhifang returned her head and was reburied in the field of a landlord surnamed Tang under the Xicang Bridge outside the west gate of Taizhou.

Caoyankou Yandongcun Anti-Japanese Famous General : Chen Zhongzhu Biography (1)

Mr. and Mrs. Chen Zhongzhu

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the National Government posthumously presented Chen Zhongzhu as a lieutenant general of the army, and the spiritual seat was enshrined in the Martyrs' Memorial Hall, and his heroic deeds were sent to the National History Museum for biography.

After the reform and opening up, Yancheng City and Jianhu County and other relevant departments investigated and verified the deeds of martyr Chen Zhongzhu many times, and submitted a written report to the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government for approval to posthumously recognize him as a revolutionary martyr.

On February 14, 1987, the People's Government of Jiangsu Province approved the posthumous recognition of Chen Zhongzhu as a revolutionary martyr by Su Zhengfu [1987] No. 7, and in the same month, the state civil affairs department issued a revolutionary martyr's certificate to the martyr's family ("Yancheng Cultural Landscape").

In the following winter, the remains of the martyrs were transported back to Yancheng from Taizhou and buried in the southeast side of the Yancheng Martyrs' Cemetery, with the tombstone inscribed "The Tomb of General Chen Zhongzhu, the Anti-Japanese Martyr".

There is also an exhibition of Chen Zhongzhu's tablets and deeds in the Yuanshan Martyrs' Shrine in Taipei City, Taiwan, and there is also a general's tomb in Yandong Village, Caoyankou, his hometown.

In 2009, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Zhongzhu was selected as one of the 50 people who made outstanding contributions to the establishment of New China in Jiangsu Province.

His wife Wang Zhifang and her daughter entered the Japanese army headquarters in Taizhou to ask the Japanese chief Nanpu Xiangji (一作南襄吉) for the general's head, which was also very moving.

After the reform and opening up, Wang Zhifang returned to the mainland many times to handle the burial and commemoration of General Chen Zhongzhu, and in 2010 also entrusted his daughter Ms. Chen Pu to return to her hometown to visit the grave. "Jianhu Literature and History Network" has the oral narration of his wife Ms. Wang Zhifang and the special memories of his daughter Chen Pu.

Caoyankou Yandongcun Anti-Japanese Famous General : Chen Zhongzhu Biography (1)

Tomb of Chen Zhongzhu

According to the record, there are different records about the place where the martyr Chen Zhongzhu was sacrificed. The "Records of Jianhu County" was originally transmitted to the Yun, who first moved to the Xinghua Lu family residence, and was later besieged and sacrificed in the area of Wujiaze. Chen Weigang (the second brother of the martyr) recorded Yun in "Eternal Remembrance", whose station was Tangzhen, and later broke through to the Lu family residence, and finally died when he forcibly crossed the Bengmei River. The biography of the "Yancheng City Chronicle" only said that the Japanese puppet army surrounded its garrison, but did not explicitly say it.

Wang Zhifang (widow of a martyr, who was near the battlefield at that time) "In Memory of General Chen Zhongzhu of his ex-husband" records that the general led his troops to retreat to the Hebian area around the Xinghua Bengjia River, and later more than 10 Japanese motorboats drove from the direction of Laoge and surrounded the general in the area of Wujiaze, and the general led his troops to break through Wujiaze and take the team across the Bengmei River and pull it towards Yancheng.

The "Yancheng Character History" and Chen Weigangwen both quoted the telegrams sent to Chiang Kai-shek by Li Mingyang, the commander-in-chief of the former Three War Zones Frontline Daily, both of which said that he had died on the front line of the Bengmei River, but the former was recorded as "the area around Wujiaze" and the latter as "the area around Wujiazhe". Yu suspects that the "Lu Family House" recorded in the "Jianhu County Record" was caused by the "Wujiaze", which should be verified by people familiar with the geography of Xinghua. (Tang Zhangxin's "The Legend of the National Heroes of Jianhu")

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