
Yu Chengqing appeared in his son's live broadcast room, Harry happily promoted his father's concert, and the relationship between father and son was super close

author:Literati notes

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On the evening of July 21, Yi Nengjing's son Harry held a live broadcast to interact with fans. Surprisingly, not only many netizens who like Harry watched, but also a special viewer, Harry's biological father Yu Chengqing also appeared in the live broadcast room.

Harry wore a plain white vest and unabashedly displayed his home-style attire. He doesn't use beauty filters and has no idol baggage. Soon, Harry noticed his father's arrival, and he happily said that every time he livestreamed, his father would come to watch. Subsequently, he promoted his father's upcoming concert.

And Yu Chengqing is a little embarrassed to face his son's active promotion of his concert. He quickly responded: "No publicity, I'll leave." At the end of the text, he also attached a playful emoji, showing more lively and humorous than his son. Although Yu Chengqing did not want his son to promote his concert anymore, Harry still persevered, always emphasizing: "Please go to my father's concert tomorrow." This parent-child relationship is obviously very intimate and harmonious.

Yu Chengqing appeared in his son's live broadcast room, Harry happily promoted his father's concert, and the relationship between father and son was super close

After Yi Nengjing and Yu Chengqing divorced, his son Harry has been growing up with his mother. However, this did not lead to his estrangement from his father. The relationship between father and son has always been very harmonious, thanks to Yi Nengjing's teaching and guidance of his son.

The divorce of Yi Nengjing and Yu Chengqing is a very rare case of peaceful breakup in the entertainment industry. After the divorce, the two not only did not make negative remarks, but also praised each other many times. Yi Nengjing once said in an interview that when her son Harry was about to go to college, she encouraged him to focus on a career like his father, rather than trying everything and achieving nothing like her. Guided by his mother, Harry sees his father Yu Chengqing as a role model, and they have very similar personalities, both known for their focus and hard work.

Yu Chengqing appeared in his son's live broadcast room, Harry happily promoted his father's concert, and the relationship between father and son was super close

Yi Nengjing is undoubtedly a competent mother and can even be said to be a model of a good mother. Netizens who care about Harry know that he likes to wear women's clothing, and this preference has caused some controversy. However, Yi Nengjing was not affected by outside rumors and criticism. She has repeatedly expressed support for her son's wearing women's clothing. On her latest recorded show, she said of the controversy over her son's wearing women's clothing: "It is more important that the person who loves you knows who you are than the world knows who you are. She also said openly to her son: "No matter at any time, if you encounter any problem in the world, I am behind you, as long as you turn around, my mother is here." ”

In addition to Yi Nengjing, Yu Chengqing also responded to his son's wearing women's clothing. He said: "The child does what he wants to do, as long as he is healthy and happy, it is perfect. It can be seen from the responses of Yi Nengjing and Yu Chengqing that they are not passively accepting their son's preferences, but sincerely supporting him to be themselves. From that point alone, Harry was happier than many children.

Yu Chengqing appeared in his son's live broadcast room, Harry happily promoted his father's concert, and the relationship between father and son was super close

Speaking of Yi Nengjing and Yu Chengqing, they are known as the most decent divorced couple in the circle. Both have started new families and live very happily ever after. I wish them all the best and happiness. This touching family story shows us that no matter what changes, true family love and support is always the same. Through this story, we can also see the power of parent-child relationship, and the importance of family. I hope Harry thrives under the love of his parents and realizes his dreams.

Yu Chengqing appeared in his son's live broadcast room, Harry happily promoted his father's concert, and the relationship between father and son was super close

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