
Founding Major General Xie Liang's foot was cut off, Mao Zedong: only in his 20s feet are gone, let him go to the Soviet Union for treatment

author:Ming Shi Ming Ming

Xie Liang was a general writer of new China. Born in 1915 in Changgang Township, Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province. He joined the Red Army in 1930 and joined the Communist Party of China in the same year. During the period of the agrarian revolution, the political commissars of the company, regiment and division took part in the Long March. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as the director of the Remaining Office of the 115th Division, the director of the Organization Department of the Political Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia-Jinsui Joint Defense Army, and the deputy director and director of the Political Department of the Jiluyu Military Region. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of major general and wrote works such as "Border City Female Prisoner" and "Iron Stream Defender".

In 1936, the Western Route Army began its western expedition, xie Liang served as the political commissar of the 13th Division of the Fifth Red Army, and was wounded in his left leg during the Shandan Blockade Battle, and has been treated in the Health Department of the Western Route Army.

Founding Major General Xie Liang's foot was cut off, Mao Zedong: only in his 20s feet are gone, let him go to the Soviet Union for treatment

After the Defeat of the Western Route Army at Qilian Mountain, after the Shiwo Conference, Li Zhuoran, director of the Political Department of the Western Route Army, gave Xie Liang three silver dollars, bowed his head and announced an organizational decision that he did not want to say but had to say: The Western Route Army failed, the remaining troops dispersed their actions, the wounded could not move with the army, and they escaped on their own!

Everyone understood the current situation of the troops, and they all said that they would not drag everyone down, and they withdrew separately according to their own wishes, and some went north into the forest. Some went south, down the hill.

Xie Liang and Li Pingren led the guards to the north of the big forest.

Born in 1908 in Wuning, Jiangxi, Li Pingren joined the Communist Party of China in 1931, participated in the Ningdu Uprising in December, then served as the head of the 37th Regiment of the Red Fifth Army, and in 1936 as chief of staff of the Red Fifth Army, he was wounded in the left leg by the enemy during the Battle of Yongchang.

It is said that it is a retreat, but Xie Liang and Li Pingren are aimless, and everyone endures the pain of their hearts and walks in the forest with the waves. Everyone's mood was very heavy, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was particularly depressing.

They walked through the forest and came to the Black River. Looking at the wide river, Xie Liang did not know where to go, and after pondering for a long time, he and Li Pingren decided to go in the direction of northern Shaanxi, looking for central reinforcements and looking for the central authorities.

Both were wounded, and they walked entirely by guards and keepers.

The two men's leg injuries became more and more inflamed, and they really couldn't go on, so they said to the guards, "You are young and in good health, go to the troops!" Dragging it on any longer will tire you out!"

When the guards heard this, the two refused to leave with tears in their eyes, but under the repeated persuasion of Xie Liang and the two, they finally agreed to leave, and before leaving, they made a meal and collected some firewood before reluctantly leaving...

Founding Major General Xie Liang's foot was cut off, Mao Zedong: only in his 20s feet are gone, let him go to the Soviet Union for treatment

Without the care of the guards, Xie Liang and the two of them struggled forward, and the two people with incomplete legs and feet advanced hard in the forest and spent 8 days of difficult journey.

On this day, the two were lying on top of a small mountain bag, the night on the mountain was surprisingly cold, the two did not eat, the stomach was exceptionally hungry, coupled with the pain of the wound, the two felt that they could not hold on any longer...

Looking at the dark sky, Li Pingren said to Xie Liang: "Old Xie, we have reached the time when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, or is it better to be revolutionary, so as not to be caught by the enemy and suffer again!" ”

Xie Liang understood Li Pingren's meaning, although he did not want to die, but now there was no way to get out alive, so he asked, "How to die?" ”

Li Pingren already had an idea and said, "I still have one or two pounds of smoke around me, so let's use this!" ”

"Then let's eat separately!" Xie Liang agreed.

Who knew that Li Pingren resolutely objected: "No, no one can die if you eat it, I eat tobacco, you hang yourself!" ”

Without waiting for Xie Liang to agree, he himself picked up the tobacco and ate it into his mouth.

Li Pingren took a step ahead, xie liang also decided to follow, but he looked for half a day and did not find the rope, had to untie the straps and hang on the tree, but his leg injury could not hang on the big tree, he could only hang the small tree, but the small tree could not hang him...

Founding Major General Xie Liang's foot was cut off, Mao Zedong: only in his 20s feet are gone, let him go to the Soviet Union for treatment

The next day, after burying his comrades-in-arms, he hung up the tree again, and at this time two people came over and saved Xie Liang.

Xie Liang did not want to drag his comrades-in-arms, and after persuading the two people to leave, he also strengthened his determination to live and no longer easily found death.

Due to the foot injury, Xie Liang could not walk, he could only jump with one foot and support the ravine with one hand, so that he could move forward step by step...

Soon his hands, feet, and clothes were torn, and his body was soaked with blood, and even then, he could only travel two or three miles a day

Later, he saw a herder's tent in the ravine and wanted to order food, but the other party was afraid of being implicated and refused to give it to him. Xie Liang had to take out the three yuan on his body and give it to the other party.

The herders gave him some food, but they would not let him into his tent, and Xie Liang had to live in a small ditch next to the tent.

Later, Ma Jiajun came to search the mountain and found him.

He was imprisoned at the battalion headquarters, and the battalion commander led people to search the mountain and did not return. There was only one woman, a Red Army soldier, who was captured and forced to become the wife of the battalion commander. The other party told him: "Young and beautiful people have been given to the high official as a wife, and whoever catches it will be the wife of anyone, and we have no way to do it!" ”

Founding Major General Xie Liang's foot was cut off, Mao Zedong: only in his 20s feet are gone, let him go to the Soviet Union for treatment

Xie Liang did not complain about her, but advised her: "You can't forget that you are a Soldier of the Red Army, you should advise your battalion commander, don't scold and don't kill the Soldiers of the Red Army." ”

"I am a soldier of the Red Army, and I will listen to you and will try my best to do a good job as a battalion commander and do more good things!"

Later, Xie Liang was imprisoned in Ma Lu again, and Xie Liang's wound became inflamed, causing a bad smell, and he was sent to the army hospital in Liangzhou City. Inside the hospital were many wounded and sick Red Army soldiers.

Because his legs were inflamed, resulting in a foul smell, the doctor did not want to approach him, so he rinsed with a water pipe from a distance, and then put on some anti-inflammatory drugs, bandaged it, even if it was a problem, Xie Liang was in terrible pain, and did not dare to say anything...

Xie Liang was lucky that he was imprisoned in Ma Lu.

Ma Lu was a native of Kaligang, Hualong County, Qinghai, who had participated in the Brotherhood since childhood, and later became a subordinate of the "Erma", and was deeply respected. Ma Lu blocked the Western Route Army in the Hexi area, and his 1st Cavalry Brigade of the Fifth Cavalry Division was crushed by the Red Army and surrounded by a mountain. However, the Red Army's desire to unite against Japan put him back, and later, Ma Lu also adopted a non-killing attitude toward the Red Army, treated them with courtesy, and later released the Red Army cadres he had captured and sent them back to Yan'an. Later, he also incorporated more than 200 Red Army soldiers he had captured into his own ranks. These fighters later accompanied Ma Lu to the anti-Japanese front, and when they were stationed in Luochuan, most of them returned to Yan'an.

Founding Major General Xie Liang's foot was cut off, Mao Zedong: only in his 20s feet are gone, let him go to the Soviet Union for treatment

After the July 7 Incident, Ma Lu rushed to the anti-Japanese front, and in 1939 Ma Lu was transferred to Tongchuan, Shaanxi Province, to confront the Eighth Route Army. During this period, Ma Lu also often received grain, ammunition and other materials for the Eighth Route Army, and also received Zhu De, Qin Bangxian, Lin Biao and others who passed him back to Yan'an.

In 1940, Mao Zedong personally inscribed a pennant of "Anti-Japanese Hero" and gave it to Ma Lu. Because of his friendship with the Eighth Route Army, he was soon relieved of his position as division commander. Soon after returning to his hometown, he fell ill and died in October 1946.

After the establishment of the Anti-Japanese National United Front, Xie Liang was sent to Lanzhou Provincial Hospital for treatment. Here, for the first time, he received regular treatment, but because he had been injured for too long and too badly to treat his foot, the doctor had to cut off the plate of his foot. In this way, Xie Liang's inflammation was good, but he couldn't walk...

On August 15, 1937, Xie Liang was taken back to the Eighth Route Army's office in Lanzhou, and later back to Yan'an.

In 1939, Xie Liang, who had returned to Yan'an, lost his left foot and was known to Mao Zedong, who said with great regret: "I am only in my 20s, very young, and my feet are gone, what should I do?" Let him go to the Soviet Union for treatment! ”

Soon, Chen Yun approved Xie Liang to go to the Soviet Union to treat his foot injuries, but just when Xie Liang arrived in Urumqi, the Soviet Union blockaded the border when World War II broke out, and Xie Liang had to stay in the office of the Eighth Route Army in Xinjiang.

Founding Major General Xie Liang's foot was cut off, Mao Zedong: only in his 20s feet are gone, let him go to the Soviet Union for treatment

At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, The prosperous people of Xinjiang still implemented a pro-Soviet and pro-Communist policy. Later, after feeling that the Soviet Union was no longer working, he changed this strategy and began to arrest and kill Communists on a large scale, and more than 100 party members such as Xie Liang were arrested and imprisoned, and Xie Liang and other disabled people and women and children were detained in the Fourth Prison, and Mao Zemin died during this period.

Although he was imprisoned, Xie Liang did not give up the struggle, he used the prison as a battlefield, and organized his comrades to carry out a tit-for-tat struggle against the enemy.

In the spring of 1945, the enemy attempted to co-opt their husbands by releasing female comrades from Xinjiang among the families of the captured Eighth Route Army. After Hearing the news, Xie Liang immediately exposed the enemy's conspiracy to everyone and clearly put forward: All were acquitted and returned to Yan'an.

The enemy tried to rely on force to achieve his goals, but was resisted by Xie Liang and others: "We want to return to Yan'an, and we must go to the front line to fight the devils." Why do you just put a few, and what is your intention? ”

Regardless of this, the enemy rushed up in a rush, but Xie Liang was limping, holding a cane and his comrades-in-arms, shoulder to shoulder, tightly blocking the door that was only 2 meters wide, not letting the enemy in, the enemy found nothing, and finally had no choice but to give up!

After Japan surrendered, Sheng Shicai tried to force them to break away from the Communist Party, but they were scolded by Xie Liang and others...

In May 1946, Xie Liang wrote a letter to the Central Committee, reporting in detail on the situation and list of more than 100 comrades in prison. During negotiations in Chongqing, Mao Zedong repeatedly demanded the release of political prisoners. Before Zhang Zhizhong went to Xinjiang to serve as the provincial chairman, Zhou Enlai deliberately found Zhang Zhizhong and specifically talked about this matter, asking Xie Liang and others to be appropriate.

Founding Major General Xie Liang's foot was cut off, Mao Zedong: only in his 20s feet are gone, let him go to the Soviet Union for treatment

In June 1946, a total of 129 comrades-in-arms and family members, including Xie Liang, who were imprisoned in Xinjiang prisons, were all released. On July 12, Xie Liang and the others returned to Yan'an and were greeted by Zhu De, Ren Bishi, Lin Boqu and others. The next morning, Mao Zedong personally visited them at the station and shook hands with each one: "Good comrade, suffer! Good comrades, suffer! ”

During his imprisonment, Xie Liang did not give up his battle and could not go to the front line to fight, so he changed his way and continued to fight, that is, writing.

Because of his thin cultural background, Xie Liang worked hard to improve his cultural level, and he found various books through various ways, nibbling word by word, and reading them page by page. Overcoming the unfavorable conditions of cold and darkness, he successively taught himself "Philosophy", "History of the United Communist Party", "Capital" and other works, as well as dozens of history books and literary and artistic novels, and recorded hundreds of thousands of notes.

His first song, "Fragments of the Struggle in Xinjiang Women's Prison", was found and burned by the enemy four times before and after writing, and the fourth draft was burned on the way back to Yan'an in order to prevent the manuscript from being searched by the enemy.

Xie Liang's debut novel was finally published in January 1948, after returning to Yan'an, at the Xinhua Bookstore in North China in the Liberated Areas.

Founding Major General Xie Liang's foot was cut off, Mao Zedong: only in his 20s feet are gone, let him go to the Soviet Union for treatment

Chen Yun and Xie Liang

Since then, he has published 7 novels and memoirs, including "Female Prisoners in Border Cities - Stories of Struggle in The Female Prison of Dihua in Xinjiang During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression", "Iron Stream Defender", "Five Red Stars", and "The Legend of the One-Legged General".

He was awarded the rank of major general in 1955, and on November 28, 1991, Xie Liang died of illness in Beijing at the age of 76.

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