
Zhou Liqi took her husband to show affection, and the Ying husband was shocked to show gray hair,

author:Dream Apple Pie

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Unexpectedly, the husband of the singer Na Ying can have friendships with many Hong Kong stars, which is surprising.

Zhou Liqi took her husband to show affection, and the Ying husband was shocked to show gray hair,

It turned out that Na Ying had announced that she would hold a concert in Macau, which showed that she had strong interpersonal relationships. Recently, a group photo of a party has aroused heated discussions among netizens. In addition to Na Ying's husband Meng Tong, there are many unforgettable stars in the photo, including Donnie Yen and his wife, Lu Liangwei and his wife, Zhang Zhilin, Yuen Yongyi and his wife, Su Yongkang and his wife, Cai Yizhi and his wife, Zhou Liqi and Fu Chengpeng and so on. \r\nThis party scene can be described in two words, that is, lively.

Zhou Liqi took her husband to show affection, and the Ying husband was shocked to show gray hair,

It is reported that the party was organized by the couple in the middle. Netizens familiar with Hong Kong stars must be no stranger to her, yes, she is Zhang Yushan, who announced her new relationship in July, and the gentle-looking, handsome man next to her is her rich boyfriend Lu Qixian.

Zhou Liqi took her husband to show affection, and the Ying husband was shocked to show gray hair,

\r\n What is emotional is that Lu Qixian once had entanglement with Liao Bier, and was exposed as a fake rich, but I didn't expect that the current picture completely subverted the established cognition of netizens, it seems that Lu Qixian is not as simple as it seems. The pair sitting at the table were Donnie Yen and Wang Shishi, and the two sweetly compared hearts, looking very affectionate, and also highlighting their status in this group of friends.

Zhou Liqi took her husband to show affection, and the Ying husband was shocked to show gray hair,

Behind the couples are Lu Liangwei and Yang Xiaojuan, one maintains a young appearance, the other has wealth, it can be said that they are very matched.

Zhou Liqi took her husband to show affection, and the Ying husband was shocked to show gray hair,

The long-haired man next to him is Cai Yizhi of the "Grasshopper Band", unlike other stars, his way of affection is somewhat special, directly leaning his whole body on his wife, I don't know if she can withstand it?

Zhou Liqi took her husband to show affection, and the Ying husband was shocked to show gray hair,

The three stars on the far left look a little funny, especially Fu Chengpeng's smile, which is full of contentment. While comparing his wife Zhou Liqi with Na Ying's husband Meng Tong, he shows an elusive relationship with them. He has not appeared for a long time, he looks a little old, and his hair has turned gray, I don't know if he is bothered by his wife's exposure on the Internet?

Zhou Liqi took her husband to show affection, and the Ying husband was shocked to show gray hair,

Looking back at the first two years, we can find that Zhou Liqi rarely attended parties with her husband Fu Chengpeng, but in the past two years, she has frequently appeared in various celebrity gatherings, it seems that she is going to fully integrate into the Hong Kong circle, but I don't know if Fu Chengpeng has kept in touch with his ex-wife Cheng Su?

Zhou Liqi took her husband to show affection, and the Ying husband was shocked to show gray hair,

After all, they also have a son, has Fu Chengpeng fulfilled his due responsibility?

In addition, the appearance of Yuen Yongyi and Zhang Zhilin also caused heated discussions among netizens. Theoretically, they often attend parties and should not feel uncomfortable because of social fear, but judging from their position, it seems that they are really a little shy as netizens say.

Zhou Liqi took her husband to show affection, and the Ying husband was shocked to show gray hair,

Fans sighed: "The two of them really hide, we didn't see them at first glance." ”

Under the combined effect of makeup, Yuen Yongyi's appearance is still quite high! No wonder you can charm the rich when you are young.

Zhou Liqi took her husband to show affection, and the Ying husband was shocked to show gray hair,

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