
Common summer hay on the side of the road, fruit ears like ears of wheat, large-headed flowers, shaped like mallets, do you know?

author:Guangxi Ye Ruyi

Common summer hay on the roadside: fruit ears like ears of wheat, headflowers, shaped like mallets, do you know?

In our daily life, there are many seemingly ordinary things, but in fact, there are many mysteries hidden behind them. For example, the common summer hay on the side of the road. I believe that most people have seen it on the roadside, in the field or in the mountains, but not many people really know about it. Today, we're going to take a closer look at this amazing plant and explore its features, uses, and charms.

First, the appearance and distribution of summer hay

Common summer hay on the side of the road, fruit ears like ears of wheat, large-headed flowers, shaped like mallets, do you know?

It is a perennial herb with a height of 15~25 cm. They usually grow in meadows, roadsides, underforests, streams and other humid environments, and have a very wide distribution. On the mainland, summer hay is mainly distributed in the provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River, and a small amount is also distributed in the north.

The stem of the summer hay is square, multi-branched, and has shallow longitudinal grooves on the surface. The leaves are oval in shape and have serrated teeth on the leaf margin. The inflorescences of summer hay are umbrella-shaped, lilac or light blue, very beautiful. Its fruit is brownish-yellow and oblong, with inconspicuous small nodular protrusions on the surface.

Second, the characteristics of summer hay

Common summer hay on the side of the road, fruit ears like ears of wheat, large-headed flowers, shaped like mallets, do you know?

Special growth environment: summer hay is adaptable and prefers a warm and humid climate. They often grow in ravines, streams, fields and other places at an altitude of 100~2000 meters, especially in fertile soil with sufficient sunlight and good drainage.

Life cycle is peculiar: The life cycle of summer hay is relatively special, and it has to go through two stages: "hibernation" and "spring awakening". In winter, their above-ground parts wither, but the underground parts remain alive, waiting for the arrival of spring. In spring, once the temperature rises, summer hay grows rapidly, blooms, and bears fruit.

Strong reproductive ability: The reproductive ability of summer hay is very strong, and it can use seeds for sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction through vegetative propagation (such as rhizome branching, creeping stem spread, etc.). This allows summer hay to spread rapidly in a suitable environment and form a certain population size.

Third, the use of summer hay

Common summer hay on the side of the road, fruit ears like ears of wheat, large-headed flowers, shaped like mallets, do you know?

It has high medicinal and ecological value.

1. Medicinal use: P. subtilis is a commonly used Chinese medicinal herb, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, anti-inflammatory and sterilization. In traditional Chinese medicine, P. subtilis is often used to treat diseases such as liver and gallbladder diseases, hypertension, and diabetes. In addition, it also has anti-tumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and other effects, which is beneficial to the health of the body.

2. Ecology: Summer hay is also ecologically significant. Because they are adaptable and grow fast, they can effectively improve soil quality and increase soil fertility. At the same time, summer hay can also conserve water sources, maintain water and soil, and play a good role in protecting the ecological environment.

3. Other uses: The fruit of summer hay has a certain economic value and can be used to make handicrafts and decorations. In addition, the stems and leaves of summer hay can also be used as fodder and fertilizer.

Fourth, the case analysis: the magic of summer hay

Common summer hay on the side of the road, fruit ears like ears of wheat, large-headed flowers, shaped like mallets, do you know?

Let's take an example to learn more about the characteristics and uses of summer hay.

In one rural area, villagers often suffer from mosquito bites during the summer. To solve this problem, a villager stumbled upon the miraculous effects of summer hay. He began to mash the summer hay and apply it to the bite, and soon found that the redness and itching at the bite area were relieved. So, the villager passed on this method to other villagers, and everyone followed suit, and received good results.

This example illustrates two points: First, summer hay has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal, itching and pain relief effects, and has a good effect on skin problems such as mosquito bites. Secondly, the use of summer hay is simple and easy, and it can be taken internally or externally, which is very convenient.

V. Conclusion: The Magical Summer Hay

Common summer hay on the side of the road, fruit ears like ears of wheat, large-headed flowers, shaped like mallets, do you know?

Through the introduction of this issue, we can clearly understand the characteristics and multiple uses of summer hay. It not only has the medicinal value of clearing heat and detoxification, anti-inflammatory and sterilization, but also improves soil quality, conserves water sources, and has the effect of ecological protection. In addition, summer hay has a lot of practical value in daily life, and can be used to make handicrafts, decorations and fodder.

Through case studies, we also learned about the usefulness of Sinensis in solving common problems in everyday life, such as mosquito bites. These fully demonstrate the magic and practicality of summer hay.

Overall, summer hay is a very magical and practical plant. We should have more awareness and understanding of it, and fully tap and utilize its potential value. At the same time, we should also pay attention to protecting the ecological environment of summer hay, promoting their natural growth and reproduction, and achieving coordinated development of ecology, economy and society. #挑战30天在头条写日记#

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