
Cysts, nodules, polyps, but phlegm and stasis, Prunella vulgaris with 1 thing, phlegm and stasis to disperse nodules

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ji

Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Ji

In the past, among the patients who were treated to regulate the spleen and stomach, there were also many patients with cysts, nodules, and polyps.

Cysts, nodules, polyps, but phlegm and stasis, Prunella vulgaris with 1 thing, phlegm and stasis to disperse nodules

Cysts, nodules, and polyps are caused by local skin hyperplasia in Western medicine, but in traditional Chinese medicine, whether cysts, nodules, or polyps, they are actually the body's phlegm, dampness and blood stasis gathered together. For example, our body is like a river, the fluid in the body is like the water in the river, if the river is blocked, then it will not be able to circulate normally, and the body is the same, when the fluid cannot circulate normally, it will slowly condense into phlegm, and after a long time, these phlegm dampness will grow lumps in the body, forming cysts, nodules, and polyps.

Cysts, nodules, polyps, but phlegm and stasis, Prunella vulgaris with 1 thing, phlegm and stasis to disperse nodules

Therefore, it is not difficult to find that most people who are prone to nodules on their bodies have phlegm-damp constitution. This kind of person is relatively obese, has a large belly, is easy to be sleepy, tired, has heavy limbs, coughs and spits at every turn, has sticky stools, has a fat tongue with tooth marks, or has a phlegm stasis physique, in addition to the symptoms just mentioned, there are always bruises and lumps on the body, easy to sting inexplicably, and the green tendons under the tongue are thick and purple.

In response to this situation, I usually use Guizhi Poria pills with Prunella vulgaris to dissolve stasis and eliminate phlegm, and eliminate cysts, nodules, and polyps in the body.

Guizhi Poria Pill is composed of cinnamon branches, poria cocos, peony bark, peach kernels, and white peony.

Cysts, nodules, polyps, but phlegm and stasis, Prunella vulgaris with 1 thing, phlegm and stasis to disperse nodules

After all, "the spleen and stomach are the source of phlegm and dampness", and the spleen and stomach are mainly transported, and the spleen and stomach are strong, in order to transport the medicinal power, this recipe has peaceful medicinal properties, can dispel evil and can be corrected, so that dampness does not gather, phlegm is not born, the phlegm in the body is gone, and the meridians can circulate normally.

Everyone's physical condition is different, if you also have this kind of problem, it is best to find a professional doctor to help with syndrome differentiation guidance.

Cysts, nodules, polyps, but phlegm and stasis, Prunella vulgaris with 1 thing, phlegm and stasis to disperse nodules

Pay attention to maintaining a good attitude in daily life, less negative emotions, more positive energy, and be responsible for your own health, so that's all for sharing today, thank you for reading!

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