
Zhao Yihuan's "Giant Shark" was accused of plagiarizing "Shark Beach", in addition to showing his figure, only slots remained


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The online movie "Giant Shark's Deadly Beach" was recently launched, and Zhao Yihuan starred again, showing her excellent figure. However, while the film excels in some ways, its plot issues make it inevitably deduct some points. This article will take an in-depth analysis of the film and present the same point of view as the original text by reconstructing the structure of the article and adopting different grammars, sentence patterns, and structures, with its own insights and analysis.

First of all, we must point out that the plot of "Shark Beach" is almost identical to "Shark Beach" starring Blake Lively , which makes people wonder if there is plagiarism. Although some people may think that this is just a coincidence, the main story line of the film is almost no different from "Shark Beach", except that the side line and the shark die differently. What's more interesting is that the poster of the movie was once titled "Giant Shark's Deadly Shark Beach", and five words were added directly before "Shark Beach", which seemed to try to get rid of the shadow of "Shark Beach". However, it remains to be seen whether this will work.

Zhao Yihuan's "Giant Shark" was accused of plagiarizing "Shark Beach", in addition to showing his figure, only slots remained

While the plot of the film may have been inspired by Shark Beach, we must also admit that the production budget and resources of online movies are nowhere near comparable to Hollywood blockbusters. Therefore, eliminating the cost of screenwriting can be seen as a cost saving. But at the same time, the slots in the film are staggering. Especially at the beginning of the movie, there are five minutes to show Zhao Yihuan's figure, which seems to have nothing to do with the storyline. While sharing beauty is a virtue, could the plot be more rigorous?

In the movie, Zhao Yihuan plays a doctor, however, her profession seems to have nothing to do with the plot. The plot of the movie is set on the birthday of Zhao Yihuan's cousin, and a planned yacht trip has become the beginning of a series of absurd plots. The female boss of the male protagonist not only suddenly appeared, but also wore a swimsuit, casting a shadow over the birthday surprise. What is even more bizarre is that the male protagonist and the female boss openly hug on the yacht, and do not care about his girlfriend's feelings. The girlfriend decisively pushes the female boss into the sea, and the scumbag jumps down desperately to save people, ignoring the girlfriend. This circumstantial conflict clearly lacks rationality.

Zhao Yihuan's "Giant Shark" was accused of plagiarizing "Shark Beach", in addition to showing his figure, only slots remained

What is even more absurd is that after the heroine's cousin was attacked by a shark, the heroine's emotional response was very unreasonable. She seems to have no sentiment about her cousin's death, but she weeps when her female boss is attacked by a shark. This emotional contrast is puzzling. In addition, in the movie, the heroine and female boss actually engaged in a bizarre "tug-of-war" with the shark, trying to subdue the shark with a fork. The credibility of this plot is worrying, and it does not correspond to reality.

The plot in the film is further absurd, and the director airdrops a series of supplies for the characters, including floating, fresh water, signal flares, and signal guns. The appearance of these supplies is strange, especially the heroine's signal flares that end up being devoured by sharks. This series of plots shows the director's disregard for reality.

Zhao Yihuan's "Giant Shark" was accused of plagiarizing "Shark Beach", in addition to showing his figure, only slots remained

Despite the many questionable plots, the film does a good job when it comes to special effects, which is understandable considering the level of production of online movies. In addition, Zhao Yihuan, as an actor, successfully fights virtual sharks with the support of his own imagination, which is a rather challenging task.

In general, despite the many slots in the film, there are also some merits. However, audiences still expect online movies to be more satisfying in terms of plot, rather than relying solely on visual effects and body shape to attract audiences. It is hoped that future online movies can make greater breakthroughs in story narration and logic, not only limited to special effects and actors' performance.

Finally, it is foreseeable that the online film industry still has great development potential, and perhaps more excellent works will emerge, but for the audience, a good plot and deep emotional experience are the most important. After all, even in the ocean, a good story can carry the emotions of the audience like a solid ship, allowing them to ride the wind and waves.

Zhao Yihuan's "Giant Shark" was accused of plagiarizing "Shark Beach", in addition to showing his figure, only slots remained

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