
Kiwis can't be eaten casually? Doctor: 6 types of people are usually recommended to stay away and see if there are you?

author:Cheng said science talk

Kiwi fruit is known as the "king of fruits", with its unique fruit, taste and nutritional value is very popular, kiwi taste sweet and sour, delicate and juicy flesh, deeply loved by consumers.

Kiwi fruit is also rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, etc., which have a good health care effect on the body.

The production area of kiwifruit is mainly concentrated in southern provinces, such as Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou, etc., the climatic conditions in these places are suitable for the growth of kiwifruit, and the quality of kiwifruit produced is relatively good, and there is also a small amount of cultivation in the northern region, but because the climatic conditions are not very suitable, the yield is low.

Kiwi fruit has a very high nutritional value, not only rich in vitamin C, but also contains a variety of antioxidants and fiber, among which vitamin C can enhance immunity and prevent diseases such as colds.

Kiwis can't be eaten casually? Doctor: 6 types of people are usually recommended to stay away and see if there are you?

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The antioxidants in it can delay aging and fight free radicals; Fiber, on the other hand, helps with intestinal peristalsis and improves constipation. Therefore, regular consumption of kiwi fruit can play a good health care role for the body.


Eating kiwi, what benefits can the body reap?

Beauty and skin care: Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, has antioxidant effect, can effectively lighten melanin, fight the phenomenon of dull skin tone during pregnancy, long-term eating has the effect of beauty and beauty, whitening skin.

Improve immunity: Kiwi fruit is rich in a large number of natural vitamins and essential amino acids and trace elements, which can be well absorbed by the body and has the effect of strengthening the immune system.

Aid digestion: Kiwi contains dietary fiber that can lower cholesterol, aid digestion, prevent constipation, and remove harmful metabolites from the body.

Kiwis can't be eaten casually? Doctor: 6 types of people are usually recommended to stay away and see if there are you?

Lowering blood lipids: The dietary fiber and antioxidants in kiwi fruit can improve myocardial function and prevent heart disease.

Weight loss: The dietary fiber contained in kiwi fruit can effectively promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, but also increase satiety, which can achieve the purpose of weight loss.

Relieves constipation: Kiwi contains dietary fiber and antioxidants, which have the effect of moisturizing the intestines, clearing heat and reducing heat, and can effectively prevent hemorrhoids and constipation.


Kiwis can't be eaten casually? Doctor: 6 types of people are usually recommended to stay away and see if there are you?

People with frequent urination: Kiwi fruit is rich in water, and it will have a diuretic effect after eating, so people with frequent urination are best not to eat, otherwise it will aggravate the condition.

Kiwis can't be eaten casually? Doctor: 6 types of people are usually recommended to stay away and see if there are you?

Patients with diarrhea: Kiwi fruit is rich in water and fiber, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, has the effect of detoxification and laxation, if diarrhea patients eat, may aggravate discomfort symptoms.

Patients with renal insufficiency: the patient's kidney function is impaired, the function of filtration can not be well realized, kiwi itself contains a large amount of water and potassium ions, will increase the workload of the kidneys, increase the difficulty of work.

Diabetics: Diabetics should eat kiwi fruit with caution because kiwi fruit contains a lot of sugar, which may affect blood sugar levels after consumption, making it difficult to control blood sugar.

Female menstruation: If women are in menstruation, they should eat kiwi with caution, because kiwi fruit is cold and cold, and eating it may cause harm to the body.

Kiwis can't be eaten casually? Doctor: 6 types of people are usually recommended to stay away and see if there are you?

Spleen and stomach deficiency: Kiwi fruit is a cold fruit, people with spleen and stomach deficiency are not very good in the spleen and stomach, can not eat cold food, eating kiwi fruit will increase the burden of the stomach, may appear abdominal pain, acid reflux and heartburn symptoms.


What foods can kiwi go with?

Kiwi fruit can be paired with yogurt, silver fungus, banana, passion fruit, lychee, grape and other foods.

For example, kiwi fruit and yogurt can promote the growth of probiotics in the intestines, which has the effect of maintaining intestinal health and preventing and alleviating constipation.

Kiwi fruit can clear heat and nourish yin, and when eaten with silver fungus, which has the effect of moisturizing and moisturizing the skin, it can make the skin more moisturized and healthy.

Kiwis can't be eaten casually? Doctor: 6 types of people are usually recommended to stay away and see if there are you?

Kiwi fruit is paired with bananas, apples and other fruits to make a fruit salad, which is not only rich in nutrition, but also provides vitamins, dietary fiber and other nutrients for the human body, and also has the effect of moisturizing the intestines and promoting digestion.

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