
India kindly aided Armenia: but forgot about the most important shells

author:Happy pencil
India kindly aided Armenia: but forgot about the most important shells

India: Friendly supply of howitzers, but Armenia is not ready

India has always maintained friendly relations with Armenia and has therefore offered to provide howitzers to Armenia when the conflict broke out. However, things did not go as planned.

Artillery crisis in Armenia

The Armenian government desperately needed howitzers to bolster its defense forces, but they soon discovered that while India provided howitzers, it was not providing enough shells. This unfortunate discovery left Armenia in a difficult position in the conflict.

India kindly aided Armenia: but forgot about the most important shells

India's commitment to support

The Indian government initially promised to provide Armenia with sufficient artillery shells to ensure that it could use these howitzers effectively. The decision was interpreted as a friendly gesture by India towards Armenia, but it quickly became chaotic.

Armenia's dependence and disappointment

Armenia relies on howitzers supplied by India because they do not have enough domestic production capacity to meet their needs. However, when they began to use these guns on the battlefield, they found that there were not enough shells, which made them very disappointed and confused.

Consequences: Armenia's military predicament

There were not enough shells, and Armenian howitzers became almost useless. This puts them at a great disadvantage in the conflict and cannot effectively counter their opponents. This also sparked discontent and criticism within Armenia.

India's defense

In the face of Armenia's accusations, the Indian government tried to justify that they could not provide enough shells in time due to the tight time. They acknowledged that it was a mistake, but stressed that they had always supported Armenia and would do everything they could to help them solve the problem.

India kindly aided Armenia: but forgot about the most important shells

Lesson: The necessity of a national defense program

The incident underscored the importance of national defense planning. When purchasing armaments, the State must ensure a sufficient supply of ammunition to ensure the effectiveness of its defense forces. Armenia has paid a heavy price for failing to take this crucial issue into account.


Armenia bought Indian howitzers, but they got bogged down in the conflict due to insufficient supplies of shells. This incident reminds us that countries must consider a variety of factors when establishing national defense plans to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of defense forces. At the same time, India should better plan and execute its support programs to avoid similar problems from happening again.

India kindly aided Armenia: but forgot about the most important shells

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