
The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

author:Sima Yingji

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During this time, a video on social media caused an uproar, and an ordinary photo with its background music caused widespread controversy and thought. This photo is not a picturesque picture or a selfie of a celebrity, but the desk of an ordinary family, the temple of a young girl's curiosity.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

The story behind it is far from ordinary. The mother, with worries and longing for her daughter's future, secretly took a photo of her daughter's desk and then shared it on social media without hesitation. Her purpose is not to show off her daughter's learning, but to express her inner anxiety and helplessness.

"No Hen Can Give Birth to a Phoenix No Matter How Hard She Works," the title so vividly captures the heart of the incident that it has sparked thousands of comments and opinions. It's not just a mother-daughter story, it reflects a deep social problem: a rift between parents' expectations of their children's education and their own efforts.

The photo caused great controversy

The initiator of the incident was a mother who found that her daughter did not have any study materials or books on her desk. The mother posted a photo of her daughter's desk on social media, expressing her concern about her daughter's attitude toward learning. In this way, she hopes to arouse her daughter's interest in learning, while also seeking advice and empathy from other parents.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

However, the move quickly sparked widespread discussion and controversy. The comments contained a variety of opinions, some of which supported the mother's concern that parents should care about their children's schoolwork. More commentary, however, criticized the mother's approach, arguing that she interfered too much with her daughter's personal space and accusing her of not respecting her daughter's choice.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

This incident is not only a dispute between mother and daughter, but also reflects the diversity and divergence of contemporary family education concepts. This incident raises profound questions: Should parents interfere too much in their children's learning styles? Will differences in family education concepts affect the child's future? And, how to balance expectations and respect in family education to ensure that children can develop and succeed in their entirety?

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

Education, as a driving force for social progress and individual development, has always received widespread attention. As the front line of education, the family undertakes the sacred mission of nurturing the next generation. However, with the continuous evolution of society, educational concepts and practices are also undergoing profound changes.

Over the years, the educational philosophy of "study hard and get ahead" has represented the deep expectations of the predecessors for the next generation, and inspired the children to continue to strive for a better future. However, today's young parents of the post-00s and post-90s generation are beginning to question themselves: if neither of our parents is fully committed to realizing their dreams, then what right do we have to demand that our children give their all?

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

The rising cost of education, fierce competition, and questioning of traditional education models have all led to the diversification of family education concepts. Some parents are beginning to reflect on whether they should pursue the so-called "chicken baby" education too much and focus more on their children's personality, interests and well-being. This issue has sparked widespread controversy and revealed a series of challenges and opportunities in homeschooling.

Reality meets expectations

Family education has always carried the ardent expectations of fathers for the next generation. Parents want their children to have a better life, achieve higher social status and economic standards. This expectation leads to a high level of attention and commitment from families to their children's learning. Parents hope that by providing a variety of learning resources, tutoring and support, their children will be cultivated into top talents, enter excellent universities, and ultimately realize their social dreams.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

However, reality often clashes greatly with these expectations. The high cost of education, fierce competition, and social pressures all pose great challenges for parents. Ordinary families, in particular, often do not have sufficient financial conditions to support their children to receive high investment in education. This creates a huge gap between family expectations and actual reality.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

This diversity of educational ideas leads to conflicts and divisions between families. Some parents strongly believe in the traditional "chicken baby" approach to education, believing that success can only be achieved through intensive learning and competition. Others, however, pay more attention to nurturing their children's comprehensive literacy, encouraging them to pursue their own interests and stimulate creativity.

Faced with the collision between family reality and educational expectations, society needs more attention and discussion to find a more balanced way of education. Education should not become a moral kidnapping, but a process of inspiration and guidance. Every student's interests, talents and potential are individual, and education is all about maximizing and nurturing these potentials so that they can be the best version of themselves. At the same time, it is inseparable from the support of the family.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

Families support successful relationships with their children

Family support includes not only financial support, but also emotional, educational, and social support. This support can be expressed in many ways, and the emotional connection between parents and children is the cornerstone of a child's healthy development. A warm, understanding, and encouraging home environment helps children build self-esteem and self-confidence and enhance their ability to cope with setbacks.

Families can support their child's academic studies by participating in their child's learning, encouraging them to pursue knowledge, and providing learning resources and tutoring. This educational support stimulates children's interest in learning and self-motivation. Families can also help children build social relationships and encourage them to participate in team activities and collaborative projects. This social support helps develop children's social skills and teamwork.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

Research shows a strong link between family support and students' academic performance and personal growth. A child's good grades in school are often associated with family support. Parental involvement, the provision of learning resources, and the establishment of a family learning climate can all contribute to academic success. Family support also helps develop children's internal drive to persevere in the face of challenges and difficulties. Parental encouragement and trust can enhance a child's self-confidence and self-motivation.

Family support should be a balancing process. Parents need to provide adequate support and encouragement, but also give children a certain degree of autonomy to make decisions, so that they can learn to set their own goals and self-motivate. This balance helps develop children's independence and self-discipline, making them better prepared for future challenges.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

This balance can vary in different families, as each family has its own strengths and limitations. But above all, the home should be a warm and supportive haven for children to thrive driven inside and out. Regardless of the family's economic situation, regardless of their social status, the support and care of the family is an important factor in the child's achievement.

The reality and ideals of education

Family support promotes educational success, which is a key area for social progress and individual growth, but there is often a gap between real education and ideal education.

Tests are paramount, and the real education system often focuses too much on standardized tests, ignoring students' individual development and creativity. This bias has led to the utilitarianization of education, where students study only to cope with exams, rather than truly understanding and mastering knowledge.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

Second, uneven educational resources, uneven educational resources between different regions and families, resulting in some students unable to obtain high-quality education. Schools and students in poor areas often face a lack of resources and teachers.

Third, the education system that deviates from the reality of student interests tends to cram all students into the same educational model, ignoring their individual interests and talents. This can lead to a loss of interest in learning and limit their potential development.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

Finally, stress and anxiety, excessive competition, and a high-intensity educational environment expose many students to tremendous academic stress and anxiety. This can negatively affect their mental health and even lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety. So what does the ideal education look like?

Ideal Education emphasizes individualized learning, allowing students to tailor learning paths to their interests and abilities. Education should focus on each student's unique needs, fostering creativity and critical thinking.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

Ideal Education focuses not only on standardized tests, but also on diverse assessment methods such as project work, practical application, and creative expression. This helps to get a fuller picture of students' abilities and potential. Ideal education also aims to develop students' comprehensive qualities, including critical thinking, communication, social skills, and mental health.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

Education should aim to prepare students to become critically thinking and socially responsible citizens. Ideal Education pursues equity in education and ensures that every student has equal access to high-quality education. This means reducing the gap in educational resources between different regions and families.

The pursuit of ideal education may not be achieved overnight, but it guides the development direction of the field of education. In the future, we expect to see more educational reforms, including the introduction of more innovative education models, such as online education, distance learning and personalized education, to meet the needs of different students.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

Improve the professional development of teachers and develop educators with interdisciplinary education and innovative teaching methods. The government promotes cooperation with all sectors of society to reduce the unequal distribution of educational resources and ensure that every student has equal opportunities. Emphasize the lifelong nature of education and encourage people to pursue knowledge and skills at different stages.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix


In the world of education, hens cannot give birth to phoenixes no matter how hard they try, because each bird has its own wings and flies into different skies. The mother in this story, her anxiety and sneaky photography, provokes deep thinking about education.

The mother secretly photographed her daughter's room and was awakened by 3,000 comments: no matter how hard the hen tried, she could not give birth to a phoenix

We live in a diverse and complex society where each child has unique gifts and potential. The ideal education should be a platform to nurture these potentials and allow every child to shine. Real-world education is often challenged, with an over-focus on exams, uneven resources, and neglected learning interests, which prevent many children from fully demonstrating their strengths.

The goal of education is for every child to thrive and spread their wings in their field. Regardless of the family's economic situation, regardless of the pressures of society, each child has the opportunity to become his or her own unique and valuable individual.

  • Author: Konishi
  • Editor: Shanhai

"Sima Yingji" is original, unauthorized reproduction shall not be permitted, infringement must be investigated.

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