
Cardiovascular screening of residents, using "black technology" such as AI and Internet of Things

author:Purple Cow News

In order to welcome the seventh "National Disability Prevention Day", on August 24, Wuxi City Huishan District Chang'an Street Disabled Persons' Federation held a "cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease prevention" activity, in addition to the theme education, specially for residents to carry out ECG screening, and use wearable, remote monitoring "remote real-time ECG monitoring system", on-site screening results, and experts linked to the platform to judge, give medical treatment, doorstep can screen to prevent cardiovascular disease, residents are happy.

Cardiovascular screening of residents, using "black technology" such as AI and Internet of Things

Free clinics

Aunt Guo is 78 years old this year, there is nothing major wrong, but recently felt a little stuffy, knowing that there is such a free cardiovascular disease screening activity in the community, she quickly signed up. At the scene, as the staff of the "third party" of the event technology support - Hui Medical Project, first put a patch on her chest, and then handed her a "small box", telling her to maintain her normal state for the next hour and a half, and a Holter report will be issued later, and experts will see her on site. "I'm fine, the problem is not big, the doctor said this and I am relieved!" At the scene, nearly 40 ordinary residents and disabled people received ECG screening and diagnosis.

Cardiovascular screening of residents, using "black technology" such as AI and Internet of Things

The monitoring data is uploaded in real time Photo by Zhang Jianbo

The reporter learned that the equipment used in screening is a set of remote real-time ECG monitoring system, consisting of ECG cloud platform, ambulatory ECG recorder, real-time ECG monitoring system, etc., the patch used by Aunt Guo is a medical-grade electrode, and the "small box" is a collection and transmission terminal based on 5G Internet of Things real-time transmission technology, and they together form the aforementioned real-time ECG monitoring equipment. Using cloud computing technology, AI technology, by building an examination center, monitoring center, AI intelligent analysis center and diagnosis center in the cloud, the remote real-time ECG monitoring system can conduct remote, remote and long-term ECG monitoring for patients, record data uploaded to the cloud for intelligent analysis and diagnosis, problematic will submit the platform linked expert database, experts will contact the monitored object in time, provide suggestions on follow-up diagnosis and treatment, "Compared to going to the hospital, this eliminates the need for registration and waiting, You can do it yourself at home anytime, anywhere, which is convenient! Qian Xifeng, head of the Hui Medical Project, told reporters.

Cardiovascular screening of residents, using "black technology" such as AI and Internet of Things


At the scene, Bao Xiaojing, director of the Department of Cardiology of Wuxi People's Hospital, was also invited to give a special lecture on "Prevention of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases", focusing on the occurrence, etiology and prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and gave an in-depth and simple interpretation, which was warmly welcomed by residents. After the lecture, combined with the report of on-site screening and testing, he diagnosed the onset and prevention of cardiovascular disease among the participating residents one by one. In an interview with reporters, he said that compared with the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in developed countries, the mainland is still in a period of rapid rise, and the mortality rate of cardiovascular diseases has ranked first in the mortality rate of diseases, surpassing tumors. The reason, in addition to uncontrollable age, gender and genetics, there are also controllable reasons, such as eating habits caused by the "three highs", lack of exercise and mental, psychological pressure, as an expert in the third-class hospital, there are many patients who take over the treatment, but he hopes that the public will do a good job in prevention, such as quitting smoking and alcohol, exercise and healthy eating, "To control the underlying disease, it is also important to maintain a good attitude." ”

Cardiovascular screening of residents, using "black technology" such as AI and Internet of Things


Zhou Ping, chairman of Chang'an Street Disabled Persons' Federation, said that the core meaning of "disability prevention" is that ordinary people prevent disability due to illness, and disabled people prevent secondary disability, and they are currently focusing on the prevention of disability in the two aspects of "terrier" and "cancer", and "myocardial infarction" disability prevention is one of the key concerns, and the activities on that day were held. Subsequently, disability prevention activities in the field of "cerebral infarction" will also be carried out, including carotid ultrasound and expert free consultation, "that is, with the help of third-party professional strength, such as today's ECG monitoring system uses AI, Internet of Things and other technologies, to improve the accuracy and efficiency of prevention and screening, as far as possible to achieve early detection, early prevention and early treatment, which is very valuable for disability prevention work." She also revealed that the street also includes disability prevention for teenagers, such as scoliosis screening every September.

Proofreading Sheng Yuanyuan

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