
Harry and Meghan pushed Charles to the limit and negotiations are underway, royal expert and former royal editor Charlie Ray of The Sun shared his own

author:Xizi said elegantly

Harry and Meghan have pushed Charles to the limit and negotiations are being prepared

Charlie Ray, a royal expert and former royal editor of The Sun, shared his findings that Prince Harry was no longer welcome at the palace. Even if the prince repents for his opposition to the monarchy, he is unlikely to return, as evidenced by the removal of his title from the royal website. Experts called the Monteciti couple "outsiders," something others in the royal family expected. The Sussex family did not show a public commitment to the monarchy and, instead, crushed royal institutions and families for money.

"Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have become outcasts through and through. Their title of [her] highness has been removed from the royal family's website," the expert said.

There is no doubt that this step in the palace is another blow to the Duke of Sussex's self-esteem, although immediately after leaving the family, he and Meghan were told to forget the title and not to make money on their royal past, which they completely forgot. Experts claim that now the prince will have nowhere to return as he and Meghan "took Charles to the limit". He and Meghan are no longer invited to any family events, and this also applies to the upcoming anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's departure. Although, according to Charles Ray, the king "remains a loving father", he will leave the public memorial of the queen to William and Kate, who may make some kind of statement on the day. But Charles preferred Harry (especially Meghan) to stay at home that day or away from Balmoral.

"They are no longer invited to any upcoming royal events. However, there will be no official memorial in honor of Queen Elizabeth. What will happen is that Catherine and Prince William will make statements on the same day. Charles will spend it in quiet reflection," the expert said.

According to experts, the actions of the Sussexes after Megsit brought the king to the limit and he did not want to be reunited with them. The reason seems clear, although there is always room for reservations. #八卦手册#

Harry and Meghan pushed Charles to the limit and negotiations are underway, royal expert and former royal editor Charlie Ray of The Sun shared his own
Harry and Meghan pushed Charles to the limit and negotiations are underway, royal expert and former royal editor Charlie Ray of The Sun shared his own
Harry and Meghan pushed Charles to the limit and negotiations are underway, royal expert and former royal editor Charlie Ray of The Sun shared his own
Harry and Meghan pushed Charles to the limit and negotiations are underway, royal expert and former royal editor Charlie Ray of The Sun shared his own
Harry and Meghan pushed Charles to the limit and negotiations are underway, royal expert and former royal editor Charlie Ray of The Sun shared his own
Harry and Meghan pushed Charles to the limit and negotiations are underway, royal expert and former royal editor Charlie Ray of The Sun shared his own

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