
【Summer Family Fun】The list of the third week of the weekly list is announced!

author:Watermelon VLOG

Reward Rules:

Participate in the latest family vlog/parent-child manuscript collection activity on the watermelon video station, and directly check #Summer Family Fun when publishing the video

Reward 1: 10,000-100,000 authors with 10,000 fans in Touxi, 2-3 articles submitted every week, 500,000 traffic can be divided, the top 10 players will be played cumulatively, and each person will be rewarded with 300 yuan cash red envelope!

Reward 2: Touxi fans of 10,000-100,000 authors submit 4 articles per week≥ then you can share 1 million traffic per week, a total of 10.5 million traffic!

Bonus 3: Authors with more than 100,000 fans and ≥ 5 articles submitted per week, can share 1 million traffic every week, for a total of 7 million traffic!

【Summer Family Fun】The list of the third week of the weekly list is announced!

Reward rules

Reward 1: Touxi has 10,000-100,000 followers, 2-3 articles per week, and the list of winners is as follows

In the third week of the bonus (July 24-July 30), each person will receive 8928 traffic

@西妈8899 @小聪的大粗腿 @都是洞姐姐 @蛋蛋家老王 @远嫁米奇姐姐Vlog @阿芳的大理生活 @小眼睛林同学 @坚强的小阿妹 @MonkeyWoman @王姑娘找婆家 @杰淇妈妈要努力 @李酥酥的酥 @啊如生活日记篇 @宋二胖的幸福生活 @CiCi mom says parenting @虎妈潘潘

@兰家有两宝 @龙凤胎美麻麻 @四个孩子宝妈要努力 @武汉宝妈小婷 @缘宝妈聊育儿 @大娟子和小三子 @俄罗斯媳妇托妮娅 @灵小丽 @安徽爸爸和台湾妈妈 @桂林月儿和冰霜姐妹花 @天天可可的娜姐 @沪漂小小占 @白妹与龙凤轩汐vlog @退休悦生活 @八戒与小嫦娥搞怪生活 @宝妈小婷婷vlog

@大苗夫妇 @白胖和弟弟 @莹妈育儿 @燕子在梅城 @大言小育 @二货小嘻嘻和逗比妈咪 @裕彤兄妹 @林家亚亚 @努力生活的小琪妈妈 @如梦微语 @三胞胎四宝贝 @北方小先生 @西西和北北吖 @李代代 @暖暖阳光ing @远嫁的小静啊 @浩然baby爱麻麻 @环宇记 @晗晗睿睿妈 @阿妍的生活记录 @漯河刘小宝 @钱女士的视频 @爱家心理张丽 @舟行远山

Among the top 10 authors among the above authors, each will be awarded 300 yuan in cash, and the list of winners is as follows:

@西妈8899 @小聪的大粗腿 @都是洞姐姐 @蛋蛋家老王 @远嫁米奇姐姐Vlog @阿芳的大理生活 @小眼睛林同学 @坚强的小阿妹 @MonkeyWoman @王姑娘找婆家

---------------- dividing line----------------

Reward 2: Touxi has 10,000-100,000 followers, and the number of weekly submissions is ≥ 4, and the list of winners is as follows

In the third week of the bonus (July 24-July 30), each person will receive 11363 traffic

@龙凤胎帅贝 @莎莎和大壮 @贵州琴姐的生活 @胖虎虎妈妈 @是李二妮呀 @小珊妹儿 @乐观的坤哥 @路嫂三妹小蝶 @晴晴薇薇麻麻 @妞爸妞妈的退休生活 @你好小鑫吖 @晓慧呀 @玲姐在上海 @湖北张磊 @你好王小菲 @小吃货的姨妈 @快乐老王的奋斗 @轩妈在这里 @w Aoyama @大冰在广州 @姚家四妹 @小崔骑行在路上 @小宝和贝贝 @你好刘娘子 @春夏游记 @唱姐 @远嫁海南的胖子 @K brother and Pippi @大潮汕阿敏 @老陈家妍小妹 @熙妹啊 @琪宝成长日记 @美馨日记

@成哥的人生 @小米我的妮 @小静一的老父亲 @宝妈与乐乐的开心一刻 @三胞胎四姐弟生活记 @姐妹俩的快乐日常 @小伟生活日记篇 @奶糖爸爸要加油 @北京夫妻在中山 @是毛毛同学呀 @鱼丸小课堂 @莎莎的升职记 @思文和斯基的vlog @肥头和大耳 @红茶朱古力生活日记 @糖心小北鼻 @江小四阿丽 @乐乐和妍妍麻麻 @单眼皮姐妹花 @二帅打工生活记 @郝欣时间 @小熊夫妻在无锡 @朵朵琛琛和苒苒 @阿粥要努力 @三胎妈霞霞 @丹妮儿在河南

@嘟嘟妈妈要努力呀 @小丽珊 @丽丽520YY @压力洋哥 @大飞和小诺 @全职妈妈和她的孩子 @华威威 @饭岛要 @美若冰冰QvQ @可爱聪明的小米豆 @巨浪淘金 @彤彤爱吃牛油果 @一家人在衡水 @北京孟掌柜 @二丫的一家 @伊伊的城堡 @七小哦 @双胞胎小宇宙 @辣笔班长 @浩南在农村 @沂蒙农村小闫 @家有能宝 @大萌萌小米米 @影姐的日常生活呀 @大林妈 @小蔡的三胎生活 @超级可爱的宝宝是种什么样的体验 @蓁蓁心理抚养 @张女子育儿

---------------- dividing line----------------

Reward 3: Authors with more than 100,000 fans in Touxi, the number of submissions ≥ 5 articles per week, and the list of winners is as follows

The third week of the bonus (July 24-July 30) will be divided among each person: 25,000 traffic

@你好小英子 @你好仲文 @涵涵麻麻爸比 @京城小二 @小可宣宣 @b Boy's mother Youyou @南方姑娘沈沈27号韩后美妆专场 @小金果妈妈 @苏子Vlog @四个孩子的妈妈要努力 @依淼妈妈的生活 @汪小鱼和汪小米 @艳子的小旅馆日记 @烟台小十七 @小米哆妈咪 @东北大小姐 @鑫的生活记 @三胎四宝

@小朱夫妻vlog @依淼妈妈爱生活 @养猪少女雯雯 @我是闪电雯 @小星星一家人 @南阳小凡 @慧慧爱生活呀 @芦灵儿 @安然逸博 @记录生活的肆一 @山西醋妮儿 @小猪生活录 @紫苏的生活录 @老纪的快乐生活 @宝妈大胖妞 @圆子和平底锅 @拽哥吃喝玩乐行 @幸福快乐猪 @阿钰生活记 @小军愚乐 @燕子糖 @老谭要努力

Traffic rewards will be distributed within a week, cash rewards will be distributed after the overall end of the event, traffic viewing address: Watermelon Video-Creation Center-Video Promotion View, or check the system notification~