
Create a non-discriminatory environment and eliminate mother-to-child transmission of "Aimee B"

author:Litchi News

  AIDS, syphilis, and hepatitis B are all infectious diseases that can be transmitted from mother to child. Today (August 15), Nanjing launched the initiative "Creating a Non-discriminatory Environment to Eliminate Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS, Syphilis and Hepatitis B". The reporter learned that in Nanjing, after standardized prenatal examination and treatment, the success rate of mother-to-child transmission interruption reached more than 99%.

Create a non-discriminatory environment and eliminate mother-to-child transmission of "Aimee B"

  How can a mother with hepatitis B give birth to a healthy baby? According to the doctor, before preparing for pregnancy, both husband and wife should understand their health status. If you are a carrier of hepatitis B, you need to go to a regular medical institution for professional evaluation.

  Han Rong, director of the obstetrics department of Nanjing Second Hospital, said: "Some patients need treatment, and after the treatment is stable, they go to get pregnant. Some mothers do not need treatment, do strict monitoring during pregnancy, if the monitoring during pregnancy is basically stable, no treatment is required, which refers to the mother's state of no disease, and her viral load is low, but the delivery must be done safely at the time of delivery, and the baby born should be combined immunization in time. ”

  The reporter learned from the Nanjing Municipal Health Commission that after standardized prenatal examination and treatment, the success rate of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B, AIDS and syphilis reached more than 99%. However, there are still very few cases of pregnant women who do not undergo standardized prenatal examination and disease testing due to family and personal reasons, or conceal their medical history during emergency delivery, resulting in newborn infection.

  The doctor called on the husband and wife of each pregnant family to do a good job of pre-pregnancy eugenic examination and fertility consultation, pregnant women when they first establish a small card, consciously participate in free testing for AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis B, standardize prenatal examination and treatment during pregnancy, do not hide medical history.

Create a non-discriminatory environment and eliminate mother-to-child transmission of "Aimee B"

  Director Han Rong appealed: "First of all, we must eliminate the psychology of panic, do not have discriminatory thoughts about ourselves, and we will unite together to obtain a healthy baby." ”

Create a non-discriminatory environment and eliminate mother-to-child transmission of "Aimee B"

  In order to create a non-discriminatory social environment, starting this year, Nanjing has carried out the construction of a non-discriminatory medical environment in all medical institutions in the city, and signs and signs that may cause discrimination cannot be affixed or hung in medical and health institutions.

  (Jiangsu Public News Channel/Wang Leping Editor/Gao Ruoting)