
Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

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Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited
Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited


Feng Xiaogang can be said to be a well-known famous director, with unique insights in film shooting, and has also created a large number of famous film and television dramas. But even so, in the eyes of the public, Feng Xiaogang's popularity is not very good, which has to tell the story of Feng Xiaogang.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

"Night Banquet" starring Zhang Ziyi is also one of Feng Xiaogang's most famous film and television dramas, but it is this film and television drama that makes Feng Xiaogang have an enemy, and the enemy is actually an actor in the play. I saw that the enemy was full of anger, and shouted, "I will destroy you!" ”

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

So what exactly did Feng Xiaogang do, and who was his enemy?

Behind a drama

The broadcast of "Night Banquet" in 2006 can be said to have received a lot of praise, which gathered many first-line stars, the male and female protagonists are all played by the actor, the male protagonist is Cannes actor Ge You, and the female protagonist is actress Zhang Ziyi.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

Of course, there are many unknown stories behind the success of this TV series.

At that time, Feng Xiaogang was already a famous director, and the film and television dramas he directed also became popular with a large number of traffic students. Feng Xiaogang threw an olive branch to Zhang Ziyi before filming began, hoping that Zhang Ziyi could play the female number one. Zhang Ziyi is also very excited about this, because she has a strong feeling that this drama can make her a small fire again.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

But when the script was handed to Zhang Ziyi, she hesitated, hesitating whether to take this play.

The reason that makes Zhang Ziyi hesitate is not that she does not like the content of the script, but that there are a large number of intimate scenes in the script, and she also needs to appear naked, Zhang Ziyi, who has been popular for half of the sky at that time, certainly does not need to rely on nude scenes to increase her own traffic, but in the face of this script I still have some unbearability, so after thinking twice, she plans to give up.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

When she informed Feng Xiaogang of this idea, Feng Xiaogang hurriedly said, It's okay, I can find you a stand-in! You don't have to come to those shots, just let the stand-in shoot.

Zhang Ziyi, who heard this, seemed to have made a reassurance, so he immediately agreed to take over the drama.

The seemingly relaxed words of "looking for a stand-in" can stump director Feng Xiaogang.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

After looking for hundreds of actresses to audition, there was no suitable candidate, seeing that the filming time was coming, Feng Xiaogang became more and more anxious, he didn't want to lose Zhang Ziyi, a big name, because he couldn't find a stand-in.

At that time, just finding a stand-in consumed almost two-thirds of Feng Xiaogang's energy, but fortunately, his efforts were not in vain, and he found the actor who was similar in size to Zhang Ziyi, named Shao Xiaoshan.

Find a stand-in

Shao Xiaoshan once cooperated with Feng Xiaogang to shoot the drama "Mobile Phone", and she also felt very relaxed in the whole atmosphere of getting along, and she also respected this big director very much.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

At that time, Shao Xiaoshan's wedding was imminent, but in the face of the big work "Night Banquet", his heart was still shaken. Because of the filming of a nude scene, as her boyfriend, naturally disagreed, not to mention the upcoming wedding, how absurd it should be.

Shao Xiaoshan hesitated, she deeply considered the pros and cons of this matter, so she decided to refuse Feng Xiaogang.

Feng Xiaogang did not panic about the rejection of this rare female stand-in candidate, as if he was in control of the overall situation, he said lightly, "You only need to shoot three days of scenes for this drama, and I will give you 19,000 yuan after completion." ”

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

Of course, this was not enough to make Shao Xiaoshan's heart move, and then Feng Xiaogang added a sentence in which he promised that he would write Shao Xiaoshan's name into the end of the movie. At this time, Shao Xiaoshan's heart was moved again, this is a big shortcut for her to become famous, and she doesn't want to miss it.

So regardless of her boyfriend's dissuasion, and postponed the original wedding for this reason, she agreed to Feng Xiaogang without hesitation and entered the crew of "Night Banquet".

I have to say that Feng Xiaogang's ability to retain people is still quite high, the former left Zhang Ziyi in the crew, and now he directly tied the stand-in Shao Xiaoshan firmly with a sentence.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

On the first day of shooting, there was a circle of staff around the shooting site, Shao Xiaoshan wanted to retain her last dignity, she asked Feng Xiaogang, "Can I wear a chest patch?" Feng Xiaogang showed no mercy and replied firmly: "How can you count being naked with a chest patch?" ”

In fact, it is absolutely impossible for the private position to appear in the lens during the filming process, so the use of chest patches will not have any impact on the shooting, Shao Xiaoshan made such a request very reasonable, but was ruthlessly rejected by Feng Xiaogang, I don't know what Feng Xiaogang's intentions are.

Thinking that this was a shortcut to his fame, Shao Xiaoshan continued to shoot. She overcame all psychological problems and went to shoot naked, and also filmed many intimate scenes with Ge You.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

The famous scene of full nudity in the water was also filmed by Shao Xiaoshan. The beautiful shots presented in the play, I have to say that Shao Xiaoshan is also very professional, you can see her smooth and white body from all angles, the degree of amazement can be said to be a must, and I don't know how many of the male audience in front of this picture have nosebleeds.

After the filming of the film and television drama and entering the publicity stage, Feng Xiaogang actually took the beautiful back that was not Zhang Ziyi to promote Zhang Ziyi, just to increase the ratings of this drama. Undoubtedly, Zhang Ziyi also attracted many fans with her fake beauty back, and her popularity soared.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

Seeing this situation, although Shao Xiaoshan had 10,000 reluctance in her heart, she could only break her teeth and swallow into her stomach, because she was just a stand-in. She is quietly waiting, waiting for the broadcast of film and television dramas, waiting for everyone's praise for Shao Xiaoshan's name when she sees it, and waiting for the road to fame after that.

But what she was waiting for was indeed a scam.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

Recognize scams

When the first day of the movie was broadcast, Shao Xiaoshan took the initiative to invite guests to take friends to watch the movie according to her impatient excitement, she told her friends that she was Zhang Ziyi's stand-in, not to mention how proud she was, the movie was particularly exciting, but Shao Xiaoshan just went to the end of the film, and finally the movie content was played, and the black screen and white characters were displayed, clearly showing every actor.

Shao Xiaoshan scanned one by one, for fear of missing her name, and her friends also looked for the three words of Shao Xiaoshan with her, but when the ending song was played, she still did not see the three words of Shao Xiaoshan.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

At that time, Shao Xiaoshan was furious, and she was deceived.

She immediately dialed Feng Xiaogang's phone, and was about to curse, but the other party's phone came with a voice reminder that "the phone you called has been turned off".

Where Shao Xiaoshan was willing to be deceived, how she was willing to use her innocence to make a wedding dress for her, so she posted content on the Internet, claiming that she was Zhang Ziyi's stand-in, and all the intimate scenes were filmed by herself. At the same time, he also scolded Feng Xiaogang, you are a shameless villain, you are a liar.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

Netizens facing this situation have stood up and wanted Feng Xiaogang to give a reasonable explanation, but Feng Xiaogang did not admit it, he actually said that what this woman said was not true, and said that she wanted to be red and crazy.

Yes, isn't Shao Xiaoshan crazy?

Because social netizens have seen too many people who want to be red and crazy, and at the same time there is a positive response from Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Ziyi's fans and public netizens rushed to ridicule Shao Xiaoshan, and they even thought that people like Shao Xiaoshan should be banned from the entertainment industry forever. No one believed her, no one wanted to cooperate with her anymore, and her acting career was ruined.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

Her boyfriend didn't want to live with such a person who gave up his family for a shortcut, not to mention that in the end, fame and fortune were not retained, and dignity was not retained, so he decisively quit the marriage. Shao Xiaoshan really became the one who was spurned by thousands of people.

Shao Xiaoshan finally collapsed in an extremely depressed atmosphere, and at this time she was like a clown, trampled on by others.

How dare Shao Xiaoshan endure such humiliation, she finally broke out, she could no longer swallow this evil breath, she wanted to make everyone who had hurt her pay the price, so she took revenge.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

Of course, Shao Xiaoshan is not only targeting Feng Xiaogang alone, but also Fan Bingbing, who recommended himself into the group. She thinks that they have long been complicit in bullying her humble little actor. She even felt that the entire entertainment industry was so dark and turbid.

She posted on the Internet that she wanted to make Feng Xiaogang discredited, and also exposed Fan Bingbing's fierce material. This news instantly exploded the entire network. Feng Xiaogang, Fan Bingbing and others were also pushed into the upsurge of public opinion. As a result, the reputation and status of several people have been affected to a certain extent.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

But in the end, his arm couldn't twist his thigh, and Shao Xiaoshan still lost to capital. The next day, all the revelations were deleted, and Shao Xiaoshan also came forward to apologize and said that she drank too much and wrote nonsense.

Because no one came forward to clarify this matter, netizens also began to suspect Feng Xiaogang and others, although what the truth of the matter is, outsiders may never know.

Banquet scandal

Miao Miao, everyone should know that she is now Zheng Kai's wife, but before this, she had experienced a period of extreme depression, and even thought about ending her life, and this matter was also related to Feng Xiaogang.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

Miao Miao is a traffic student cultivated by Feng Xiaogang, and she has also won the popularity of many fans with her beautiful and pure appearance.

In order to increase Miao Miao's popularity and also to give himself face, Feng Xiaogang often took Miao Miao to various banquets and introduced Miao Miao to connections.

But after the release of the "Fang Hua" movie, Feng Xiaogang began to anger Miao Miao again, saying that she was too clean and tall and could not be popular in the future.

Can Feng Xiaogang's attitude change so much, could it be that Miao Miao offended him?

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

After deep pickpocketing by netizens, it was found that the misunderstanding between Feng Xiaogang and Miao Miao came from a banquet.

Feng Xiaogang took Miao Miao to the banquet as usual, Feng Xiaogang chatted a little happily, drank too much, he looked at Miao Miao and suddenly had an idea, he wanted Miao Miao to dance for everyone, but at that time Miao Miao was wearing a banquet dress, and even stepped on high heels, which was not suitable for dancing at all, so he was stunned in place.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

Feng Xiaogang saw that Miao Miao did not do what he said and suddenly became angry, and he roared through the wine, don't give a face.

Miao Miao was frightened by the situation in front of her, tears were about to come out, and Chen Daoming on the side immediately came out to mediate, saying, you have never seen girls dancing, and this is not a place to dance.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

In order not to let the director continue to be angry, Miao Miao took off her shoes and jumped for a while.

After that, Feng Xiaogang not only often gave Miao Miao a face, but also took the whole group to isolate Miao Miao, and Miao Miao never attended the important occasion again.

After that, Miao Miao changed, she began to have low self-esteem, did not dare to appear in society, and even had suicidal thoughts.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited


The combination of various events has to make people doubt Feng Xiaogang's character.

After that, he could no longer get wonderful film and television dramas. But he never looked for problems in himself, but bombarded the audience, and said: the number of garbage movies depends on the number of garbage audiences.

Feng Xiaogang's "character collapse"? Zhang Ziyi was publicly exposed naked: I want to make you discredited

How the audience who heard this were willing to swallow their anger, and how Feng Xiaogang's strength alone was against thousands of troops, and his reputation plummeted in an instant.

I have to say that he has indeed brought many excellent film and television dramas to the audience, but only the double improvement of ability and character can dedicate people to the peak.

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