
68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

author:Shan Zai said gossip

1. In-depth excavation and exploration of the life process of the former superstar Zhang Guoli

Mr. Zhang Guoli grew up in a poor family since childhood, and ran with his father to work in the hard years of the railway, just like the familiar saying "the children of poor families are in charge of the family early", life at that time may not be easy, and the income is quite limited, but he has never given up the persistent pursuit of his dreams, has never flinched, he believes that as long as there is a dream, there is hope!

When the opportunity came, Mr. Zhang Guoli did not hesitate to choose to join the art troupe, although he was only an insignificant announcer at first, his firm belief in becoming an excellent actor has never wavered.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

In order to be able to better learn and improve his acting skills, he began to observe the every move of other actors day and night, and tried to imitate their acting skills, with perseverance and outstanding talent, finally one day, Mr. Zhang Guoli got the precious opportunity to play a role in a play.

However, just when everyone was laughing at him, a lady named Luo Chunxiu bravely stood up to defend him and frequently invited him to play a supporting role in the days that followed.

The two gradually fell in love, but this relationship was strongly opposed by Luo Chunxiu's parents, because Zhang Guoli was just an ordinary member of the art troupe at that time, and it really couldn't match the prominent background of the Luo family.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

Fortunately, seeing that their daughter was getting more and more emaciated, Luo Chunxiu's parents finally reluctantly agreed to the marriage. With the strong support of his parents-in-law and the help of network resources, Mr. Zhang Guoli gradually emerged in the entertainment industry, and finally became a well-respected "old drama bone".

However, the temptation of power and fame seems to have made him short-sighted and even somewhat arrogant. In 2013, in order to fulfill a "VAM agreement" signed with Huayi Brothers, Mr. Zhang Guoli did not hesitate to sacrifice his good image in the eyes of the public and rashly endorsed an insurance product suspected of online fraud, which attracted strong condemnation from the audience.

What's even more shocking is that in 2021, in order to shoot the movie "Morning Clouds and Dusk Rain", he ignored the normal travel needs of local residents and wantonly blocked the road, causing serious conflicts, but he has no guilt about it.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

These behaviors undoubtedly smashed the glorious image of the "old drama bones" that Mr. Zhang Guoli once created.

2. Mr. Zhang Guoli's marital changes and emotional entanglement with Ms. Deng Jie

In 1984, during the filming of the TV series "The Password Is Not Leaked", Mr. Zhang Guoli met Ms. Deng Jie, an actress who was at the peak of her career at that time. The two fell in love at first sight, and although they have both entered the palace of marriage, they still can't resist the magic of love and are immersed in a fiery relationship.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

In an instant, Deng Jie decisively left her rich and stable husband and resolutely threw herself into the arms of Zhang Guoli, but for the latter, the road to divorce was full of twists and turns.

When he asked the kind and virtuous Luo Chunxiu for divorce, she was so grief-stricken that she collapsed on the ground, and Zhang Guoli's firm determination was shaken by his wife's tears.

After learning the news, the Luo family was like a frightened bird, and the angry father-in-law raised his chair angrily and threw it at the "wolf-hearted" son-in-law.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

Looking at his wife, who was scarred all over, and his helpless and confused son Zhang Mo, Zhang Guoli turned a blind eye, he knelt on the ground without hesitation, and said in the most resolute tone: "I am willing to give up all my property, as long as I can get a divorce."

After hearing these words, everyone present couldn't help but be moved and speechless.

In 1988, Zhang Guoli gave up his wife and son without hesitation, went to Beijing hand in hand with Deng Jie, and started a new life journey. With Deng Jie's full support and company, his acting career is booming and thriving.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

However, the couple, known as a "model couple", have never been able to have a child of their own, and in order to fill this regret, they adopted a lovely girl in 2005.

Although Zhang Guoli once achieved great success in his career and family, he was not satisfied with it. Under the temptation of fame and fortune, he gradually lost himself, fell deeper and deeper, and finally fell into the dilemma of "personality collapse".

And the source of all this tragedy is his betrayal and abandonment of his wife and his own flesh and blood.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

3. Zhang Mo: Degenerated into a "problem man" in the shadow of divorce

In 1982, Zhang Mo was born in the warm family of the actor's parents, and he should have lived a life of fine clothes and food. However, fate seems to be particularly cruel to him, and frequently plays all kinds of jokes on him.

When he was 6 years old, his parents Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu divorced due to Zhang Guoli's infidelity, and Zhang Mo was ruthlessly stripped from his wealthy family and forced to live in his grandmother's humble home in the countryside.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

In just a few years, he went from being a rich kid to a street gangster.

It wasn't until he was 15 years old that Zhang Guoli took his son back to the city from his grandmother's house. However, when he saw Zhang Mo again, he found that his biological flesh and blood had become unrecognizable, and the sensible and well-behaved child of the past was gone, replaced by a stubborn and unscrupulous teenager.

Zhang Guoli suddenly realized that he had been negligent and guilty for a long time, and decided to do his best to make up for his son. He not only used his network resources in the entertainment industry to send Zhang Mo to the Central Academy of Drama, the university of his dreams, but also personally brought his son into his crew, hoping to help him regain his self-confidence.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

At the beginning of his life, the talented Zhang Mo emerged with his extraordinary talent, made remarkable achievements in the shining film and television field, and even won the glory of the Best Newcomer Award! However, it is sad that the good times are so short-lived, and his bastard-like character flaws are quickly revealed like icebergs floating on the water.

During his college career, Zhang Mo was so authoritarian and controlling that he was so authoritarian and controlling that he eventually violently assaulted her at the school gate, causing him to be ruthlessly expelled from the Central Academy of Drama.

Although he was able to rely on his father's influence to stay on the crew after leaving school, those deep-rooted bad habits could no longer be effectively corrected.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

In 2012, Zhang Mo was arrested and detained in a detention center for the first time by the police for drug-related charges, and Zhang Guoli immediately took action to release him on bail, but he did not face any severe accusations.

Just five months later, Zhang Mo was again criminally detained for drug-related charges, and this time even his father, Zhang Guoli was unable to recover, and was finally sentenced to six months in prison.

It is precisely because of his father's excessive permissiveness and insufficient guidance that Zhang Mo, a "problem man", has completely degenerated.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

Fourth, the cynicism of reality: the former "virtue and art Shuangxin" is now "the collapse of human design"

As a once highly respected "old actor of virtue and art", Zhang Guoli's behavior has completely disappointed the general public. In 2023, in a speech at Chongqing University, he actually said wildly, "My own son is not well educated, so what qualifications do you have to be the dean?" As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

From people's positive praise for him in the past - "Virtue and Art Shuangxin", to now people's verbal criticism of him - "personality collapse", Zhang Guoli's image plummeted like a pendulum, which is a world of difference.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

At the root of all these problems lies precisely in his extreme desire for power and profit. In order to reach a "gambling agreement" with Huayi Brothers, he had no scruples about endorsing an insurance product suspected of online fraud, and despite the overwhelming abuse, he didn't care.

What's even more excessive is that during the filming of the movie "Morning Clouds and Dusk Rain" in 2021, he unscrupulously blocked local roads, seriously affecting the normal travel of the people, and turned a deaf ear to the protests of local residents.

Zhang Guoli's blatant disregard for the rights and interests of the people is undoubtedly a devastating blow to his good image in the eyes of the people.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

As a father, his doting and laissez-faire towards his son Zhang Mo is even more unacceptable. Zhang Mo was arrested and imprisoned twice for drug-related crimes, but instead of giving him correct teaching, Zhang Guoli chose to shield and connive.

It wasn't until the end, when Zhang Mo became a "problem man" on the street, that Zhang Guoli felt a little remorseful, but it was too late.

The name Zhang Guoli seems to have been firmly remembered by the majority of audiences, but unfortunately, in his married life, what he did was a big surprise! In 1988, when he resolutely chose to cheat and threw himself into Deng Jie's arms, he did not hesitate to leave his wife and children behind and go north with his lover to seek new development opportunities.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

Faced with the grief of his wife Luo Chunxiu at the time and the helplessness and confusion of his son Zhang Mo, Zhang Guoli didn't care, he only knew how to satisfy his selfish desires and indulge in the tenderness of his new love.

I have to say that Zhang Guoli's complete betrayal and disregard for the beautiful concept of "virtue and art" is the fundamental reason why he became more and more confused and finally "collapsed".

In his eyes, power, money, and fame seem to have become his only pursuits, and he ignores basic moral principles.

68-year-old Zhang Guoguo's "personality collapsed", the more he lived, the more confused he became, what happened to him?

Fifth, I look forward to the reflection of the past drama bones and return to the right track

There is no doubt that from the "old drama bones of both virtue and art" to today's "collapse of personality", Zhang Guoli has undoubtedly brought endless disappointment and anger to the public. This once highly regarded excellent actor is now stepping into the abyss because of his crazy pursuit of interests, not only making serious mistakes in his career, but also losing the most basic sense of right and wrong and sense of responsibility in family life.

However, we still look forward with hope that Zhang Guoli will deeply realize his mistakes and re-examine his past self from the depths of his heart. Only by sincerely reflecting, regaining the true connotation of "virtue and art", and winning back the respect and love of the public with more outstanding works and noble personality, can he return to the right track of life and no longer let people feel disappointed.

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