
34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

author:Xiao Yuan History

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34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

Since childhood, Zhang Mo has always had a deep hope that he can have a loving and kind father who will always be by his side. However, it is a pity that his father Zhang Guoli put all his energy into the acting career he loves, and the burden of taking care of his son falls on his mother Luo Xiuchun.

Every year, Zhang Mo can only see his father briefly on his birthday, and the rest of the precious time is taken care of by his mother alone. Whenever he saw other children happily enjoying the warmth of their father's love, Zhang Mo couldn't help but feel an indescribable resentment in his heart.

He often stared gloomily at his father, who had always forgotten him in the corner, and his indifference and alienation had reached the extreme.

Although Zhang Guoli often expressed guilt and tried to express his deep concern for his son in various ways, Zhang Mo did not show too many emotional changes except for nodding his head listlessly in response.

34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

It wasn't until Zhang Mo entered junior high school that his life changed. Zhang Guoli finally made his mark in the fiercely competitive Beijing film industry, and decisively took his son back to grow up together.

The psychology of indebtedness that has been suppressed for many years may have made him take care of Zhang Mo meticulously.

He always dutifully sheltered his son from the wind and rain, for fear that he would be wronged in the slightest. However, this excessive pampering made Zhang Mo gradually become arrogant and rude.

He began to dictate and criticize his father, completely disrespecting this respected old artist.

34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

In the face of his son's increasingly bad behavior, Zhang Guoli could only admonish a few words softly, but he never really criticized him harshly. After all, his negligence to him over the years has led to today's situation.

As a father, Zhang Guoli can only wait patiently, looking forward to his son gradually becoming mature and sensible.

Time flies, time flies, and 34 years have passed in a blink of an eye. Now, the former Mr. Zhang Guoli has joined hands with Ms. Deng Jie and started a happy married life.

At first, Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie were just friends in the film and television industry. Because their family backgrounds are similar, they have both experienced many hardships and hardships, so they have a strong resonance in the depths of their hearts.

34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

Over time, their friendship sublimated into an unspeakable one.

Time flies, and once upon a time, the warm and sincere friendship between us has gradually transformed into a warm and sweet love. Perhaps it is precisely because Zhang Guoli has tasted the cold taste of the world in the long marriage process that he cherishes and appreciates this seemingly ordinary but precious marriage even more.

In the quiet moments when no one disturbs him, he will always hug his lover Deng Jie affectionately and tightly, and gently comb her fluffy and messy hair with his slightly rough hands, followed by a deep and lasting kiss, so that all her melancholy and troubles will disappear in an instant.

In the days after marriage, Deng Jie always fulfilled her responsibilities as a wife and mother. She has no complaints, and carefully takes care of the affairs of the family, so that her husband Zhang Guoli can devote himself to the acting work he loves without any worries, without any external interference.

34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

Even though the two of them are often separated by work needs, she can still wait silently at home with that open-minded heart, and the cozy cottage is full of happiness.

Whenever they have free time, the couple will host a happy party at their home and invite a few close friends to talk about life. Seeing his wife Deng Jie praised by friends as a "virtuous helper", Zhang Guoli's eyes always revealed a pride and satisfaction that could not be concealed.

Indeed, he deeply felt that he had gone through ups and downs in his life, and finally ushered in such a gentle, kind, and knowledgeable virtuous helper, which was really a gift from fate! .

However, in stark contrast to the loving Mr. Zhang Guoli, it is his ex-wife, Ms. Luo Xiuchun, who is lonely and lonely in her single life.

34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

Since divorcing Zhang Guoli 34 years ago, she has remained single and has never set foot in the palace of marriage again.

Luo Xiuchun was born in a wealthy family, her mother was the director of a factory, and she has enjoyed endless love and care since she was a child. She was supposed to be the princess of the family, and she had never done any household chores, not even the most basic cooking skills.

However, after marriage, she had to take on the responsibility of raising her children alone, doing housework day after day, and living a tired life It was this huge contrast that eventually led her to the decision to divorce.

After the divorce, Luo Xiuchun fell into confusion and confusion for a while. She has tried to find a new relationship, and she has several suitors who have made her heartbroken, and even considered joining hands with one of them to enter the palace of marriage.

34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

However, when she honestly told the other party that she was divorced and had a son, the men who had expressed interest in her chose to leave one after another, leaving her behind one after another.

At this moment, Luo Xiuchun's heart fell into extreme loss, as if a huge hole was ruthlessly taken away by a pair of invisible hands, and loneliness and loneliness came like a flood, drowning all her emotions.

Faced with such a predicament, this strong mother had to pin all her hopes on her biological parents. In order to let her find happiness again, her parents introduced her to several men with prominent families and superior economic conditions, however, her son Zhang Mo firmly opposed his mother entering the marriage hall again.

As a mother, Luo Xiuchun could not turn a deaf ear to her son's pleas, and she had to stop her search for a new home and decide to walk the rest of her life journey alone.

34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

Now, in addition to living alone, she is also paying attention to her son Zhang Mo's marriage and love status with great expectations. In her heart, it will become her greatest wish to see her son start a family, have his own family, and have a lovely grandson.

However, it is a pity that Zhang Mo seems to have no interest in getting married, which undoubtedly makes Luo Xiuchun worried.

Looking back on the past, Zhang Guoli and Luo Xiuchun's marriage was once so sweet and warm. Their encounter originated from the art troupe that Zhang Guoli joined when he was young.

At that time, Zhang Guoli was handsome and upright, and his excellent appearance made him win the favor of many women. Luo Xiuchun, on the other hand, grew up in a wealthy family environment since childhood, and was the pearl of his parents' palms, and never experienced the hardships of life.

34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

Although there is a huge difference in their backgrounds, it is this difference that nurtures their unique emotional bond. One day, Zhang Guoli used a carton of milk that was about to expire to tell Luo Xiuchun about his difficult childhood.

After listening to these touching words, Luo Xiuchun's eyes couldn't help but burst into tears, and she deeply realized the happy life she had.

Since then, she has developed a deep admiration for this young man from a poor but passionate background.

Thus, a passionate love story kicked off in the midst of stumbling. Zhang Guoli's handsome and dashing image finally succeeded in impressing Luo Xiuchun's parents and got their approval.

34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

Soon after, the two of them stepped into the pinnacle of the entertainment industry hand in hand, and the combination of male and female talents was like a natural pair, and they entered the palace of marriage.

After marriage, Zhang Guoli and his wife are happy and sweet, and they are harmonious. Immediately afterwards, Luo Xiuchun brought a cute little angel to this warm family - Zhang Mo.

The family of three is happy, Luo Xiuchun once naively thought that this was the family happiness she dreamed of.

However, who would have expected that Zhang Guoli and Luo Xiuchun's family happiness would be so short-lived? Not long after the birth of his son Zhang Mo, Zhang Guoli completed the filming of the TV series "The Crooked Stone Path" and began a long journey of location shooting, and he had no time to take care of the trivial affairs at home.

34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

All the heavy housework was on Luo Xiuchun's shoulders alone.

Taking care of a baby is already very difficult, not to mention that Luo Xiuchun grew up in a wealthy family since she was a child, and she doesn't know anything about housework. Whenever Zhang Mo was hungry, she had to immediately go into the kitchen to cook food; Whenever he cried, she had to struggle between the kitchen and the living room.

Sometimes, Zhang Mo would still get sick, and Luo Xiuchun had to go to the hospital alone with the child in the middle of the night.

It's too exhausting to live like this. As the pearl of the family, Luo Xiuchun has never been exposed to housework, how can she withstand such torture? Seeing his wife becoming more and more emaciated, Zhang Guoli was full of guilt, but he couldn't do anything about it, so he could only let his wife bear it alone.

34 years have passed since Luo Xiuchun and Zhang Guoli divorced, and their living situations are obviously different

In the end, after years of painful suffering, Luo Xiuchun couldn't bear it anymore and resolutely chose to divorce Zhang Guoli. Although the custody of his son belonged to Zhang Guoli, he had just arrived in Beijing at that time, and he was still in the stage of drifting north, and he was unable to take care of his young son.

Therefore, Luo Xiuchun had to leave Zhang Mo by his side for the time being.

Since then, Zhang Guoli has rarely had the opportunity to visit his son, and Zhang Mo can only see his father briefly on his birthday every year. In the face of this father who was always absent, Zhang Mo's attitude was cold and distant, and his heart was full of resentment towards him.

He envies his peers who can feel the warmth of his father's love all year round; And he can only see his father on his birthday.

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