
23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

author:Tuan Tuan Fun Picture Diary
Summary: In the past, history was like a fog intertwined with words, paintings and songs for most people, and it was difficult to peek into its true face. However, with the advent of the camera, like a wave of a magic wand, it instantly dispels the fog and makes history clear and vivid. Every click of the shutter is a journey through time and space, allowing us to feel the pulse of history immersively, no longer just listening to those distant stories.

On September 11, 2001, a slender model was busy shooting when she was distracted by the first impact of the Petronas Twin Towers, and at this moment, the camera captured a moment in history.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In 1967, Lithuanian fathers in Vilnius took their children to take a nap on the streets, and although they didn't have mobile phones at the time, they never kept an eye on their children, because they knew that the children had their own world to explore.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In Los Angeles in 1975, in a precious family photo, the young Leonardo DiCaprio was still a smiling baby, and the little plum at that time was already an irreplaceable "cute baby" in the family.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In the sixties of the last century, the hostesses were practicing the basic skills, their eyes were as clear as springs, and their expressions were natural and generous, which was really a unique beauty. On the other hand, nowadays, the faces of Internet celebrities are the same, which is really hard to explain...

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

This girl from Sudan is not simple, she is named the most beautiful woman in the world. She's also a model and charges $15,000 an hour.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In 1958, the hula hoop was all the rage, and within four months, 25 million were sold out, and women took up the fashion trend.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In 1959, the American fashion industry ushered in a youth icon - 14-year-old supermodel Betty Brossmer. Her enviable "96-53-91" golden body ratio was as perfect as a work of art, and she became a benchmark for beauty in the hearts of people at that time.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In July 1945, the USS Indianapolis was ambushed by a Japanese submarine and sank to the bottom of the sea. In the days that followed, the survivors were subjected to the worst shark siege in human history, a catastrophe that lasted five days and claimed nearly 600 lives.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

A rare family photo of Stallone was exposed, and his wife and daughter in the picture are like flowers and jade, and their beauty is extraordinary. No wonder many people jokingly call Sylvester Stallone "father-in-law", he is really discerning.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

Betty, the legendary flight attendant, embarked on an American Airlines journey at the age of 21 and remained in the service for 65 years until her honorable retirement at the age of 86. Her career spans more than half a century.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In the 60s of the 20th century, Audrey Hepburn, the goddess of elegance, also baked food in the kitchen, and it turned out that she also loved the smell of fireworks in this world. You and I mortals, why don't you work harder and pursue the little beauty in life?

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

The many parts of this 1926 Mars observatory revolve around one goal – to satisfy the eyes of the observer. One can't help but wonder if it has the magic to unravel the mysteries of Mars and give us a glimpse into its surface secrets.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In 1956, animals became the right-hand man of medical treatment. Peggy Kenny, a 3-year-old polio patient wearing a plastic chest respirator, is enjoying herself as she admires the ducklings paddling around in the tub.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In 1921, Athens gave birth to a future Yugoslav queen, Alexandra. She is beautiful and intelligent, however, her path to love does not seem to be smooth.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In 1947, Evelyn McHale jumped off the Empire State Building and unexpectedly "encountered" a speeding car, and time seemed to press the pause button for her. At that moment, she seemed to sleep elegantly in a speeding dream, which made the moment of tragedy a little more absurd and helpless.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

No matter what the era, nothing can resist the temptation of a housewife when the supermarket is on sale, even if she is dying her hair, she will not hesitate to think about the supermarket.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

The weapons of various countries are keen to "open the light", and the F-35A introduced by Japan is not exempt from vulgarity, and Shinto mages send it mysterious blessings. Unexpectedly, this "divine machine" quickly fell into the sea, and it seems that the "power" of Amaterasu is too strong to even control his own "divine machine"!

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

A foreign glass manufacturer in order to show off their skills, actually put down the "cash box challenge" on the street, the box is full of money, as long as you can break its glass, the money will go into your hands, the temptation is not small!

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In the 70s of the last century, civil aviation made a promotion that is now unimaginable - all passengers who take international flights have the opportunity to taste the precious Moutai for free.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

During the Vietnam War in 1965, the U.S. military sowed the "poisonous seed" of "Agent Orange" in the rainforest of Vietnam. Today, more than half a century after the war has been dissipated, the specter of chemistry is still raging across the land of Vietnam, making the deformed child a "frequent visitor" for future generations.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

In 1902, the American "semi-automatic harvester" was unveiled, and at that time horses were still needed to help. However, by 1930, the internal combustion engine had replaced the horse as the machine's new power partner.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

India's official photos of female soldiers on the border, although they are suspected of posing for photos, their caste-like complexion and appearance already reveal an indescribable noble temperament, as if they were born to be a bright pearl on the border.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

A seemingly simple, but actually very difficult logical reasoning problem, you will definitely be wrong at first glance, if you are interested, you can challenge it.

23 rare and real photos, a wonderful world, will open your eyes after reading

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