
Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

author:100 Talking about Characters


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Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Text: Hundred Talks about Characters

Editor|Hundred Talks about Characters

Hard start

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Zhang Guoli was poor when he was young, and he was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama by his own efforts. Although the new environment of the school excites him, life is not easy. As a student from the countryside, he has little family financial support, and his daily expenses can only be supported by the school's small monthly living expenses. When I first started living on campus, I could only eat pasta at every meal. If you want to eat something hot or better, you can only ask your classmates to donate money to buy it.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

During his college years, in order to earn some extra money, Zhang Guoli often worked on weekends to help workers move bricks or dirt. He earned 20 yuan in an afternoon at every turn, which means a lot to him. I often go back to school late at night, and I am exhausted and fall asleep in bed. Although it was hard, he was not discouraged by the financial situation and still faced every difficult day bravely.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

The glorious years of the art troupe

After graduating from university, Zhang Guoli was assigned to work in the Tianjin Art Troupe. It was here that he ushered in the first peak of his career. As a young actor, he continues to grow and shows strong learning ability and self-motivation Xi. With his outstanding performances in several stage plays, he gradually grew into a popular leading role entertainer.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

An unexpected encounter

In 1980, the Tianjin Art Troupe was invited to perform in Beijing, and Zhang Guoli went with the troupe. At an after-stage party, he met Deng Jie, an excellent actor, by chance. At that time, Deng Jie had just graduated from the Central Academy of Drama, with a good appearance, intelligence and introverted. The two hit it off at first sight and had a good conversation.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Later, Deng Jie was assigned to work at the Central Theater in Beijing, and Zhang Guoli often had reasons to go to Beijing, so the two naturally kept in touch. As the number of times he got along increased, he found that the vastness of Deng Jie's inner world was very compatible with himself, and the joy of the two was self-evident. In Deng Jie, he experienced for the first time what the true sense of heart is.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Sweet romance

Since then, the relationship between Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie has heated up rapidly. The two often take advantage of the opportunity to meet at work, laughing and talking constantly when they get along, and their expressions are inseparable. As long as you cooperate on the same stage, you can see the deep affection hidden under the surface of each other's eyes. After a rehearsal, Deng Jie left him to eat alone, and the two walked in the night, chatting about various interesting things in life, and soon narrowed the distance.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

After a performance in Guangdong, Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie returned together, and on the train, he couldn't hold back his inner desire and took the initiative to kiss her. I can't help it, and the two hearts that know each other and cherish each other finally blend. Since then, their feelings have spread sincerely and secretly in work and life. A rare and sincere love blooms in two souls that warm each other.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

The cooling of love

With the passage of time, the relationship between Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie also began to deteriorate. Although in a successful career and at the peak, the two can still treat each other with a strong relationship. But as I get older, my initial passion is diluted by the trivialities and pressures of everyday life.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Zhang Guoli is over half a hundred years old, his health is not as good as before, and his energy is not as abundant as when he was young. Deng Jie has also entered middle age, and her sense of family responsibility is becoming stronger and stronger. Both are busy at work and at home, spending less and less time together in private.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Working together is no longer as frequent as it used to be, and the two rarely have the opportunity to be alone. The rifts, which were originally covered by emotion, are gradually revealed. The differences in personality and values are also becoming more and more prominent, and the two often quarrel over trivial matters.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Family pain

Luo Xiuchun has been shouldering the burden of raising her son alone all these years. Zhang Mo brought her a lot of difficulties when she was growing up, but Luo Xiuchun never surrendered. No matter what trouble her son causes, she embraces everything with maternal love.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

When Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie were in the limelight, Luo Xiuchun remained silent. But when the relationship between Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie deteriorated, she couldn't help but think of the family time that had been shaped so perfectly in the past. Happiness at that time felt so illusory and fragile.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Luo Xiuchun does not want her son to repeat his father's mistakes. So she always uses her peaceful and powerful education methods to guide Zhang Mo. But many years later, the shadow of the pain is still difficult to erase.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

The child's struggles

Zhang Mo gradually grew up and entered the teenage period. In the shadow of his parents' broken relationship, he was always extremely uneasy in his heart. When he gets along with his classmates, he always feels out of place with others.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

He gradually became dissatisfied with his father and minded. The image of the once heroic film and television superstar has faded in his mind. In his place is a selfish and irresponsible man.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Sometimes, Zhang Guoli would call to ask Zhang Mo how he was doing. But for Zhang Mo, this only brings more questions and confusion. He didn't understand that an absent-minded father was qualified to know about his own life.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

The shadow brought by a single-parent family may affect his whole life.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Emotional trauma

Deng Jie's ex-husband has not been able to recover from the blow of losing his wife. They had been together for so many years, until Deng Jie's departure hurt him severely.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

He was an alcoholic, and his work status was declining. What was once a successful career has now plummeted. Whenever he thinks of Deng Jie, his heart will only be filled with thorn-like pain.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Deng Jie's parents were also deeply troubled and saddened by their daughter's choice. They hope that their daughter can start a family and get back together. But Deng Jie did not get her wish, but brought more misunderstandings that were difficult to resolve.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

All three families have been affected and hurt to varying degrees because of this relationship, and everyone's psychology has left an indelible shadow.

Look forward and heal your wounds

Time flies, and growth always happens in its own way. After years of twists and turns, everyone tries to face life and the past in their own way.

Deng Jie restarted her career and got a good performance in the series. Zhang Guoli also gradually faded out of the film and television industry and focused on running film and television companies.

Luo Xiuchun still maintains a peaceful state of mind and accompanies Zhang Mo to grow up. Zhang Mo also learned Xi lessons from his parents' injuries and grew up, and began to dispel his prejudice against his father.

Zhang Guoguo, the emperor's professional household, has been divorced from Luo Xiuchun for 35 years: one remarried and married, and the other is single and unmarried

Deng Jie's ex-husband also let go of his obsession and tried to stand up and continue his life. Deng Jie's parents know that time will heal all scars.

Everyone is still growing, trying to open their broken hearts and welcome new life. Only the ever-changing life can finally resolve all the pain.

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