
An owl that does not like to catch rats, eats insects mainly, and also robs rodent burrows as nests

author:Six-dimensional nature

Among birds, the owl is recognized as the strongest bird of rat catching ability, an owl can eat more than 1,000 mice a year, but there are more than 130 known owls, not every owl has such a strong ability to catch mice, this time to see a kind of owl that does not love to catch rats, and eats insect-based owl - cave-dwelling owls.

An owl that does not like to catch rats, eats insects mainly, and also robs rodent burrows as nests

  Cave-dwelling owls, also known as burrowing owls, burrowing owls, etc., are mainly distributed in the Americas, known by the name: this owl does not like to live in tall trees, but lives in caves in grass or plains, cave-dwelling owls are better at digging holes than other owls, you can burrow yourself as a nest, but cave-dwelling owls prefer to live in rodent abandoned caves, rodents do not obey, cave-dwelling owls are after all a bird of prey, is a natural enemy of rodents, will rob rodents of burrowing caves as nests.

An owl that does not like to catch rats, eats insects mainly, and also robs rodent burrows as nests

  Will building eagle nests in meadows be easier to spot and more dangerous? The behavior of the burrowing owl has also changed, on the one hand, the caveman owl is still a certain threat, the general animal will not approach, the second is that it will also camouflage the nest, protect the nest, with a variety of foul-smelling animal feces to decorate, smelly other animals are reluctant to approach.

An owl that does not like to catch rats, eats insects mainly, and also robs rodent burrows as nests
An owl that does not like to catch rats, eats insects mainly, and also robs rodent burrows as nests

  Due to changes in the place of residence, the diet of the cave-dwelling owl has also changed, and it is not predominantly rodents like other owls, but mainly insects, especially large arthropods, such as beetles and grasshoppers, which occupy most of the diet of cave-dwelling owls. Of course, as a kind of owl, the cave-dwelling owl will also prey on rats, and rats, gophers, ground squirrels, etc. are also on the recipes of cave-dwelling owls.

An owl that does not like to catch rats, eats insects mainly, and also robs rodent burrows as nests

  The time of activity of cavemen owls and other owls is also different, in order to better catch rodents, most owls are nocturnal animals, choosing to rest during the day and hunt at night, while cavemen owls can hunt for 24 hours and go out during the day to find food, especially dusk and dawn are the time when cavemen owls are most active in catching insects.

An owl that does not like to catch rats, eats insects mainly, and also robs rodent burrows as nests

  The cave-dwelling owl has adapted to ground cave-dwelling life, can fight the ground crisis, and its population is stable, and it is a species without existential crisis. At the same time, the burrowing owl is also a more specialized bird, usually monogamous, laying 6 to 9 (sometimes as many as 12) eggs per nest, so near the cave, you can often see a group of cave-dwelling owls active!

  Pay attention to the six dimensions of nature And let nature know nature!

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