
Confession Artifact Creative Dish - there's always one for you! (with recipe)

author:Foodies please stay

Adds full color and an appetite

Powerful penetration, full of sour and spicy flavor

Make ordinary dishes more enticing to taste

Can't stop – appetizers

Appetizers are one of the important ways for a restaurant to make a profit, and it is also the face of a restaurant that determines the first impression of diners on the restaurant's dishes. Fresh and refreshing, unique flavor of the appetizer, can enhance the appetite, stimulate consumption. American Chili Sauce With curry pepper and vinegar as the main ingredients, the appetizer has a multi-layered compound flavor of sour, spicy, fresh and fragrant.

Fried shrimp salad with spicy coconut sauce

Confession Artifact Creative Dish - there's always one for you! (with recipe)


Raw material ingredients

Mixed vegetables 100 g

Organic seedlings to taste

Clear butter 20 g

Toast bread 20 g

1 organic tomato

21-25 8 anchovies

Flour 20 g

1 egg yolk

Sauce ingredients

Delicious sweet salad dressing 200 g

20 grams of American chili sauce

Coconut milk 30 g


Product benefits

The combination of American pepper sauce and coconut milk is not simply to add sour and spicy flavor and color, but also to mask the original fishy taste of quick-frozen shrimp, bringing a more coordinated seafood style to this fresh salad.


Preparation method

1. Spread the anchovies to remove the tendons, wrap them evenly in egg yolks, then glue the appropriate amount of flour, put them in a frying pan at 160 ° C, fry for 1 minute and 30 seconds to remove the oil control.

2. Then roll in the sauce until the sauce is evenly wrapped around the shrimp.

3. Put the mixed vegetables in a vessel and sprinkle with all four organic tomatoes.

4. Casually add the pre-made anchovies on top of the vegetables and garnish them with organic seedlings.

Sauce making

1. Stir all the seasonings in the sauce ingredient list well.

2. Take the appropriate amount of sauce as the sauce of the anchovy shrimp, and use the rest as needed with salad.



The sauce wrapped in shrimp can also be diluted with a little milk and drizzled over the salad for a more full-bodied flavor.

Cod crab avocado salad

Confession Artifact Creative Dish - there's always one for you! (with recipe)

Raw material 1

McGosity Tomato Sauce 60 g

2.5 g Ofami Chili Sauce

Colorful Flag Classic Yellow Mustard Sauce 2.5 g

Fresh tomatoes 25 g

Salt 1 g

Pepper 0.5 g

Lemon juice 15 g

Raw material 2

King crab foot meat 300 g

Mango 100 g

Avocado 100 g

Cod crab meat improper handling will bring a little fishy taste, chefs will generally do simple pretreatment, but at the same time may destroy the original sweetness of crab meat, happy taste American pepper sauce in the early pre-production and sauce of the double application, in addition to removing the fishy taste of seafood products, but also can enhance the crab meat basic fresh sweet bottom taste, to the whole dish more diversified flavor.

1. Put all the ingredients in ingredient 1 into a blender and set aside (partly pickled, partly plated).

2. The king crab foot meat in ingredient 2 is crushed with a knife face and mixed with the sauce of ingredient 1, and the ratio of king crab feet to sauce is 10:1.

3. Peel and pit the mango and avocado and cut into cubes for later.

4. Put the sauce in the dish, then use the engraving film to shape the avocado, crab meat, mango and finally put the organic seedlings.

5. Finally, put the organic seedlings on.

6. The sauce on the plate is the sauce after the preparation of ingredient 1.

After the crab meat is ready-mixed, it should be placed on a strainer to remove excess moisture, so that the original sauce will not dilute the original sauce after serving and affect the flavor.

Tasteful - appetizer

The least on the menu of a restaurant or bar that combines meals and wines is the appetizer. A good appetizer, or spicy appetizer, or spicy and refreshing, or crispy and salty, will surely promote the consumption of wine. The sourness in the American Chili Sauce and the natural and fresh cayenne pepper flavor make the appetizer more enticing and have a strong penetration to make the appetizer rich and flavorful.

Deep-fried crispy chicken with a slightly spicy dip

Confession Artifact Creative Dish - there's always one for you! (with recipe)

15 grams of American chili sauce

Delicious marinade 5 g

Boneless chicken thigh meat 250 g

2 egg yolks

Brown sugar 15 g

Flour 60 g

Fries 30 g

Basil leaf 5 g


Good taste mesara sauce 100 g

Since it is difficult for fresh peppers to achieve the desired effect in the color performance of fried food (cannot be wrapped and have poor penetration), at this time, after mixing the mixture of American pepper sauce in the frying, it can not only make up for the shortcomings of the lack of fresh and spicy flavor, but also quickly add full color and appetite to the dishes.

1. Cut the chicken thighs into small pieces and wash them.

2. Add the American chili sauce, delicious umami marinade, brown sugar marinade for 10 minutes, stir in the egg yolk and wrap in flour, put in a 180 ° C oil pan, fry crisp, it takes about 2 minutes.

3. Serve with fried fries or onion rings on the bottom and fresh basil leaves, and serve with a salad dressing with a colorful American chili sauce.

Mix the two ingredients in the ingredient list well.

After the chicken is marinated, it can also be put into the steaming box to steam, and then wrapped in flour and fried after cooling, which can effectively improve the efficiency of the meal.

Grilled BBQ ribs with spicy curry

Confession Artifact Creative Dish - there's always one for you! (with recipe)

McGosity Tomato Sauce 250 g

120 g of American chili sauce

Good taste of cumin 2.5 g

Pork ribs 400 g

Brown sugar 72 g

Rosemary 1.5 g

Salt, black pepper to taste

Onion 48 g

Garlic 24 g

The perfect combination of Delicious Tomato Sauce and Tangle Flavor American Chili Sauce lays the foundation for the coexistence of aroma, sourness, sweetness and spiciness of barbecue sauce, and the sauce not only has the sweetness of Delicious Tomato Sauce, but also uses the efficient penetration rate of Tangle Flavor American Pepper Sauce, bringing more complex and full sour and spicy flavor to the ingredients.

1. Wash the ribs and marinate for a while with 60g of American chili sauce, crushed rosemary, salt and black pepper.

2. Wrap tin foil, put in the oven and steam at 120 ° C for 120 minutes.

3. Sauté the onion, garlic and then add the flavor of american pepper sauce 60 grams, delicious tomato sauce, good taste of cumin, brown sugar, boiled to make BBQ juice.

4. Brush the BBQ juice on the baked ribs, bake at a high temperature of 200 ° C for about 5 minutes, and let the surface sauce dry and slightly charred.

The ribs are cooked beforehand and then grilled, which can effectively shorten the production time. At the same time, an appropriate amount of star anise is added to the boiled soup water, which can effectively remove the peculiar smell of pork.

Buffalo-style fried shrimp

Confession Artifact Creative Dish - there's always one for you! (with recipe)

Anchovies (21-25) 150 g


100 grams of American chili sauce

Sugar 35 g

Clear butter 50 g

The thick sauce of the American chili sauce naturally has the characteristics of rapid penetration and strong adhesion ability, and after a quick stirring with the sauce at the moment when the anchovies come out of the pot, it can make it have a full and multi-layered sour, spicy, fresh and fragrant compound taste.

1. Anchovy shrimp open their backs and remove the intestines, drain and set aside.

2. Pour clear oil into the pan, heat to 200 °C, fry for 1 minute and then remove the oil.

3. Mix all the ingredients in the seasoning thoroughly to make buffalo sauce.

4. Stir the buffalo sauce with the fried anchovies, drain the excess sauce and set the table.

Before frying, the shrimp should be dried as much as possible and fried in high oil temperature to ensure that the dish is crispy.

Confession Artifact Creative Dish - there's always one for you! (with recipe)

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