
Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

author:Department of Nephrology, Zhang Hongtao

During the Dragon Boat Festival, Lao Zhang's little grandson came to play at home, and Lao Zhang was so happy that he went to buy two pounds of meat early. As soon as the little grandson entered the door, he held a jar for his grandfather to hug, and said in a milky voice, this is the black goji berries that his father specially bought for his grandfather, which can make his grandfather become a young grandfather! Old Zhang was furious, holding his little grandson for several circles.

After the little grandson left, Lao Zhang had to soak a cup of goji berries every day, sweet in his mouth and beautiful in his heart. But strange to say, Lao Zhang has almost soaked most of the can, and he feels that his body has not changed. It just so happened that his friend Lao Liu came to him to play chess, so he casually said about goji berries, Lao Liu looked at Lao Zhang's goji jar, hehe, or black goji berries, this is a good thing!

Lao Zhang waved his hand, what, after eating for two months, it was useless, and there was no shortage of white hair. Lao Liu touched Lao Zhang's thermos cup and laughed, you are Sun Monkey entered the Peach Orchard - violent heavenly things, you must have been blistered with boiling water that just came out of the pot, right? Lao Zhang scratched his head, a little confused, can't this goji berry be blistered with boiling water?

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

First, the seven effects of goji berries that health care must know

Goji berries are health vegetables and precious Chinese medicines originating from the mainland, mainly growing in the northern and northwestern regions of the mainland. In traditional culture, goji berries are the representative of auspicious rui and one of the eight auspicious plants in mainland China.

As early as the pre-Qin period, the name of goji berries appeared in the Book of Poetry, indicating that the custom of eating goji berries in the mainland has a long history, and in the long river of history, the health care effect of goji berries has also been fully verified, and it is believed by Chinese medicine to have the effect of nourishing the liver, nourishing the kidneys and moisturizing the lungs.

After research, modern medicine has found that goji berries are rich in a variety of bioactive ingredients (goji polysaccharides, betaine, goji polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids, etc.) as well as trace elements, vitamins and amino acids, etc., these nutrients bring seven major effects to goji berries, making them a must-have for many people's health.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

❒ Improve immunity: A variety of bioactive components in goji berries can activate immune cells, improve the activity of immune cells, protect immune cells, improve the body's immunity, and enhance disease resistance.

❒ Antioxidant: A variety of bioactive components in goji berries work synergistically to help remove excessive free radicals in the body, reduce oxidative stress, and protect cells from oxidative damage, thereby achieving the effect of delaying aging.

❒ Anti-fatigue: Goji berries are rich in trace elements, vitamins and amino acids, which help improve the body's metabolism, improve the body's protein synthesis, enhance physical strength, improve energy levels, and relieve fatigue.

❒ Lower blood lipids and blood sugar: A variety of bioactive components in goji berries can improve insulin resistance, increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, regulate lipid metabolism, and have certain benefits for lowering blood lipids and blood sugar.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

❒ Adjuvant anti-tumor: the antioxidant effect of goji berries and the enhancement of the immune system, can inhibit the growth and spread of tumor cells to a certain extent, although goji berries are not drugs for the treatment of cancer, but can be used as an auxiliary means, cancer patients have a certain health care effect.

❒ Improve eyesight: Goji berries are rich in β-carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A. Know that vitamin A is very important for eye health, helps keep the surface of the eyes moist and clean, and prevents dry eye and night blindness. In addition, vitamin A is also involved in the function of photoreceptor cells on the retina, helping to improve vision and visual acuity.

❒ Protect liver and kidney: The bioactive components, amino acids, minerals and other nutrients in goji berries can regulate the metabolic function of liver and kidney, improve the detoxification ability of liver and kidney, promote the regeneration and repair of liver and kidney cells, and prevent liver and kidney diseases to a certain extent.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

Second, goji berries are not eaten correctly, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing

Goji berries, as a precious medicinal and food treasure, have many health benefits, but if they are not consumed correctly, they may lose their original efficacy and even cause some adverse effects. Let's take a look at these wrong ways to eat, have you "hit the trick"?

❒ Excessive consumption

Goji berries contain certain fiber and polysaccharides, and excessive consumption may cause gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms such as indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach pain. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the principle of moderate amount, and it is advisable to consume 10-20g of goji berries per day to maintain good health. If you experience gastrointestinal discomfort, stop eating goji berries immediately and seek medical help.

❒ Eat on an empty stomach

Similarly, the fiber and polysaccharides in goji berries will stimulate gastric acid secretion, and eating goji berries on an empty stomach may cause irritation to the gastric mucosa and increase the burden on the stomach, resulting in stomach discomfort, stomach pain, indigestion and other symptoms.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

❒ Brew with boiling water

During the brewing process, high temperature will destroy some heat-sensitive substances in goji berries, such as vitamin C, vitamin B, etc., which are easily oxidized and decomposed at high temperatures, thereby reducing their nutritional value. In addition, high temperature may also cause the inactivation of some bioactive components in goji berries, affecting their pharmacological effects. And Lao Zhang, at the beginning of the article, may have made this mistake, resulting in the role of goji berries not being played.

In addition to the above wrong way to eat, there are some taboos to pay attention to when eating goji berries, in order to ensure the nourishing effect of goji berries, you should avoid eating these foods with goji berries:

Foods rich in tannic acid: such as persimmons, hawthorn, black dates, etc. These foods contain a lot of tannic acid, and the nutrients in goji berries are easy to coagulate into insoluble substances under the influence of tannic acid, thereby reducing the nutritional value of goji berries. Including daily drinking green tea, it also contains more tannic acid, so green tea and goji berries are not suitable for drinking together.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

Foods high in oxalic acid: such as spinach, kale, etc. Foods high in oxalic acid and goji berries may cause oxalic acid to combine with calcium, magnesium and other minerals in goji berries to form insoluble substances such as calcium oxalate and magnesium oxalate, affecting digestion and absorption.

Foods that contain a lot of protein: such as milk, befu, etc. When these foods are eaten with goji berries, protein coagulation reactions are prone to occur, affecting digestion and absorption.

Foods rich in metal ions: such as egg yolks, shrimp skin, etc. Metal ions and polyphenolic compounds in goji berries are prone to redox reactions, which weakens the nutritional value of goji berries.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

Third, the doctor reminds: these 5 types of people should be cautious when eating goji berries

In daily life, goji berries, as a nutrient-rich health food, are loved by more and more people. Despite its many health benefits, goji berries are not suitable for everyone. Below I will take a closer look at some of the people who are not suitable for goji berries and the risks they may face when consuming goji berries.

❒ People with hot physique

Goji berries are considered to have a warming effect in Chinese medicine theory, and people with hot physiques themselves have more heat in their bodies and are prone to fire, and excessive consumption of goji berries may cause greasyness, aggravate the heat in the body, and are not conducive to the balance of the body. At this time, the consumption of goji berries may aggravate internal heat, resulting in aggravation of symptoms of heat, dry mouth, sore throat, dry stools, acne and other symptoms.

❒ People with cold and fever

During a cold and fever, the body needs to concentrate on fighting viruses and bacteria, and the body's digestive system is affected to a certain extent. Goji berries, on the other hand, are warm foods and have warm properties, and if consumed during fever, they may aggravate the body's fever symptoms and worsen the condition.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

In addition, goji berries also contain a variety of active ingredients, such as polysaccharides, amino acids, trace elements, etc., which have antioxidant, anti-fatigue, immunity and other effects. During a cold and fever, the body's immunity itself is affected, and if goji berries are ingested at this time, it may cause the immune system to be overexcited, which can aggravate the condition.

❒ People with diarrhea and indigestion

People with diarrhea dyspepsia usually manifest as intestinal dysfunction and weakened digestion and absorption, in which case eating goji berries may increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract because the warm nature of goji berries may irritate the intestines, resulting in worsening diarrhea symptoms.

In addition, goji berries are rich in polysaccharides, cellulose and minerals, which require more time and energy in the human digestion process, which can cause excessive water production in the intestines, which can aggravate diarrhea symptoms.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

❒ People with high blood pressure

Although goji berries have a tonic effect, their warm nature may adversely affect blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. Studies have found that goji berries contain higher levels of potassium.

Potassium is an electrolyte that plays an important role in regulating water balance and maintaining neuromuscular function, but in people with high blood pressure, excessive potassium intake may increase blood pressure, which can worsen the condition.

❒ Those who are allergic to goji berries

An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to certain substances, which are called allergens. Allergens can be food, medicines, pollen, etc., and some ingredients in goji berries can also become allergens. People who are allergic to goji berries may experience skin allergies such as itching, redness, and urticaria after consuming goji berries, as well as respiratory allergy symptoms such as difficulty breathing and asthma.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

Fourth, from picking goji berries to eating goji berries, healthy and delicious and good body

With the importance of healthy eating, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to the intake of natural ingredients, and goji berries, as a nutritious food, have become part of many people's daily diets. In order to eat good goji berries, selection is a crucial link, because good quality goji berries can provide our body with rich nutrients. When choosing goji berries, we should pay attention to the following:

❒ Color: High-quality goji berries are bright in color, dark red or purple red. Low-quality goji berries are dull in color and may show signs of mold.

❒ Appearance: High-quality goji berries are full of particles, uniform in size, and no damage on the surface. Inferior goji berries may be shriveled and broken.

❒ Taste: High-quality goji berries smell light, while low-quality goji berries may have an odor. In addition, high-quality goji berries have a sweet taste, while low-quality goji berries may have a bitter or astringent taste.

❒ Origin: When purchasing goji berries, you can also pay attention to the origin information, Ningxia, Qinghai and other production areas of high quality goji berries are trustworthy.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

After picking high-quality goji berries, you also need to cooperate with the correct eating method of goji berries, and the following recommend 3 eating methods with high nutritional value:

❒ Soak in water and drink

When soaking goji berries in water, it is the most common way to eat, but be sure to avoid using boiling water to brew directly, 60~80 °C is the best water temperature. The soaking time will affect the nutrient dissolution of goji berries, generally speaking, soaking in water for 5~10 minutes can be drunk. Goji berry water can be brewed repeatedly or eaten directly while drinking.

When soaking goji berries in water, you can also add other ingredients according to personal taste and needs, such as red dates, chrysanthemums, laurel balls, etc., so that reasonable combination can enhance the nutritional value of goji berries and provide more benefits to the body.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing

❒ Dry chew

Compared with soaking water, stewing soup and other eating methods, dry chewing goji berries can better retain the nutrients in them, and avoid the loss of some nutrients caused by high temperature and long-term soaking. When you dry chew goji berries, your digestive system breaks down the goji berries' nutrients faster, making them easier for your body to absorb. At the same time, dry chewing helps stimulate saliva production and promote digestion.

❒ Juicing

After squeezing goji berries into juice, the nutrients in them are easier for digestion and absorption by the body. On the one hand, during the juicing process, the polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins and other components of goji berries are fully released, which is conducive to the body's absorption, on the other hand, after the juice of goji berries, the taste is smoother and the taste is more intense. At the same time, other fruits or vegetables can be added according to personal taste, such as apples, oranges, carrots, etc., to make the juice taste richer.

Everyone knows that goji berries replenish the kidneys, but goji berries are not eaten right, no matter how expensive they are, they are for nothing! Doctor experience sharing


Friends of Science (First Half Month),2019,(03):67.)

[2]. ZOU Xin, CHAN Liujia, YI Bing, et al. Chemical composition and pharmacological effects of goji berry[J].Hubei Agricultural Sciences,2022,61(18):120-130.)

[3] TANG Xin,SUN Shaoyi,ZHOU Zejiang,LIU Jun,ZHENG Anran,LIU Dunhua. Study on active ingredients and antioxidant properties of goji berry oil[J].China Condiments,2023,48(07):49-55.)

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